Home > Artist Database > Bio-bibliographic Database > ETIDLOOIE, Kingmeata
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ETIDLOOIE, Kingmeata
- Born
- Itinik Camp, Nunavut, 1915
- Died
- Cape Dorset, Nunavut, 1989
- Biography synopsis
- Inuit artist Kingmeata Etidlooie (Kingmeata/ Etidlui/ Etidloie/ Kingmeeatta/ Kingmeattar) was born and raised at Itinik Camp near Lake Harbour, Nunavut. She married graphic artist Etidlooie Etidlooie (1910-1981). Several of their children became artists, including Etulu Etidlui, Omalluq Oshutsiaq, Pukaluk Etungat and Kellypalik Etidlooie. Like many Inuit, Etidlooie was encouraged to develop her artistic abilities in the 1950s, when she began carving and drawing. After settling in Cape Dorset in the mid-1960s, Etidlooie and her husband joined the internationally-renowned printmaking studio called the West Baffin Eskimo Cooperative. A number of her prints were published in the annual print catalogues from 1970 through 1988. In the 1970's, color field painter K.M. Graham visited Cape Dorset, and remarking the expressive qualities of Etidlooie's prints gave her a set of acrylics. She then began experimenting with watercolors and acrylics, becoming one of the first Inuit artists to explore painterly media. Etidlooie's work has travelled across Canada and the United States, and has been featured in major exhibitions in Japan, Switzerland, Israel, France, and Belgium. Her prints, drawings and paintings reside in numerous collections, including the Canadian Museum of History in Hull, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the Edmonton Art Gallery, the Winnipeg Art Gallery and the National Gallery of Canada, among many others.
- Media used
- Drawing
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
- File & Archive locations
- Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives, QC
- Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
- Edmonton Art Gallery, AB - Library
- McMichael Canadian Art Collection, ON - Library and Archives
- Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
- National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
- University of Calgary Library, AB
- Alberta Culture and Community Spirit - Arts Branch
- Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
- Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON
Writings about- About Arts and Crafts (Autumn 1978): 19
- "Kingmeata Etidlooie (Etidlui; Etidloie; Kingmeattar; Kingmeeatta)." Inuit Art Foundation ?
http://www.inuitartfoundation.org/profiles/artist/Kingmeata-Etidlooie - "Kingmeata Etidlooie." Inuit Artists: A Showcase and Celebration of Inuit Artists and their Art 2023
http://inuitartists.com/collection/kingmeata-etidlooie/ - "Kingmeata Etidlooie." Katilvik: Inuit Art ?
http://katilvik.com/browse/artists/750-kingmeata-etidlooie/ - Art Association of Newport. Eskimo Sculpture, Eskimo Prints and Paintings of Norval Morrisseau Newport, Rhode Island: Art Association of Newport, 1968
- Barz, Sandra. Canadian Inuit Print Artist/Printer Biographies Arts & Culture of the North, 1990
- Barz, Sandra. Inuit Artists Print Workbook New York: Arts & Culture of the North, 1990
- Blodgett, Jean. Grasp Tight the Old Ways: Selections From the Klamer Family Collection of Inuit Art Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1983
- Blodgett, Jean. In Cape Dorset We Do It This Way: Three Decades of Inuit Printmaking Kleinburg, Ont.: McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 1991
- Boden, Jurgen F. and Elke Boden. Canada North of Sixty Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 1991
- Bunkamura Art Gallery. Sojourns to Nunavut: Contemporary Inuit Art from Canada Tokyo, Japan: University of British Columbia Press, 1991
- Cherry, Zena. "N.Y. Showing for Canadian Printmakers." Globe and Mail (13 Jul. 1982): F05.
- Crandall, Richard C. Inuit Art: A History Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland, 2000
- Currie, Rod. "Inuit Art Finds Home in Southern Ontario: 'Can't Risk Cape Dorset Archive'." Gazette (20 Apr. 1991): K4
- Department of External Affairs, Canada. Canadian Eskimo Lithographs: Third Collection Ottawa, ON: Information Canada, 1973
- Finley, Carol. Art of the Far North: Inuit Sculpture, Drawing, and Printmaking Minneapolis, Minn: Lerner Publications Company, 1998
- Halpern, Joel Martin. Perspectives on Inuit Culture: A Five College Symposium and Art Exhibit, April 4-14, 1988 Michigan: Five College Canadian Studies Program, 1989
- Heller, Jules and Nancy. North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century New York: Garland, 1995
- Inuit Gallery of Vancouver. Inuit Drawings Vancouver: Inuit Gallery of Vancouver, 1990
- Inuit Gallery of Vancouver. Return of the Birds Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery, 1983
- Jackson, Marion E. & Judith Nasby. Contemporary Inuit Drawings Guelph, Ontario: MacDonald Stewart Art Centre, 1987
- Jerusalem Artists' House Museum. Polar Vision: Canadian Eskimo Graphics Jerusalem: Na'amat, 1978
- Macdonald Stewart Art Centre. Contemporary Inuit Drawings Guelph, ON: Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, 1989
- Macdonald, John. "Tauvijjuaq; The Great Darkness." Inuit Art Quarterly 8.2 (Summer 1993): 19-25
- Muscarelle Museum of Art. Contemporary Inuit Drawings: The Gift Collection of Frederick and Lucy S. Herman Williamsburg, Virginia: College of William and Mary in Virginia, 1993
- Pitseolak, Peter & Eber, Dorothy. People from Our Side: A Life Story With Photographs 1993
- Purdie, James. "Gallery Reviews." Globe and Mail (17 Feb. 1979): 38
- Reeves, John. "The Women Artists of Cape Dorset." City and Country Home (Apr. 1985): 35-43
- Routledge, Marie. Inuit Art in the 1970's/L'Art Inuit actuel Kingston, Ontario: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 1979
- Routledge, Marie and Marion E. Jackson. Pudlo: Thirty Years of Drawing Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1990
- Schneider, Janet. Eskimo Art Flushing, New York: Queens Museum, 1974
- Speak, Dorothy. "In Cape Dorset We Do It This Way." Inuit Art Quarterly 7.2 (Spring 1992): 38-42
- University of Guelph. The Klamer Family Collection of Inuit Art from the Art Gallery of Ontario Guelph, ON: University of Guelph, 1980
- Volkerkundmuseum der Universitat Zurich. Kunst aus der Arktis Zurich, Switzerland: 1994
- West Baffin Eskimo Co-operative. Cape Dorset Graphics. [Annual] West Baffin Eskimo Co-operative & M.F. Feheley, (1970-1983, 1986, 1988)
- Wight, Darlene Coward. "Building on Strengths: New Inuit Art from the Collection." Tableau: a publication of the Winnipeg Art Gallery 1.5 (1988): 4
- Winnipeg Art Gallery. Looking South Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1978