
Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > SIUPIK, Maggie

Base de données d'artistes

SIUPIK, Maggie

near Puvirnituq, Quebec, 1916
Purvinituq, Quebec?, 1984
Notice biographique
Siupik worked for the Povungnituk Co-operative as an artist, drawing images to be made into prints. She married Juanisialuk who was a printmaker, and she was the mother of Thomassie Irqumia, a stencil-maker. Siupik's work is distinctive in her use of negative space to define various features of her human and animal subjects. Her prints can now be found at the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau, the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, and the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto. Her work was included in two Povungnituk Print Collections - 1965 and 1966 - as well as various exhibits in Canada during the 1980s.
Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library

Documents sur l'artiste
Katilvik.com 2011
Barz, Sandra. Inuit Artists Print Workbook. New York: Arts & Culture of the North, 1990.
Blodgett, Jean. Grasp Tight the Old Ways: Selections From the Klamer Family Collection of Inuit Art. Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1983.
Craig, Mary M., ed. 1984 Povungnituk print collection / Collection de gravures de Povungnituk Ottawa: La Fédération des Coopératives du Nouveau-Québec, 1984.
Fédération des coopératives du Nouveau-Québec. Povungnituk Annual Print Collection / Collection de gravures Quebec: Fédération de coopératives du Nouveau-Québec, 1966.
Furneaux, Patrick & Rosshandler, Leo. Arts of the Eskimos: Prints. Montreal: Signum Press and Oxford University Press, 1974.
Myers, Marybelle Mitchell. Things Made by Inuit. Québec: Fédération des coopératives du Nouveau Québec, 1980.
Roch, Ernst ed. Arts of the Eskimo: Prints. Montreal: Signum Press, 1974.
Société coopérative de Povungnituk. Povungnituk. Québec: Société coopérative de Povungnituk, 1965.

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