Home > Artist Database > Bio-bibliographic Database > HAGEN, Alice Mary Egan
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HAGEN, Alice Mary Egan
- Born
- Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1872
- Died
- Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, 1972
- Biography synopsis
- A prolific and skilled china painter and potter, Alice Hagen continued to study and learn new ceramic techniques throughout her long life. Her interest in china painting was first sparked while she was a student at the Victoria School of Art and Design, Halifax, despite the fact that the subject was not taught there. In the 1890s, Hagen began taking lessons in china painting with Bessie Brown, a local artist. In 1896, she was one of sixteen artists selected to paint a State Dinner Service for the Governor General's residence. The theme of the set, eventually presented to Lady Aberdeen, was "Canada," and Hagen painted the game plates with the game birds of her native land. As a result of this commission, the artist was able to acquire her first kiln in 1896 and begin her ceramics career. That summer, she traveled to New York to study china painting with Adelaide Alsop Robineau. A few years later, in 1898, she became a teacher of china painting herself, in her studio and at the Victoria School of Art and Design. After her marriage to John Hagen in 1901, the family moved to Jamaica in 1912 where Hagen continued to teach and exhibit, donating proceeds to the Red Cross. She was awarded the silver and bronze Musgrave medals by the government of Jamaica. They returned to Halifax in 1917, and she held an exhibition at the Women's Art Association Studio in Toronto shortly thereafter. In 1930, while traveling in France, Hagen visited a pottery that employed disabled war veterans and became interested in the craft. Upon her return to Halifax, she studied with Robert Prescott and set up a pottery studio and kiln at her house in Mahone Bay. An avid experimenter, she developed techniques which allowed her to use local materials, and invented her own blue, white and green ware which she called "Scotian Pebble." In the 1950s, she donated many of her works to the Nova Scotia Museum, the Mount Saint Vincent Museum and the Des Brisay Museum.
- Media used
- China painting
- Drawing
- Painting
- Pottery
- Education
- Victoria School of Art and Design (now NSCAD), 1893 - 1899
- Private study, 1896 (under Adelaide Alsop Robineau)
- Private study, 1890? - 1896? (under Bessie Brown)
- Private study, 1931? - ? (under Robert Prescott)
- File & Archive locations
- Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
- London Public Library, ON
- National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
- University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
- Vancouver Art Gallery, BC - Library
- Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library
- Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON
- Artexte Information Centre, QC - Documentation Centre
- Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
- University of Waterloo Library, ON
Writings about- "94-Year-Old Potter Will Cut Ribbon." Chronicle-Herald (Halifax) 21 Oct. 1966
- "Alice Egan Hagen, Nova Scotia Ceramist." http://msvuart.ca/index.php?menid_02&mtyp_17&article_id=26&win=print Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery, 11 Aug. 2004
- "Alice Hagen." Atlantic Advocate (Fredericton) 62 (Mar. 1972)
- "Alice Mary Hagen fonds." http://www.lib.uwaterloo.ca/discipline/SpecColl/archives/hagen.html Waterloo: University of Waterloo Library, 20 Sept. 2000
- "Artist's gift to NCW library." Chronicle-Herald (Halifax) 14 Jun. 1962
- "Mount Memories of Alice Egan." Folia Montana (Spring 1965)
- "MSVU Headlines. Online Exhibit." http://www.msvu.ca/MediaCentre/NewsEvents/2004/June04/JN04-05.asp Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University, 13 Aug. 2004
- "N.S. pioneer potter, artist dies at 99." Chronicle-Herald (Halifax) 17 Jan. 1972: 20
- "Portrait." Canadian Geographical Journal 28 (Feb. 1944): 73
- "Show Opening Reception." Mail-Star (Halifax) 9 Jul. 1976
- "Symposium set for Mount." Mail-Star (Halifax) 14 Jan. 1982
- "The Mount Art Gallery..." Daily Star (Halifax) 12 Nov. 1992
- "The State Dinner Set." Globe (Toronto) 23 Jul. 1897
- "Work of provincial potter at Mount exhibition." Chronicle-Herald (Halifax) 12 Jun. 1976
- American Federation of Arts. Who's Who in American Art, 1962 New York: R.R. Bowker, 1962
- Barker, Dorothy. "Artist, 94, Still Has Ambition." Sackville Tribune-Post 15 Dec. 1966
- Barnard, Elissa. "Jewels for a Queen; Dishes Fit for a King." Chronicle-Herald (Halifax) 3 Dec. 1984: E2
- Canadian Library Association. Canadian Biographies: Artists and Authors Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 1951
- Canadian Museum of Civilization. This Splendid Gift: the Canadian Historical Dinner Service Ottawa: Canadian Museum of History, 1999
http://www.historymuseum.ca/cmc/exhibitions/hist/cadeau/caint02e.html - Cronin, Keri. "Science on a Salad Plate: Thinking about the Representation of Natural History in the Canadian Historic Dinner Service Project 1." Natural Science in the New World: The Descriptive Enterprise 31: 1-2 (2008)
http://www.erudit.org/en/journals/scientia/2008-v31-n1-2-scientia2574/019757ar.pdf - Crosby, Betty. "There's a revival of interest in china painting." Chronicle-Herald (Halifax) 17 Aug. 1981: 7
- Elwood, Marie. Alice Hagen Halifax, NS: Anna Leonowens Gallery, NSCAD, 1984
- Elwood, Marie. "The State Dinner Service of Canada, 1898." Material History Bulletin/Bulletin d'histoire de la culture matérielle 3 (Spring 1977): 41-49
http://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/MCR/article/view/16955 - Gotlieb, Rachel. "The Art of the Table." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 10 Feb. 2007: L8
- Grevatt, Gerrie. "Hagen Pottery to be exhibited." Chronicle-Herald (Halifax) 12 Jul. 1989: 20
- Hill, Charles. For an Integration of the Arts Artists, Architects, & Artisans: Canadian Art: 1890-1918 Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2013
- Hill, Kay. "Nova Scotia's Pioneer Potter: Alice Mary Hagen of Mahone Bay." Atlantic Advocate (Aug. 1959): 43-48
- Home, Ruth M. "Pottery in Canada." Canadian Geographical Journal 28 (Feb. 1944): 65-77
- Inness, Lorna. "Collectors treasure Alice Hagen's work." Chronicle-Herald (Halifax) 2 Nov. 1990: B5
- Lovelace, Christine. "Digitization: The Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery CHIN project." Council of Nova Scotia Archives Newsletter 37 (Spring 2004): 5-6
- MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009
- MacKeeman, Karl. "Alice Hagen: Few Nova Scotians have been so influential." The 4th Estate (21 Jul. 1976)
- Mayer, Carol E. The Potter's Art: Contributions to the Study of the Koerner Collection of European Ceramics Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Museum of Anthropology, 1997
- McCormick, Heather. The Alice Hagen Collection Halifax, NS: Mount Saint Vincent University, 1994
- McKendry, Blake. A to Z of Canadian Art: Artists and Art Terms Kingston: B. McKendry, 1997
- McLeod, Keith A. "The Splendid Gift." Antique Showcase 33.7 (Apr. 1998): 46-50
- Moore, Marion. "Panoramic View of City Art Exhibition Feature." Mail-Star (Halifax) 22 Jul. 1960: 12
- Moore, Marion. "Pottery Maker Goes On Display Work of 94-Year-Old Artist." Chronicle-Herald (Halifax) 14 Feb. 1966: 16
- Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery. "Alice Egan Hagen, 1872-1972, Nova Scotia Woman." http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/CommunityMemories/AAOB/000a/Exhibits/English/index.htm Virtual Museum of Canada, 2003
- Newlands, Anne. Canadian Art: From its Beginnings to 2000 Richmond Hill: Firefly Books, 2000
- Nova Scotia Society of Artists. Golden Jubilee Exhibition. Halifax: Saint Mary's University Art Gallery, 1972
- O'Neill, Mora Dianne. Diamond Jubilee: Nova Scotia Society of Artists Halifax: Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, 1998
- O'Neill, Mora Dianne. Nova Scotia Society of Artists: Exhibitions and Members 1912-1972 Halifax, NS: Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, 1997
- O'Neill, Mora Dianne. The Artists' Halifax: Portraits of the Town and Harbour through 250 Years Selected from the collection of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Halifax, NS: Formac, 2003
- Petteys, Chris, et al. Dictionary of Women Artists: An International Dictionary of Women Artists Born Before 1900 Boston: G. K. Hall, 1985
- Pierce, Gretchen. "At the Galleries: Outdoor sculptures natural setting." Mail-Star (Halifax) 30 Jul. 1976
- Pierce, Gretchen. "The delicate, lost art of china painting." Chronicle-Herald (Halifax) 29 Jul. 1976
- Pringle, G. "Potter of the Maritimes." Canadian Home Journal 39 (Jan. 1943): back cover
- Settlers' Museum. Alice Hagen: Years in Mahone Bay, 1930-1972 Mahone Bay, NS: Settlers' Museum, 1989
- Sparling, Mary. Alice Hagen 1872-1972, Jul. 8 - Aug. 1, 1976 Halifax, NS: Mount Saint Vincent University, 1976
- Sparling, Mary. Women's Work: A Selection of work by 4 significant Nova Scotia artists Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University, 1981
- Stacey, Robert. "Eighty: 1887-1967." Eighty/Twenty: 100 Years of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Halifax: Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, 1988
- Tippett, Maria. By a Lady. Toronto: Viking, 1992.
- Tyler, Chris. "Alice Hagen Symposium." NSDC Newsletter (Apr. 1982): 6-7
- Tyler, Chris. "Alice Hagen: Pioneer Potter." Artisan (Winter 1982): 8-9
- Weaver, Jim. "Nova Scotia's Year of Clay." Ceramics Monthly 45.3 (Mar. 1997): 55-59