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Qikiqtat Camp, Nunavut, 1915
Pangnirtung, Nunavut, 1995
Biography synopsis
Inuit artist Malaya Akulukjuk (also known as Malaiya/Malia/Kilapik) was born in 1915 (other sources variously state 1912 and 1921) in Qikiqtat Camp (Kirkitant), Nunavut. In her youth, Akulukjuk moved to Pangnirtung. Well respected in the Pangnirtung community, Akulukjuk was given the status of shaman. Through her renditions of anthropomorphic figures, especially her portrayal of bird-women and the Inuit Sea Goddess Sedna, Akulukjuk communicated concepts of Inuit spirituality and shamanism. Akulukjuk's works inspired future generations of artists in Pangnirtung; they used her lively designs as a basis for creating woven tapestries. Akulukjuk's later drawings depict Arctic landscapes. Her works have been showcased in exhibitions across Canada, in Jerusalem, and throughout the United States. Akulukjuk won a Design Award in 1974 for a tapestry created from one of her drawings. In 1979, the Mount Royal Arts Centre in Montreal held a solo exhibition of the artist's works. In 1990, Akulukjuk was commissioned to complete a set of prints for Dow Chemical Canada. To honour her lifetime of artistic achievements, the Pangnirtung Tapestry Studio issued, in 1995, a collection of colorful tapestries that translated Akulukjuk's last drawings into woven works of art. Her work is held at the Agnes Etherington Gallery, Art Gallery of Victoria, and Memorial University of Newfoundland Gallery.
Media used
File & Archive locations
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, QC - Media Centre
Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives, QC
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC

Writings about
Biographies of Inuit Artists, Volumes One and Two Ottawa: Canadian Arctic Producers, Arctic Co-operatives Limited, 1984
"Dow Chemical Commissions Four Pangnirtung Prints [Update]." Inuit Art Quarterly 5.2 (Spring 1990): 47
"Malaya Akulukjuk (Malaiya; Malia; Kilapik)." Katlivik 2010
Auger, Emily Elisabeth. The Way of Inuit Art: Aesthetics and History In and Beyond the Arctic Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, 2005
Barz, Sandra B. "Pangnirtung Tapestries Receive Enthusiastic Response." Arts and Culture of the North 4.2 (Spring 1980): 222
Bennett, John & Rowley, Susan. Uqalurait: An Oral History of Nunavut Canada: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004
Billson, Janet Mancini and Kyra Mancini. Inuit Women: Their Powerful Spirit in a Century of Change Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007
Canada Eskimo Arts Council. Crafts from Arctic Canada/Artisanat de l'Arctique canadien Toronto: Toronto Dominion Centre: Observation Gallery, 1974
Collinson, Helen, et al. Inuit Games and Contests: The Clifford E. Lee Collection of Prints Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta Press, 1978
Crandall, Richard C. Inuit Art: A History Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland, 2000
Cross, L.D. "Nuvisavik: The Place Where We Weave (Review)." Arctic 56.3 (Sept. 2003): 299-300
Cross, L.D. "Woven, Not Carved: The Pangnirtung Tapestries Are Northern Art with Global Appeal." Arctic 56.3 (Sept. 2003): 310-316
Goldfarb, Beverly. "Artists, Weavers, Movers and Shakers." Inuit Art Quarterly (Spring 1989): 14-18
Hessel, Ingo and Dieter. Inuit Art: An Introduction Michigan: Harry N. Abrams, 1998
Hickman, Deborah. "Malaya Akulukjuk - A Tribute (Obituary)." Inuit Art Quarterly 11.1 (1996): 53-56
Hickman, Deborah. "Pangnirtung Weaving Workshop." About Arts and Crafts 3.2 (Autumn 1982): 24-27
Himel, Susan & Lambert, Elaine. "Weaving Reflects Inuit Life." Globe and Mail (17 Sept. 1981): T7
Houston, Alma. Inuit Art: An Anthology Watson & Dwyers Publishers, 1988
Houston, John. Pangnirtung 1976: Prints/Estampes Michigan: 1976
Huret, Pauline. "Les Inuits de l'Arctique canadien." Collection Francophonies, Volumes 13-14 Madison, Wisconsin: CIDEF-AFI, 2003
Jerusalem Artists' House Museum. Polar Vision: Canadian Eskimo Graphics Jerusalem: Na'amat, 1978
Laugrand, Frédéric and Jarich Oosten. The Sea Woman: Sedna in Inuit Shamanism and Art in the Eastern Arctic Fairbanks, Alaska: University of Alaska Press, 2009
Lester, Patrick D. "Akulukjuk, Malaya: Inuit (Eskimo)." The Biographical Directory of Native American Painters. University of Oklahoma Press, 1995
Marks, Edward B.; United Nations. [Reproduction] A World of Art: The United Nations Collection Michigan: Il Cigno Galileo Galilei, 1995
McMaster, Gerald, et al. In the Shadow of the Sun: Perspectives on Contemporary Native Art Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1993
Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery. Permanence: Recent Additions to the Permanent Collection: 30 April- 31 May, 1992 Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery, 1992
National Museum of Man. The Inuit Print/L'estampe inuit Ottawa: National Museum of Man, 1982
Pangnirtung Eskimo Co-operative. Pangnirtung Print Collection (Annual) Pangnirtung: Pangnirtung Eskimo Co-operative, 1975-1994
Pangnirtung Eskimo Co-operative. Pangnirtung Print Retrospective, 1973-1986 Baffin Island: Pangnirtung Eskimo Co-operative, (1973-1986)
Pangnirtung Weave Shop. Pangnirtung Woven Tapestries/Pangnirtung tapisseries tissées Baffin Island: Pangnirtung Weave Shop, (1984-1991)
Sparling, Mary. Contemporary Art from Pangnirtung Halifax, NS: Mount Saint Vincent University, 1991
Thorne, Sarah, ed. Dimensions: Partnerships with Pangnirtung Sarnia: Dow Chemical Canada, 1990
Von Finckenstein, Maria, ed. Nuvisavik: The Place Where We Weave Ottawa, ON: Canadian Museum of Civilzation, 2002
Watt, Virginia. "Reflecting on Pangnirtung Weaving." Inuit Art Quarterly 7.3 (Summer/Fall 1992): 59-61
Wells, Craig. Pangnirtung Printmaking: Heritage and Survival Winnipeg, MN: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1993
Williams, Megan. "Weaving Comes to the North and Thrives." Canada Crafts 5.2 (Jan.-Feb. 1980): 10-11
Williams, Megan. "Weaving in Pangnirtung/Le tissage à Pangnirtung." About Arts and Crafts/L'art et l'artisanat 3.2 (Autumn 1979): 24-27

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