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ANGUTITOK, Irene Kataq

Bathurst Inlet, Nunavut, 1914
?, 1971
Biography synopsis
Irene Kataq Angutitok (Angutitaq/Katak/Katalaea/Katark/Katerk/Katark/Kataleae) was an Inuit sculptor who flourished in Repulse Bay (Nauujat), a small hamlet in Nunavut. Many of her works revolve around Christian biblical stories, which she was encouraged to carve by Father Bernie Franzen. Other sculptures, primarily carved from whalebone, depict standing lone female figures. Angutitok's sculptures have been presented in many exhibitions throughout Canada, and her works are held in collections including the Canadian Museum of Civilization, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and the Winnipeg Art Gallery. In 2002, Angutitok's 1952 walrus ivory and soapstone carving, "Mary and Child," was represented on an International Canadian postage stamp specially issued for the holiday season.
Media used
File & Archive locations
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives

Writings about
"A Christmas Vision, Delivered by Canada Post." Canada NewsWire (22 Oct. 2002): 1
"Irene Kataq Angutitok." Katilvik Waddington's Auctioneers, ?
Adamson, Arthur. "The Swinton Collection of Inuit Art." Inuit Art Quarterly 3.1 (Winter 1988): 19-20
Bouchard, Gilbert A. "Master Fabric Workers Weave Virtuoso Statements." Edmonton Journal (8 Nov. 2002): E13
Brandson, Lorraine E. Carved from the Land: The Eskimo Museum Collection Churchill: Diocese of Churchill Hudson Bay, 1994
Canadian Eskimo Arts Council. Sculpture of the Inuit: Masterworks of the Canadian Arctic/ La sculpture chez les Inuits: Chefs-d'oeuvre de l'Arctique canadian Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1971
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec. Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec/Guilde canadienne des métiers d'art Québec Montreal: Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec, 1980
Driscoll-Engelstad, Bernadette. Uumajut - Animal Imagery in Inuit Art Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1985
Houston, Alma. Inuit Art: An Anthology Watson & Dwyers Publishers, 1988
Inuit Art Section. "Irene-Katak Angutitok." Inuit.net 1995
Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery. The Jacqui and Morris Shumiatcher Collection of Inuit Artists Regina, Saskatchewan: Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1981
Swinton, George. Eskimo Sculpture/Sculpture esquimaude Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1965
Swinton, George. Sculpture of the Inuit Toronto: McLelland & Stewart, 1999
Wight, Darlene. The Jerry Twomey Collection at the Winnipeg Art Gallery: Inuit Sculpture from the Canadian Arctic Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2003
Winnipeg Art Gallery. Eskimo Sculpture Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1967
Winnipeg Art Gallery. Repulse Bay Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1978
Winnipeg Art Gallery. Swinton Collection of Inuit Art Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1987
Winnipeg Art Gallery. The Abbott Collection of Inuit Art Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1980
Winnipeg Art Gallery. The Bessie Bulman Collection Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1973

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