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TUU'LUQ, Marion

Back River delta, Nunavut, 1910
Baker Lake, Nunavut, 2002
Biography synopsis
Marion Tuu'luq (Tuu'Luuq/Anguhadluq/Tudluq/Tulluq/Toodlook) was born in the Back River area of Nunavut. A renowned textile artist, Tuu'luq was a first-generation Inuit artist whose drawings, prints, and wall hangings have been displayed in major exhibitions in Canada and internationally, including a major solo show of her work that opened at the National Gallery of Canada in 2002. She is known primarily for her hundreds of vibrant wall hangings, which use a singular repertoire of images drawn from stories, legends, and personal experiences. Tuu'luq's lively color palette, coupled with her penchant for symmetry and anthropomorphic figures, give her tapestries a unique aesthetic. In 1955, Tuu'luq married fellow artist Luke Anguhadluq. Following famine and hardship in their native village, they moved to the Inuit community of Baker Lake (Qamanittuaq) in 1967. Through her artistic contributions, Tuu'luq became a respected elder of the Baker Lake Inuit community. She later joined the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts in 1978, and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Alberta in 1990.
Media used
Mixed media
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, 1978
File & Archive locations
Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
Edmonton Art Gallery, AB - Library
London Public Library, ON
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, ON - Resource Centre
Toronto Reference Library, ON
Vancouver Art Gallery, BC - Library
Artexte Information Centre, QC - Documentation Centre
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
University of Manitoba - Architecture and Fine Arts Library
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library

Writings about
Biographies of Inuit Artists, Volumes One and Two Ottawa: Canadian Arctic Producers, Arctic Co-operatives Limited, 1984
"Exploring the Fabric of the Arctic." Canadian Interiors 41.2 (Mar./Apr 2004): 10
"From Igloo to Art Gallery: Inuit Artist Marion Tuu'luuq Receives an Honorary Degree From the University of Alberta." Western Report 5.20 (18 Jun. 1990): 49
"Inuit Artist Tuu'luuq Dies." Ottawa Citizen (24 Sept. 2002): C10
"Inuit Traditional Uses of Caribou." Caribou News 6.5 (Feb. 1987): 11-13
"Marion Tuu'luq (1910-2002)." Inuit Art Quarterly 18.1 (Spring 2003): 60-61
"Marion Tuu'luq Receives Honorary Degree." Inuit Art Quarterly 5.3 (Summer 1990): 41
"Marion Tuu'luq." Inuit Art Quarterly 16.3 (Fall 2001): 58
"Marion Tuu'luuq Biography." Galerie Elca London: Art Inuit 2010
Auger, Elizabeth E. "The Cultural and Multicultural Aesthetics of Baker Lake Inuit Artists." American Indian Art Magazine 26.4 (Autumn 2001): 48-59, 94-95
Baele, Nancy. "Old Myths in Prints by Inuit Artists." Ottawa Citizen (2 Jun. 1988): D15
Baker, Marilyn. "Tapestries Reveal Human Will." Winnipeg Free Press 31 Jan. 1980
Baker, Marilyn. "The Tapestries of Marion Tuu'luq." Branching Out 7.2 (1980): 29-32
Blodgett, Jean. Grasp Tight the Old Ways: Selections From the Klamer Family Collection of Inuit Art Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1983
Blodgett, Jean. The Coming and Going of the Shaman: Eskimo Shamanism and Art Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1978
Blodgett, Jean. Tuu'luq/Anguhadluq: An exhibition of works by Marion Tuu'luq and Luke Anguhadluq of Baker Lake Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1977
Bouchard, Marie. Marion Tuu'luq Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2002
Bouchard, Marie. "Marion Tuu'luq." Inuit Art Quarterly 18.1 (Spring/Summer 2003): 34-37
Burnham, Clint. "Treasures From the North." Vancouver Sun (21 Oct. 2006): F2
Butler, Sheila. "Wall Hangings From Baker Lake." Beaver (Autumn 1972): 26-31
Canada Eskimo Arts Council. Crafts from Arctic Canada/Artisanat de l'Arctique canadien Toronto: Toronto Dominion Centre: Observation Gallery, 1974
Canadian Arctic Producers Limited. Keewatin Wallhangings Ottawa: Canadian Arctic Producers, 1979
Charette, Joanne. "Gallery Aims to Integrate Aboriginal Artwork." Ottawa Citizen (8 Mar. 2002): A13
Crandall, Richard C. Inuit Art: A History Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland, 2000
Dault, Julia. "A Touching Tribute to One of Our Foremost Inuit Artists." National Post (26 Feb. 2004): AL06
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Contemporary Indian and Inuit Art of Canada Ottawa: 1985
Driscoll-Engelstad, Bernadette. The Inuit Amautik: I Like My Hood to Be Full Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1980
Driscoll-Engelstad, Bernadette. "A Woman's Vision, A Woman's Voice: Inuit Textile Art From Arctic Canada." Inuit Art Quarterly 9.2 (Summer 1994): 4-13
Driscoll-Engelstad, Bernadette. "Beyond Anonymity: The Emergence of Textile Artists in the Canadian Arctic." Museum Anthropology 20.3 (8 Jan. 2008): 26-38
Driscoll-Engelstad, Bernadette. "The Inuit Collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery." Canadian Antiques & Art Review 2.17 (Apr. 1981): 36-41
Everett, Deborah & Zorn, Elayne. Encyclopedia of Native American Artists Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2008
Fernstrom, Katharine and Anita Jones. Northern Lights: Inuit Textile Art from the Canadian Arctic Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1993
Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea. Immaginario inuit: Arte e cultura degli Esquimesi Canadesi Verona, Italy: Palazzo Forti, 1995
Gautsche, Nancy. "Inuit Art: Tradition and Regeneration: At the Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec." Inuit Art Quarterly 8.2 (1993): 28-31
Gibson, Jennifer. Qiviuq: A Legend in Art Ottawa: Carleton University Art Gallery, 1996
Gillmore, Allison. "Sewing Fine Seams: The Needlecraft of Baker Lake Women." Arts Manitoba 3.4 (Fall 1984): 29-32
Government of Northwest Territories. "Stories by Marion Anguhadluq." Northern People ?: 1976
Hancock, Lyn. "The Artists of NWT." Above & Beyond 3.1 (Winter 1990/1991): 37-40
Hannan, Eleanor. "Marion Tuu'luq Wallhangings at Upstairs Gallery." Artmagazine 48/49 (May-Jun. 1980): 57-59
Heller, Jules and Nancy. North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century New York: Garland, 1995
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Inuit Art Bibliography Ottawa: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 1992
Ingram, Mathew. "From Igloo to Art Gallery." Alberta Report 1990
Jackson, Marion E. & Judith Nasby. Contemporary Inuit Drawings Guelph, Ontario: MacDonald Stewart Art Centre, 1987
Jackson, Marion et al. Qamanittuaq, Where the River Widens: Drawings by Baker Lake Artists. Guelph, Ontario: Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, 1995
Karlinksy, Amy. "Art Exhibition Catalogues." Études Inuit 28.1 (2004): 161-183
Knowles, Valerie. "Marketing Inuit Arts and Crafts." North/Nord 29.3 (Fall 1982): 42-45
Lister, K.R. "Beaded Beauty: Marion Tuu'luq's Embroidered Parka." ROM Magazine 40.2 (2007)
MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009
MacKay, Gillian. "Eskimo Art: Elegance and Big Business." Whig Standard (6 Aug. 1976)
Mackenzie Art Gallery et al. The Royal Canadian Academy of Arts: Prairie Region Exhibition: The Winnipeg Art Gallery , May 30-September 28, 1997. Winnipeg: Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, 1997
Matuz, Roger. St. James Guide to Native North American Artists Detroit: St. James Press, 1998
Merklinger, Elizabeth Schotten. "In the Shadow of the Sun." Inuit Art Quarterly 4.4 (Fall 1989): 20-23
Moses, Daniel David & Goldie, Terry. An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English. Oxford University Press, 2005
Muehlen, Maria. "Baker Lake Wall-Hangings: Starting From Scraps." Inuit Art Quarterly 4.2 (Spring 1989): 6-11
Nasby, Judith M. "Collections: The Macdonald Stewart Art Centre." Inuit Art and Crafts 2 (Dec. 1984): 34-41
National Gallery of Canada. National Gallery of Canada: 02-03, Fall/Winter. Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2002
National Museum of Man. The Inuit Print/L'estampe inuit Ottawa: National Museum of Man, 1982
Newlands, Anne. Canadian Art: From its Beginnings to 2000 Richmond Hill: Firefly Books, 2000
Relke, Diana M. A. ed. The CRIAW Reader: Papers on Literary Productions by Canadian Women 30 (1992)
Sanavik Co-Operative. Baker Lake 1977 Prints/Estampes Canada: Sanavik Co-Operative, 1977
Sanavik Co-Operative. Baker Lake 1986 Prints Canada: Sanavik Co-Operative, 1986
Sanavik Co-Operative. Baker Lake 1987 Prints Canada: Sanavik Co-Operative, 1987
Sanavik Co-Operative. Baker Lake Prints 1988 Canada: Sanavik Co-Operative, 1988
Sanavik Co-Operative. Baker Lake Prints/Estampes 1981 Canada: Sanavik Co-Operative, 1981
Schuler, Corinna. "Inuit Artist Receives Doctorate." Edmonton Journal (8 Jun. 1990): B5
Scott, Melanie. "Marion Tuu'luq: National Gallery of Canada." Art News 10.3 (Mar. 2003): 132
Speak, Dorothy. "Baker Lake Prints 1988." Inuit Art Quarterly 3.3 (Summer 1988): 16-17
Theberge, Sarah. Traduction française de récits autochtones du Canada empruntés aux langues indigènes Sherbrooke, Canada: Université de Sherbrooke, 2009
Upstairs Gallery. Marion Tuu'luq: Wallhangings Winnipeg: Upstairs Gallery, 1980
Van Raalte, Sharon. "Inuit Women and Their Art." Communiqué (Apr. 1975): 21-23
Werier, Val. "Eskimo Artist Takes Her Themes From Nature." Winnipeg Tribune (19 Oct. 1976)
Winnipeg Art Gallery. Baker Lake, Prints & Print-Drawings 1970-1976: February 27 to April 17, 1983 Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1982

Writings by
Tuu'luq, Marion. "A Story of Starvation." Paper Stays Put: A Collection of Inuit Writing Hurtig Publishers, 1980

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