Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > Associations
Base de données d'artistes
- 91 Club, London
- Aberdeen Society of Art
- Alberta Association of Architects (AAA)
- Alberta Community Art Clubs Association
- Alberta Society of Artists
- American Craftsmen's Council
- American Institute of Architects (AIA)
- American Society of Miniature Painters
- American Water color Society
- Amherst Art Association
- Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC)
- Art Association of Montreal
- Art Association of Saskatoon
- Art Center, New York City
- Artists in Stained Glass, Toronto
- Artists, Writers, Broadcasters War Council
- Arts Club, Washington, DC
- Arts Council of Manitoba
- Association des artistes non-figuratifs de Montréal
- Association des graveurs de Québec
- Association des sculpteurs du Québec
- Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA)
- Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario
- Association pour les créateurs artisans du Québec
- Audubon Artists
- Beaver Hall Group
- Beaverlodge Art Club
- Boston Water-Colour Society
- Boulder Art Association, Colorado
- Boulder Artists Guild, Colorado
- Brandon Art Club
- British Columbia Craft Association, Vancouver
- British Columbia Glass Arts Association, Vancouver
- British Columbia Society of Artists
- British Columbia Society of Fine Arts (1908-1950)
- British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects, Vancouver
- British Columbian Potters’ Guild (Potters Guild of BC)
- Brooklyn Society of Miniature Painters
- Calgary Group
- Calgary Sketch Club
- California Art Club
- Canadian Artists' Representation
- Canadian Arts Council
- Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA)
- Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals
- Canadian Association on Gerontology
- Canadian Authors' Association
- Canadian Crafts Council
- Canadian Group of Art Medallists
- Canadian Group of Painters
- Canadian Guild of Potters
- Canadian Handicrafts Guild
- Canadian Institute of Planners
- Canadian Portrait Academy
- Canadian Press Photographers' Union
- Canadian Society of Applied Art
- Canadian Society of Decorative Arts
- Canadian Society of Graphic Art
- Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour
- Canadian Society of Painters, Etchers and Engravers
- Canadian Weaving Guild
- Cariboo Art Society
- Charlottetown Camera Club
- Chicago Society of Etchers
- Color and Form Society
- Colour Photographic Club of Burlington
- Colour Photographic Club of Hamilton
- Commercial and Press Photographers' Association of Canada
- Conseil de la peinture
- Conseil des artistes peintres du Québec
- Conseil québecois de l'estampe
- Contemporary Artists of Hamilton
- Contemporary Arts Society
- Corporation des métiers d'art
- Drawing and Library Club, Victoria
- Eastern Group of Painters
- Edmonton Art Club
- Edmonton Sketch Club
- Edmonton Weavers' Guild
- Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC)
- Environmental Design Research Association
- Fakirs Art Club
- Federation of Canadian Artists
- Fine Arts Society, Summerland, British Columbia
- Gamut Club, New York
- Gerontological Society of America
- Glasgow and West of Scotland Photographic Association
- Glass Art Association of Canada, Toronto
- Glass Art Society, Seattle, WA
- Grande Prairie Art Club
- Grosvenor Gallery Pastel Society
- Guelph Creative Arts Association
- Guelph Painters Group
- Guild of Canadian Weavers
- Hamilton Camera Club
- Hayden Street/Studio Group
- Heliconian Club
- High River Sketch Club
- Independent Art Association
- International Art Medal Association (FIDEM)
- International Art Union
- International Artists Association, Rome, Italy
- International Club, London, England
- International Institute of Arts and Letters
- International Sculpture Center
- Island Arts and Crafts Society
- Kingston Photographic Club
- La Guilde Graphique (Montreal)
- Lace Club of Victoria
- Lambda Alpha International Land Economics Society
- Le Cercle des Artistes Peintres et Sculpteurs du Québec
- League of American Pen Women
- Lethbridge Sketch Club
- Limners Society
- Linked Ring, London
- London Salon of Photography
- Los Angeles Modern Art Society
- Lyceum Women's Art Association
- Manitoba Association of Women Artists
- Manitoba Society of Artists
- Maritime Art Association
- Maritime Professional Photographers Association
- Medallic Art Society of Canada
- Medicine Hat Community Art Clubs Association
- Minas Potters Guild
- Montreal Camera Club
- Moose Jaw Fine Arts Guild, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
- Moose Jaw Women's Art Association, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
- National Arts Club, New York
- National Association for Photographic Art (NAPA)
- National Association of Women Artists
- National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, New York
- National Council of Architectural Registration Boards
- National Fire Prevention Association
- National Portrait Society
- National Serigraph Society, New York, New York
- New York Society of Women Painters and Sculptors
- New York Water Colour Club
- Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council
- Newfoundland Society of Art
- Niagara Artists' Company
- Non-Figurative Artists' Association of Montreal
- Nova Scotia Society of Artists
- Nova Scotia Society of Watercolour Painters
- Oklahoma Art Association
- Old Dudley Art Society
- Ontario Association of Architects (OAA)
- Ontario College of Art Alumni Association
- Ontario Crafts Council
- Ontario Institute of Painters
- Ontario Psychogeriatric Association
- Ontario Society of Artists
- Ontario Society of Photographers
- Order of Canada
- Order of Ontario
- Ordre des architectes du Québec (OAQ)
- Ordre des urbanistes du Québec (OUQ)
- Oregon Society of Artists
- Ottawa Camera Club
- Painters Eleven
- Palette Club
- Pallette and Chisel Club
- Pastel Society of London
- Peace Watercolour Society
- Pen and Brush Club of New York
- Pennsylvania Society of Miniature Painters
- Photographic Society of America
- Pictorial Photographers of America
- Pilchuck Society, Seattle, WA
- Planning Institute of British Columbia (PIBC)
- Prince Albert Arts Council
- Print and Drawing Council of Canada
- Printmakers Council Prince Edward Island
- Prisme d'yeux
- Professional Photographers of America and Canada
- Quebec Provincial Photographers Association
- Quebec Sculptors' Association
- Regina Federation of Artists
- Regroupement des artistes et arts visuel du Quebec
- Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of N.America
- Rosedale League of School Art
- Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC)
- Royal Canadian Academy of Arts
- Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
- Royal Miniature Society
- Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain
- Royal Society of Arts
- Royal Society of British Artists
- Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Engravers (England)
- Royal Society of Painter-Etchers
- Royal Watercolour Society
- Sackville Art Association
- Sarasota Art Association
- Saskatchewan Art Association
- Saskatchewan Society of Artists
- Saskatoon Art Association
- Saskatoon Camera Club
- Sculptors' Society of Canada
- Sketching Club, Victoria
- Social Service Club
- Societe des artistes professionels du Quebec
- Society of British Artists
- Society of Canadian Painter-Etchers and Engravers
- Society of Independent Artists, New York
- Society of Mural Decorators
- Society of North American Goldsmiths
- Society of Scottish Arists
- Society of Women Artists, London, England
- Society of Women Painters and Sculptors, New York
- Soeurs de la Providence
- Southern States Art League
- Sumi-e Artists of Canada Society
- The Prospectors; Boulder, Colorado
- Three Arts Club (New York)
- Toronto Art Students League
- Toronto Camera Club
- Toronto Guild of Photography
- Toronto Ladies Club
- Toronto Society of Architects
- Toronto Women's Press Club
- Trillium Photographic Club
- Union International des Femmes Architectes
- Vancouver Sketch Club
- Vernon Art Association, Vernon, British Columbia
- Victoria Sketch Club
- Victoria University Faculty Women's Association
- Washington Water color Club
- West Vancouver Sketch Club
- Western Ontario Art League
- Westmount Historical Society
- Winnipeg Art Club
- Winnipeg Sketch Club
- Women Painters and Sculptors, New York
- Women's Art Association of Canada
- Women's Art Association of Hamilton
- Women's Art Association of Montreal
- Women's Art Association of Saskatchewan
- Women's Art Club, London, Ontario
- Women's Art Club, New York
- Women's Art Club, Toronto
- Women's Art Society of Montreal
- Women's Canadian Club
- Women's International Art Club