Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > FAUTEUX, Claire
Base de données d'artistes
- Naissance
- Montreal, Quebec, 1890
- Décès
- Montreal, Quebec, 1988
- Notice biographique
- Marie Claire Fauteux studied at the Art Association of Montreal, and then travelled to Europe to continue studying art. She painted portraits and landscapes, worked as a mural decorator, and a professor of fine arts. She first exhibited her work at the Art Association of Montreal in 1912, and continued to show her paintings there until 1947. She debuted her work at the Royal Canadian Academy in 1916, but would only show there four more times before 1947. In 1916-1917, Fauteux exhibited her work with two other female artists, Rita Mount and B. Lemoine, in a small group show at the Saint Sulpice Library in Montreal. She was a teacher at the Trafalgar Institute in Montreal and at the boarding school Notre Dame du Sacre Coeur in New York. After the First World War she went to Paris with the bursary she received from the Women's Art Society in 1921. Fauteux worked for the Archives of Canada while in France, copying old documents. She took classes from Maurice Denis for two years. As a British subject, Fauteux was held prisoner first in Besançon and later in Vittel during the German occupation of France, sketching and drawing how she and the other inmates spent their time for the seven months she was detained. These drawings would later be rendered into paintings, as well as provide illustrations for her own book, "Fantastic Interlude," which detailed her experiences as a prisoner of war in France. She returned to Canada in 1944 and she was featured in an exposition at the Galerie l'Art Francais in Montreal in 1947. She would then go on to teach painting at the School of Fine Arts in Montreal.
- Médias
- Book illustration
- Drawing
- Painting
- Etudes
- Art Association of Montreal, 1907 - ? (Sous la direction de W. Brymner, M. Cullen, R. Pilot, A. Lismer)
- Académie Julian, Paris (Sous la direction de Guillaumat)
- Private study (Sous la direction de Maurice Denis)
- Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
- Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
- Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
- Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON
- National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
- Toronto Reference Library, ON
- Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
Documents sur l'artiste- Catalogue des peintures, aquarelles et pastels exposés à la Bibliothèque Saint-Sulpice par Mesdemoiselles R. Mount, C. Fauteux, B. LeMoyne Montréal, QC: Bibliothèque Saint-Sulpice, 1916.
- "A Final Glance Around the Art Exhibition Here." Daily Star (Montreal) 12 Apr. 1922: 6.
- "Art Works On View Set High Standard: Thirty-Eighth Annual Exhibition of Royal Canadian Academy Is Opened." Gazette (Montreal) 17 Nov. 1916.
- "Canadian Academy Full of Interest." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 21 Nov. 1921.
- "Claire Fauteux Shows Variety in Paintings." Gazette (Montreal) 20 Jan. 1951.
- "Claire Fauteux Shows Works in Three Media." Gazette (Montreal) 4 Oct. 1947.
- "Claire Fauteux Water Colours." Montreal Daily Star 8 Oct. 1947.
- "Exposition à la galérie d'art français, Montréal." Arts, Beaux Arts, Litérature, Spectacles (10 Oct. 1947): 5.
- "Femina Exhibit is Inaugurated." Quebec Chronicle Telegraph 11 Feb. 1947.
- "Fewer Paintings, Higher Standards: Thirty-Eighth Annual Exhibition of Art Association of Montreal." Gazette (Montreal) 1 Apr. 1921.
- "High Standard Set by R.C.A. Pictures: Forty-Fourth Exhibition Opened With Private View Last Night." Gazette (Montreal) 17 Nov. 1922: 9.
- "L'exposition de Claire Fauteux à la galérie de l'art français." Photo Journal (Montreal) 16 Oct. 1947.
- "Le Salon du Printemps." La Patrie (Montreal) 26 Mar. 1928: 17.
- "Le salon du printemps." Le Devoir (Montreal) 4 Apr. 1940: 4.
- "Nos femmes artistes admirées à Québec." La Presse (Montreal) 20 Mar. 1947.
- "Paintings by Three at Art Association." Gazette (Montreal) 25 May 1946.
- "Three Painters At Art Gallery" Daily Star Montreal: 23 May, 1946..
- Bertrand, Magdeleine. Les Femmes artistes du Québec de 1875 à 1925 Montreal: Université de Montréal, 1990.
- Bourbeau, Géraldine. "Claire Fauteux." Liaison 1.9 (Nov. 1947): 556-8.
- Canadian Newspaper Service. Canadian Newspaper Service Reference Book: Biographical Reference Data and General Information Montreal: Canadian Newspaper Service, Ltd, 1940.
- Desbiens, Lucien. "Les salons: Mlle Claire Fauteux." Le Devoir (Montreal) 2 Jan. 1934.
- Desjardins, Marie-Paule. Dictionnaire biographique des femmes célèbres et rémarquables de notre histoire Montréal: Guérin, 2007.
- Gauvreau, Claude. "Révolution à la société d'art contemporain." Le Quartier Latin (Québec) 5 Dec. 1946: 5.
- Huot, Maurice. "La peinture: Claire Fauteux." La Patrie (Montreal) 16 Jan. 1951.
- Karel, David. Dictionnaire des artistes de langue française en Amérique du Nord: peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs, graveurs, photographes et orfèvres Quebec: Museé du Québec, 1992.
- Laliberté, Alfred. Les Artistes de mon temps Montreal: Le Boréal, 1986.
- Langley, Anne. "Nine to Five." Herald (Montreal) 29 May 1946.
- Letondal, Henri. "Une exposition des Oeuvres de Mlle Claire Fauteux." La Patrie (Montreal) ?.
- McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing. Royal Canadian Academy of Arts/Académie royale des arts du Canada: Exhibitions and Members 1880-1979 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981.
- Morgan-Powell, S. "A Final Glance Around the Art Exhibition Here." Star (Montreal) 12 Apr. 1922.
- Musée du Québec. Catalogue exposition "Fémina," Sylvia Daoust, A.R.C.A., Simone Dénéchaud, Suzanne Duquet, Claire Fauteux, Agnes Lefort, G. Paige Pinneo, Marian Scott Quebec: Musée du Québec, 1947.
- Musée du Quebec. Catalogue: Exposition "Fémina", Sylvia Daoust, A.R.C.A., Simone Dénéchaud, Suzanne Duquet, Claire Fauteux, Agnès Lefort, G. Paige Pinneo, Marian Scott Québec: Musée de la Province de Québec, 1947.
- Trepanier, Esther and Landry, Pierre. Femmes artistes du XXe siecle au Quebec: Oeuvres du Musee national des beaux-arts du Quebec Quebec, Quebec: Musee national des beaux-arts du Quebec, 2010..
Documents rédigés par l'artiste- Fauteux, Claire. Fantastic Interlude New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1961.
Texte intégral de compte rendu (pdf).- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 14, 1912) "Princess Patricia's Work Shown at Spring Exhibition of the Art Association." Daily Witness (Montreal) mars 15, 1912. p.11. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 14, 1912) "Art Opening, a Social Event. A Princess Exhibits." Gazette (Montreal) mars 15, 1912. p.4. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 26, 1915) "Spring Art Show Has 478 Exhibits. Even Excellence Dominant Note at Art Association Which Opened Last Night. Nothing Very Daring." Gazette (Montreal) mars 26, 1915. p.5. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 26, 1915) Fabien, Henri. "Chronique d'art. Le salon du printemps. I." Le Devoir (Montreal) avril 10, 1915. p.1. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 24, 1916) "Younger Artists Well Represented. Some Leading Exhibitors Are Absent from Thirty-Third Spring Exhibition." Gazette (Montreal) mars 24, 1916. p.6. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 24, 1916) Henri Fabien. "Au salon du printemps. Peintres, sculpteurs, graveurs." Le Devoir (Montréal) avril 03, 1916. p.1. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 16, 1916) "Art Works on View Set High Standard." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 17, 1916. p.7. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 22, 1917) "No Freak Pictures at Spring Show. Big Exhibition at Art Gallery but Works Small in Size. An Added Attraction: French War Posters, Medals and Souvenirs on View to Aid Red Cross Work." Gazette (Montreal) mars 23, 1917. p.13. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 04, 1918) E.B.. "Artists Young and Well-known in Exhibition." Montreal Herald avril 05, 1918. p.6. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 04, 1918) "Spring Exhibition at Art Gallery. Returned Soldier Exhibits Two Works Sketched at the Front." Gazette (Montreal) avril 05, 1918. p.5. Comptes rendus intégraux
- The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto; Montreal (Fall), avril 05, 1918) "Spring Exhibit at Art Gallery. Returned Soldier Exhibits Two Works Sketched at the Front. Four Artists Overseas. Late Exhibition of R.C.A. Held Works that Usually Came to Montreal - Good Watercolors." Gazette (Montreal) avril 05, 1918. p.7. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 20, 1919) "Exposition artistique a Montreal. Ouverture du Salon des peintres et des sculpteurs a la Art Association." La Presse mars 21, 1919. p.21. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 20, 1919) "L'ouverture du salon." Le Canada (Montreal) mars 22, 1919. p.3. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 25, 1920) "Artist's Efforts Reach High Level." Gazette (Montreal) mars 26, 1920. p.6. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 01, 1921) "Le salon du printemps." Le Devoir (Montreal) avril 01, 1921. p.8. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 01, 1921) "Exposition de peintures par nos artistes. Quantité de toiles remarquables et fort intéressantes exposées au salon." La Presse (Montreal) avril 01, 1921. p.7. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 01, 1921) "Fewer Paintings, Higher Standards. Thirty-Eighth Annual Exhibition of Art Association of Montreal. Private View Last Night." Gazette (Montreal) avril 01, 1921. p.11. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 01, 1921) "Le trente-huitieme salon s'ouvre au musse des arts. Les pièces d'exposition sont nombreuses et, autant que d'inspiration, différentes de facture. Souci de la technique. La recherche minutieuse des nuances. Couleurs. Etudes physiognomiques." Le Canada (Montreal) avril 04, 1921. p.8,5. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 01, 1921) "Spring Exhibition at the Art Galleries." Montreal Herald avril 04, 1921. p.3. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, novembre 17, 1921) Hector Charlesworth. "Impressions of the Royal Canadian Academy." Toronto Saturday Night novembre 26, 1921. p.5. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 21, 1922) "Exhibits Drawn From Wide Area. Growing Importance of Spring Art Exhibition More Generally Recognized." Gazette (Montreal) mars 21, 1922. p.5. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 21, 1922) S. Morgan-Powell. "A Final Glance Around the Art Exhibition Here. II." Montreal Daily Star avril 12, 1922. p.6. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 16, 1922) "High Standard Set by R.C.A. Pictures. Forty-Fourth Exhibition Opened With Private View Last Night." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 17, 1922. p.9. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 16, 1922) Albert Laberge. "Paysages et portraits." La Presse (Montreal) novembre 22, 1922. p.2. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 16, 1922) ALIQUIS.. "L'actualité. Au salon." Le Devoir (Montreal) novembre 23, 1922. p.1. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 21, 1929) "Spring Exhibition at Art Galleries. Jury Selection Sympathetic to Sincere and Normal Work - Promise Shown by New Exhibitors." Gazette (Montreal) mars 22, 1929. p.12. Comptes rendus intégraux