
Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > BILLER, Olive Allen

Base de données d'artistes

BILLER, Olive Allen

Ormskirk, England, 1879
Vancouver, British Columbia, 1957
Notice biographique
Olive Allen Biller attended the Slade School of Art in London (1900-1903) where she was instructed by Herbert McNair. Before immigrating to Canada, her illustrations were published in at least ten books, and she wrote and illustrated stories for children's annuals and magazines such as Blackie's and Girl's Realm. In 1912, Allen immigrated to Qu'Appelle Valley, Saskatchewan, to marry Jack Biller who was killed in 1916. She and her two children John and Jill then moved to James Island, British Columbia. During this time she published poems and wrote children's plays. Her landscape paintings were shown with the Vancouver Island Arts and Crafts Society. After relocating to Vancouver in 1934, she took classes at the newly opened B.C. College of Art, studying with FH Varley, Jock Macdonald and Tonschek Ustinov.
Book illustration
British Columbia College of Art, 1934c - ? (Sous la direction de FH Varley, Jock Macdonald, Tonschek Ustinov)
Island Arts and Crafts Society
Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
University of British Columbia - Rare Books and Special Collections
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
University of Glasgow, UK - Whistler Correspondence
British Columbia Archives

Documents sur l'artiste
Romkey, Sarah. "The Olive Allen Biller Collection" http://www.library.ubc.ca/spcoll/displays/OliveAllenBiller Vancouver: UBC Library Rare Books and Special Collections, 2007.
Swallow, Derek. "Olive Allen Biller (1879-1957): Painter, Illustrator, Writer" ?.

Documents rédigés par l'artiste
Biller, Olive. Prairie Volume 1 Unpublished (1917-1919), ?.
Biller, Olive. "Weekly News From James." Sidney Review British Columbia: 01Sept. 1921: 1.
Biller, Olive. "Weekly News From James." Sidney Review British Columbia: 06 Nov. 1924: 1.
Biller, Olive Allen. "Junk From James [Ode to Wong]." Sidney Review 13 Jul. 1922: 5.

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