Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > GORDON, Hortense
Base de données d'artistes
GORDON, Hortense
- Naissance
- Hamilton, Ontario, 1889
- Décès
- Hamilton, Ontario, 1961
- Notice biographique
- Hortense Gordon (née Mattice) took Saturday morning art classes with John Sloan Gordon at the Hamilton Art School while she was a public school student, 1895-1903. She married him in 1920. She studied with Hans Hofmann in 1945; she was the first Canadian to do so and the first to teach his theories in Canada. She taught design and applied arts, particularly china painting, at the Hamilton Technical School 1916-1951 and in 1934 she became head of the Institute. She began painting in an abstract idiom in the mid-1940s. She had her first solo show in 1952. She gave many public lectures on abstract art. She was an Associate of the Royal Canadian Academy, a member of the Canadian Society of Graphic Artists, the Contemporary Artists of Hamilton, the Women’s Art Association of Hamilton (founding member), the Ontario Society of Artists (1904), North Shore Arts Association of Gloucester, Massachusetts, the International Federation of Art, Zurich, and the Art Teachers Guild, London. She was a founding member (1953) of Painters Eleven. She showed her work extensively and was known to be enthusiastic about seeking out exhibition opportunities. She showed at Galerie Agnes Lefort, Montreal (solo exhibition 1952), and in "Exhibition of Paintings by Hortense M. Gordon A.R.C.A." in Burlington Public Library, 1957. She showed in annual exhibitions of Hamilton artists 1927-1940 and in annual exhibitions of the Hamilton Women’s Art Association, the Contemporary Artists of Hamilton and with the Art Club of Hamilton. She showed with Painters Eleven in various exhibitions in Montreal and Ottawa. Her work was in "Four Modern Canadians," at the Willistead Art Gallery, 1954 (with Jock Macdonald, Sidney Watson and P.H. Taçon). She showed in Canadian Women Artists at Riverside Museum, New York, 1952 and at the 20th Annual Exhibition of American Abstract Artists with Painters Eleven in 1956.
- Médias
- Painting
- Associations
- Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Associate
- Canadian Society of Graphic Art
- Ontario Society of Artists, 1904
- Painters Eleven, 1953; Founding member
- Contemporary Artists of Hamilton
- Women's Art Association of Hamilton, Founding member, 1894
- Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
- Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
- National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
- University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
- Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library
- Vancouver Art Gallery, BC - Library
- Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON
- Archives de Radio Canada
- Toronto Reference Library, ON
- Hamilton Public Library, ON - Local History and Archives Department
- Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
Documents sur l'artiste- "?" Expositor (Brantford) 24 Jan. 1959.
- "?" Hamilton Spectator 20 Jan. 1959.
- "?" Montreal Star 29 Nov. 1952.
- "Art." Michigan Daily 20 Apr. 1952.
- "Artist Guest Speaker at First Zonta Meeting." Hamilton News 15 Sept. 1950.
- "Canada Gains from Local Art Exhibit: Technical School Work was Great Sensation at Prague." Hamilton Spectator 15 Sept. 1928.
- "Color and Courage Combine in Exhibition by 'Painters Eleven.'" Oshawa Times-Gazette 27 Mar. 1956.
- "Exhibition of Modern Art to Open on Friday." Burlington Gazette May 1957.
- "Femmes peintres canadiennes." Le Devoir (Montreal) 23 Mar. 1948: 6.
- "Fine Work Marks R.C.A. Exhibition." Gazette (Montreal) 20 Nov. 1925.
- "Gallery on display." Chatham Daily News 19 Mar. 1993.
- "Gordon Exhibition." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 11 May 1957.
- "Hamilton Artist Won Praise in Canada, U.S." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 8 Nov. 1961.
- "Hortense M. Gordon Showing Abstracts." Gazette (Montreal) 29 Nov. 1952.
- "Hortense M. Gordon." Art Digest 26 (15 Jan. 1952): 26.
- "Hortense M. Gordon." Art News 50 (Jan. 1952): 42.
- "Modern Art Follows Set Patterns Hortense Gordon Tells Kent Artists." Chatham Daily News 17 May 1952.
- "Modern Painting Trend Described." Hamilton Spectator 25 Feb. 1956.
- "Mrs. H.M. Gordon." Toronto Daily Star 8 Nov. 1961.
- "New Paintings in Art Gallery." Hamilton Spectator 12 Feb. 1921.
- "News About ..." Hamilton Spectator 20 Jan. 1959.
- "Painters Eleven." Telegram (Toronto) 11 Feb. 1961.
- "Paintings by Husband, Wife on Exhibit Here." Expositor (Brantford) 7 Dec. 1946.
- "Shown In New Zealand, Art On Display Here." Spectator (Hamilton) 4 Sept. 1956.
- "Spring Exhibition of Art Was Opened on Thursday." Montreal Star 17 Mar. 1933: 19.
- "Tells of Life in Labrador." Hamilton Spectator 2 Mar. 1956.
- Anderson, Janice. Closed Systems: Alexandra Luke, Hortense Gordon and the Canadian Art History Canon Montreal, QC: Concordia University, 1995.
- Ayre, Robert. "Art Notes: Varied Styles Offered by Group Here." Montreal Star 29 Nov. 1952: 21.
- Broad, Graham. "Painters Eleven: The Shock of the New." The Beaver 84.1 (2004): 20-27.
- Creative Gallery. Hortense M. Gordon Eldorado, USA: Unknown, 1952.
- Delzell, Sylvia. "Art Brushes." Hamilton Spectator 26 Mar. 1955.
- Dingman, Elizabeth. "She's Been Abstract for a Long Time." Toronto Telegram 2 Feb. 1961.
- Farr, Dorothy and Luckyj, Natalie. From Women's Eyes: Women Painters in Canada Kingston: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 1975.
- Fulford, Robert. "The Modern Artist Who has Painted for Half a Century." Mayfair (Apr. 1955): 81-82.
- Fulford, Robert. "World of Art: Hortense Gordon." Toronto Daily Star 11 Nov. 1961.
- Fulford, Robert. "World of Art: Pioneers." Toronto Daily Star 4 Feb. 1961: 28.
- Galérie Agnès Lefort. Chronologie des expositions Montreal: Galérie Agnès Lefort, 1996.
- Heller, Jules and Nancy. North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century New York: Garland, 1995.
- Inglis, Grace. "Hortense and J.S. Gordon: They Deserve More Notice Than They've Got." Hamilton Spectator Sept. 15 1984.
- Inglis, Grace. "Paint Group had Lasting Influence." Hamilton Spectator 19 Dec. 1981.
- Lebow, Julius. "Artist and Teacher 'Symbol of Vitality.'" Hamilton Spectator 16 Mar. 1963.
- MacCuaig, Stuart. Climbing the Cold White Peaks: A Survey of Artists in and from Hamilton 1910-1950 Hamilton: Hamilton Artists Inc, 1986.
- MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009.
- Mahoney, Jeff. "Hamilton Boasts a Rich Artistic Legacy." Hamilton Spectator 8 Jun. 1996.
- Mahony, Jeff. "The Push and Pull of Hortense Gordon." Hamilton Spectator 2 Jun. 1994: D1.
- Mawr, David. "Abstract Art Dominates Gallery Shows." Windsor Daily Star 9 Jan. 1954: 25.
- McCarthy, Pearl. "Pseudo-Psychology, Bane of Abstractionists." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 4 Feb. 1961: 15.
- McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing. Royal Canadian Academy of Arts/Académie royale des arts du Canada: Exhibitions and Members 1880-1979 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981.
- Murray, Joan. "Ray Mead: Thoughtful Abstractions." Chimo! 3 (Oct. 1980): 28-32.
- Nasgaard, Roald. Abstract Painting in Canada Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre, 2008.
- National Council of Women of Canada. Canadian Women Artists' Exhibition, Sponsored by Local Council of Women of Kitchener Kitchener: Canadian Arts Council and Department of External Affairs, 1947.
- National Council of Women of Canada. Femmes peintres canadiennes: Expositions présentée par le conseil national des femmes canadiennes 1947.
- Nowell, Iris. Painters Eleven: The Wild Ones of Canadian Art Vancouver, Brisith Columbia: Douglas & McIntyre, 2011.
- O'Brien, Paddy. A Dedicated Life: Hortense Mattice Gordon Chatham, ON: Chatham Cultural Centre, 1993.
- Plaskett, Joe. "Some New Canadian Artists and Their Debt To Hans Hofmann." Canadian Art 10.2 (1953): 59-63.
- Poon, Jessica. Harmonious Disagreement: Painters Eleven, Abstraction, and the Construction of Canadian Modernism in the 1950s Vancouver, B.C.: University of British Colombia, Ph.D Dissertation, 2018.
- Preston, Stuart. "New Shows in Wide Range." New York Times 15 Apr. 1956: II9.
- Reference Division, McPherson Library, compilers. Creative Canada: A Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Creative and Performing Arts Toronto: University of Toronto Press, University of Victoria, 1971.
- Repentigny, Robert de. "Enfin, les 'Onze' à leur meilleur." La Presse (Montreal) 3 May 1958.
- Town, Harold. Hortense Gordon Toronto: Gallery Moos, 1961.
- Vorres, Ian. "Painters Eleven Show Controversial Works." Hamilton Spectator 5 Jun. 1958.
- White, Peter. "Art works reflect the lay of the land." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 29 Jul. 1978.
- Willistead Art Gallery. Four Modern Canadians Willistead (Ontario): Willistead Art Gallery, ?.
- Woods, Kathryn Reid. A History of Painters Eleven Oshawa, ON: The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 1970.
- Woods, Kay. "A History of Painters Eleven." Artscanada 226-227 (May-Jun. 1979).
Texte intégral de compte rendu (pdf).- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 19, 1925) "Fine Work Marks R.C.A. Exhibition. New Schools Offer Contrast to Solidly-Based Qualities of Older and Established Painters." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 20, 1925. p.10. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 21, 1929) "Spring Exhibition at Art Galleries. Jury Selection Sympathetic to Sincere and Normal Work - Promise Shown by New Exhibitors." Gazette (Montreal) mars 22, 1929. p.12. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 21, 1929) "R.C.A. Show Opened with Private View. Fifty-first Annual Exhibition Housed in Art Association Galleries." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 22, 1929. p.18. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 20, 1931) "Art Association 48th Spring Show High In Interest." Gazette (Montreal) mars 21, 1931. p.16. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 19, 1931) "Wide Range of Art In R.C.A. Exhibition." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 20, 1931. p.10. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 19, 1931) "Canadian Artists Are Well Represented At R.C.A. Exhibition." Montreal Star novembre 20, 1931. p.19. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 19, 1931) "Paintings Show Big Advance on Those of Last Exhibition.`" Standard (Montreal) décembre 05, 1931. p.54. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 17, 1932) "Art Association's Spring Exhibition Is 49th of Series. Some Five Hundred Works Greet Invited Guests at Private View." Gazette (Montreal) mars 18, 1932. p.6. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 16, 1933) "Spring Exhibition of Art Association Was Opened on Thursday." Montreal Star mars 17, 1933. p.19. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 16, 1933) "50th Spring Show Opened to Public. Jury Shows Open Mind. From Over 1,000 Entries, 543 Works Representative of Various Schools Have Been Selected." Gazette (Montreal) mars 17, 1933. p.6. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 1933) "Governor-General Opens Annual Art Exhibition. His Excellency Recalls Tradition of Predecessors-Stresses Art's Part in Renaissance of National Taste." Montreal Star novembre 17, 1933. p.20. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 1933) "Royal Canadian Academy's 54th Exhibition." Montreal Star novembre 22, 1933. p.15. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 15, 1934) "Art Association Spring Show Opens. Private View Inaugurates Exhibition Containing Over Five Hundred Works." Gazette (Montreal) avril 20, 1934. p.17. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 15, 1934) "Fifty-First Spring Exhibition of the Art Association." Montreal Star avril 20, 1934. p.15. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 15, 1934) Reynald. "Le 51e salon de printemps. Morte-saison pour les nôtres." La Presse (Montreal) avril 20, 1934. p.29. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 21, 1935) "Spring Exhibition of Art Association Opened on Thursday." Montreal Star mars 22, 1935. p.17. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 21, 1935) "Nearly 500 Works at Spring Exhibit. Variety in Show at Galleries of Art Association of Montreal. 1,080 Items Submitted. Judges Reveal Open Minds and 52nd Annual Contains Much to Meet Differing Tastes." Gazette (Montreal) mars 22, 1935. p.3. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Montreal, novembre 21, 1935) Reynald. "Le 56e Salon de l'Académie. A défaut de révéler des tendances neuves, le Salon garde une allure distinguée et une belle tenue d'ensemble. Plus de "bon ton" que de vitalité. Maints portraits." La Presse (Montreal) novembre 22, 1935. p.19. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Montreal, novembre 21, 1935) "The Fifty-Sixth Exhibition of the Canadian Academy." Montreal Star novembre 22, 1935. p.13. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Montreal, novembre 21, 1935) "Art Gallery Scene of R.C.A. Exhibition. Paintings and Other Works from Various Canadian Points Total 444. Much Good Portraiture." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 23, 1935. p.19. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 19, 1936) "Annual Spring Exhibition at Art Association." Montreal Star mars 20, 1936. p.8. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 19, 1936) "Spring Exhibition on Generous Scale. Show at Art Gallery Opened Last Night Contains 621 Items." Gazette (Montreal) mars 20, 1936. p.2. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 18, 1937) "Nearly 500 Works at Spring Exhibit. Art Association's 54th Annual Show Opens with Private Views. Judges Open-Minded." Gazette (Montreal) mars 19, 1937. p.13,17. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 18, 1937) "The Spring Exhibition of the Art Association." Montreal Star mars 19, 1937. p.17. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 18, 1937) "Royal Canadian Academy Show is Opened at Art Association. Portraiture Represented by Good Examples and Landscapes as Usual Predominate." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 19, 1937. p.12. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, novembre 16, 1939) "R.C.A. Exhibition Has Private View. Over 300 Works in Galleries of Art Association of Montreal. Standard Maintained." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 17, 1939. p.5. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, novembre 16, 1939) "Canadian Academy Opens Sixtieth Exhibition." Montreal Star novembre 17, 1939. p.11. Comptes rendus intégraux