
Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > McNAUGHT, Euphemia

Base de données d'artistes

McNAUGHT, Euphemia

Glenmorris, Ontario, 1901
Beaverlodge, Alberta, 2002
Notice biographique
Known for her scenes of pioneer life and landscapes of Peace River Country, Euphemia "Betty" McNaught did much to foster art and culture in rural Alberta. In 1912, McNaught's family left Glenmorris and traveled west, where they settled on a homestead near Beaverlodge. After teaching for two years at the local school, McNaught decided to enroll as a student at the Ontario College of Art. There, she studied under Arthur Lismer and J. E H. MacDonald, and also met fellow Alberta artist Annora Brown. She graduated in 1929 and moved to Calgary, where she taught at Mount Royal College for two years. In 1931 McNaught exhibited with the Art Association of Montreal. In 1935 she moved to central Canada to teach at the Ontario Ladies' College in Whitby, but returned to Beaverlodge one year later following the death of her father. During the war McNaught and her friend Evy McBryan received permission from Prime Minister Mackenzie King to document the construction of the Alaska Highway in paintings. She resumed teaching from 1955-58 in Grande Prairie at the University of Alberta Department of Extension. Throughout her career, McNaught participated in several solo and group exhibitions, including the Alberta Society of Artists at the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede (1931), and at the National Gallery of Canada just prior to her death. Highly involved in the Alberta arts scene, she was founder of the Grande Prairie Art Club, the Beaverlodge Art Club, and the Peace Watercolour Society. In addition, she was a member of the Alberta Society of Artists (elected a lifetime member in 1985). In recognition of her accomplishments McNaught was awarded the Alberta Achievement Award of Excellence in Art (1977) and the Sir Frederick Haultain Prize (1982).
Book illustration
Oil painting
Pen and Ink
Ontario College of Art & Design (formerly Ontario School of Art), ? - 1929 (Sous la direction de J. E. H. MacDonald and Arthur Lismer)
Alberta Society of Artists
Beaverlodge Art Club
Grande Prairie Art Club
Peace Watercolour Society
Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
Museum of Modern Art, NY
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
University of Calgary Library, AB
Vancouver Art Gallery, BC - Library
Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library
Artexte Information Centre, QC - Documentation Centre
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
Calgary Public Library, AB - Arts Department
South Peace Regional Archives, AB

Documents sur l'artiste
McNaught Homestead Heritage: A Natural Gathering Place ?
Tea with Betty Grande Prairie, Alberta: Visual Works, 1994.
"5 for Family: Top Five Family Events for Jan. 7-8." Edmonton Journal 7 Jan. 2006: B6.
"A Brush with Peace." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 15 May 1991: C1.
"Euphemia McNaught." Beaverlodge Arts and Culture Society Beaverlodge, Alberta: Beaverlodge Gallery, 2019
"McNaught Homestead Preservation Society: Following Betty's Trail." http://www.mcnaughthomestead.org-a.googlepages.com/ ?.
"Monkman Pass Memorial Trail Driving Tour." www.env.gov.bc.ca/.../MonkmanPassMemorialTrail-DrivingRoute.pdf 2009.
"Museums & Galleries." Edmonton Journal 26 Aug - 6 Jan. 2006.
Ainslie, Patricia and Mary-Beth LaViolette. Alberta Art and Artists: An Overview Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 2007.
Alberta Art Foundation. Spaces and Places: Eight Decades of Landscape Painting in Alberta Edmonton, Alberta: Alberta Art Foundation, 1986
Art Gallery of Alberta. The Road: Constructing the Alaska Highway Edmonton: Art Gallery of Alberta, 2007.
Beauchamp, Elizabeth. "Alberta Drawing in Good Hands." Edmonton Journal 22 Apr. 1989: F1.
Beauchamp, Elizabeth. "Artists Relate to Expansive Prairie Vastness." Edmonton Journal 7 Dec. 1990: C10.
Cockburn, Neco. "Artist Painted, Taught Beauty of the North: National Gallery Display Among Her Many Honours." Edmonton Journal 28 May 2002: B8.
Cook, Sharon Anne, et al., eds. Framing Our Past: Canadian Women's History in the 20th Century Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2001.
Dudley, Wendy. "Age Just a State of Mind to Pioneer Alberta Artist." Calgary Herald 23 Jun. 1989: E1.
Fenton, Terry and Karen Wilkin. Art in Alberta: Paul Kane to the Present Edmonton, Alberta: Edmonton Art Gallery, 1973.
Ginn, Elizabeth M. Euphemia McNaught: A Regional Focus Grande Prairie, Alberta: Prairie Gallery, 1994.
Guest, Robert C. Beaverlodge Artists Beaverlodge, Alberta: Beaverlodge and District Historical Association, 1974.
Helm, Charles. "Stony Lake: History, Trails & Recreation." www.pris.bc.ca/wnms/stonylake.pdf ?: 9.
Hustak, Alan. "Keeper of the Peace." Alberta Report 10 (14 Nov. 1983): 57.
Hutchinson, Brian. "Portrait of the Artist as a Pioneer." Alberta Report 21.11 (28 Feb. 1994): 34.
Laviolette, Mary-Beth. "The Alberta Foundation for the Arts Collection." Artichoke 13.2 (Summer 2001): 16-23.
Mandel, Charles. "Just For the Love of It...; Canadian Block Printing Never Looked So Good." Edmonton Journal 13 Jan. 1999: C2.
Mays, John Bentley. "Art History of Alberta Tells Story of Isolation." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 6 Aug. 1980: 13.
Mays, John Bentley. "Art Review." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 18 May 1991: C14.
Mays, John Bentley. "Euphemia McNaught's Prairie Gift." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 27 Apr. 1995: C5.
Mays, John Bentley. "Off the Wall Landscapes." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 15 May 1991: C1.
McLaughlin, Catherine. "Preserving the McNaught Homestead." Art of the Peace 1 (Summer 2003)
Norbury, F.M.. "Alberta Pictures to Tour Dominion.” Edmonton Journal 07 Jan. 1946: 5.
Olivier, Victor. "The Record." Report Newsmagazine (The Alberta Edition) 29.13 (24 Jun. 2002): 55.
Perry, Isabel. Euphemia McNaught: Pioneer Artist of the Peace Edmonton: Reidmore Books, 1982.
Pettit, Donald. The Peace: A History in Photographs Dawson Creek: Peace Photographics, 2008.
Prairie Gallery. Euphemia McNaught: Images of the North Grande Prairie, Alberta: Prairie Gallery, 1989.
Tiesenhausen, Peter von. "In Memoriam: Euphemia McNaught." Artichoke 14.2 (2002).
Tippett, Maria. By a Lady Toronto: Viking, 1992.
Tousley, Nancy. "Artists Make Big Contribution to a Tiny Exhibition." Calgary Herald 18 Apr. 1990: D1.
Tousley, Nancy. "Today's Best: Art." Calgary Herald 9 Dec. 1995: B7.
Townshend, Nancy. A History of Art in Alberta, 1905-1970 Calgary: Bayeux, 2005.
Weatherbe, S. "Euphemia's Overdue [Haultain] Prize." Alberta Report 9 (9 Aug. 1982): 50-1.
Willock & Sax Gallery. "Euphemia McNaught AOCA." http://www.willockandsaxgallery.com/mcnaught.htm 2009.
Zimon, Kathy E. Alberta Society of Artists: The First Seventy Years Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2000.

Texte intégral de compte rendu (pdf).
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 20, 1931) "Art Association 48th Spring Show High In Interest."  Gazette (Montreal)  mars 21, 1931.  p.16.   Comptes rendus intégraux

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