Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > MARSH, Winifred Florence Petchey
Base de données d'artistes
MARSH, Winifred Florence Petchey
- Naissance
- London, England, 1905
- Décès
- ?, 1995
- Notice biographique
- While studying at the Hornsey School of Arts and Crafts in London, Marsh received a number of scholarships for different media between 1920 – 1926 as well as an art teachers certificate in 1930. She became an art teacher in 1930 and moved to Canada in 1933, arriving at Eskimo Point (Baffin Island) in the NWT where she became wife of missionary Archdeadon Don Marsh. She spent winter months at Owen Sound. In addition to assisting her husband, she represented the life of the people, depicting and documenting their environment and lifestyle highlighting their clothing. She also painted Arctic flora and beadwork. Petchey’s work, noted for light and color, were exhibited at an Ottawa gallery (1940), Royal Canadian Academy (1942), and Coste House in Calgary (1951). Petchey was a member of the Society of Graphic Art (England) in 1930 and the National Society of Art Masters in 1931. She also wrote and illustrated a book depicting the lifestyle of the Padlemuit Eskimos in the 1930s. Her work is held at the McMichael Canadian Collection.
- Médias
- Painting
- Watercolour
- Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
- Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
- Edmonton Art Gallery, AB - Library
- Hamilton Public Library, ON - Local History and Archives Department
- London Public Library, ON
- Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON
- National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
- University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
- Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library
Documents sur l'artiste- “Two Paintings chosen for Academy Exhibit.” Sun Times (Owen Sound) 7 Nov. 1942.
- EWH.. “Eskimo Life seen in Fine Water-Color Show.” Ottawa Citizen 3 June 1940.
- Issenman, B. Sinews of Survival : The Living Legacy of Inuit Clothing, UBC Press Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997.
- MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009.
- Marsh, Donald B and Winifred Petchey Marsh. Echoes from a Frozen Land Edmonton, AB: Hurtig, 1987.
- Milroy, Sarah. Uninvited: Canadian Women Artists in the Modern Moment Vancouver: Figure 1, 2021.
- Packwood, Keith and National Film Board of Canada. Donald and Winifred Marsh’s Missionary Encounter with the Padlimiut Otttawa, ON.: National Film Board of Canada, 1996.
- Scanlon, E. "Winifred Florence (Petchey) Marsh : March 31, 1905 - July 23, 1995." Arctic News 1995 Fall - Winte: 13.
- Schenner, Douglas. “People of the Willow." (book review) Archivaria 4 (Summer 1977): 244-245.
- Warren, David. "Images from the Canada we Knew." The Ottawa Citizen 25 Jan 2009: A14.
Documents rédigés par l'artiste- Marsh, Winifred Florence Petchey. People of the Willow: the Padlimiut Tribe of the Caribou Eskimo Toronto, Ontario: Oxford University Press, 1976.
- Marsh, Winifred Florence Petchey and Donald Marsh. Echoes from a Frozen Land Edmonton Albertan: Hurtig, 1987.
- Marsh, Winifred Florence Petchey and Donald Marsh. Echoes into Tomorrow Newmarket, Ontario: Marsh, 1991.
- Marsh, Winifred Petchey. People of the Willow: The Padlimiut Tribe of the Caribou Eskimo Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1976.
Texte intégral de compte rendu (pdf).- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, novembre 16, 1939) "R.C.A. Exhibition Has Private View. Over 300 Works in Galleries of Art Association of Montreal. Standard Maintained." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 17, 1939. p.5. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, novembre 16, 1939) "Canadian Academy Opens Sixtieth Exhibition." Montreal Star novembre 17, 1939. p.11. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, novembre 16, 1939) Reynald. "Le 60e Salon de l'Académie." La Presse novembre 17, 1939. pp.9,16. Comptes rendus intégraux