
Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > MORTIMER, Florence Maud

Base de données d'artistes

MORTIMER, Florence Maud

Wakkerstroon, South Africa, 1879
Edmonton, Alberta, 1959
Notice biographique
Florence Mortimer studied painting in Bath, England and subsequently taught there before settling in the Peace River region of northern Alberta with her husband in 1911. They moved to Edmonton in 1926 when her husband became ill, and she returned to teaching art to support her family. As one of the city's first art instructors, she taught a number of Edmonton's aspiring artists over a thirty year period. She became a member of the Edmonton Art Club and was accepted into the Alberta Society of Artists (1937). She remained an active artist into the 1940s and 1950s. Mortimer is known for her miniature works as well as flower paintings and landscapes. She exhibited with the Women Sketch Hunters of Alberta shows in the 1930s, and in 1937 the Royal Canadian Academy exhibited one of her miniature portraits. Mortimer also won a national holiday card design contest put on by the Hudson’s Bay Company for her painting, "River Valley." Some of her works are held by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts.
Government School of Art, Bath, England
South Kensington Art Schools
Alberta Society of Artists, 1937, 1943-47, 50-52, 57
Edmonton Art Club, 1925-1949c
Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC

Documents sur l'artiste
"Edmonton Artists Work on Display." Vancouver Sun 13 Jan. 1943: 12.
"Mrs. F. M. Mortimer heads Artist Group." Edmonton Journal 20 Jan. 1945: 12.
“Art Club Member, Miss Mitchell Dies.” Edmonton Journal 28 May 1950:.
“Miss Hilda Pauline Mitchell.” Edmonton Journal 27 May 1950.
Alberta Art Foundation. Spaces and Places: Eight Decades of Landscape Painting in Alberta Edmonton, Alberta: Alberta Art Foundation, 1986
Kidd, Elizabeth. Florence Mortimer, Painter and Pioneer Edmonton: Edmonton Art Gallery, 1993.
Lariviere, Mike. "Skill exploited at EAG! Horrific Details." Edmonton Journal 15 May 1993.
MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009.
McCarthy, Pearl. "Artist from West Recall Pioneer Life in Peace River." The Globe and Mail 10 Aug. 1943: 10.
Norbury, F.H. “Fine Work by City Artists.” Edmonton Journal 17 Apr. 1933.
Norbury, F.H.. “Development of Native Art Noted in Competitive Classes.” Edmonton Journal 15 July 1930.
Norbury, F.M.. "Alberta Pictures to Tour Dominion.” Edmonton Journal 07 Jan. 1946: 5.
Townshend, Nancy. A History of Art in Alberta, 1905-1970 Calgary: Bayeux, 2005.
Zimon, Kathy E. Alberta Society of Artists: The First Seventy Years Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2000.

Texte intégral de compte rendu (pdf).
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 18, 1937) "Royal Canadian Academy Show is Opened at Art Association. Portraiture Represented by Good Examples and Landscapes as Usual Predominate."  Gazette (Montreal)  novembre 19, 1937.  p.12.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, novembre 16, 1939) "R.C.A. Exhibition Has Private View. Over 300 Works in Galleries of Art Association of Montreal. Standard Maintained."  Gazette (Montreal)  novembre 17, 1939.  p.5.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, novembre 16, 1939) "Canadian Academy Opens Sixtieth Exhibition."  Montreal Star  novembre 17, 1939.  p.11.   Comptes rendus intégraux

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