Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > HAWORTH, Bobs Cogill
Base de données d'artistes
HAWORTH, Bobs Cogill
- Naissance
- Queenstown, South Africa, 1900
- Décès
- Toronto, Ontario, 1988
- Notice biographique
- Barbara Zema Warbain Haworth "Bobs" (née Cogill) studied at the Royal College of Art, London, England with Rothenstein, Tristram and Dora M. Billington. She graduated from the University of London and moved to Toronto in 1923. In 1928, she began teaching ceramics at the Toronto Central Technical School where she taught for thirty years. During the 40s and 50s, she also lectured at the University of Toronto. She was commissioned to record activities of the Canadian Armed Forces in British Columbia during World War II and design silkscreen prints for the National Gallery of Canada. She and her husband had an exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery in 1946. She was a member of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour, the Canadian Group of Painters, the Royal Canadian Academy (A.R.C.A.,1948), the Ontario Society of Artists, and was Honorary President of the Canadian Guild of Potters. Together with her husband they illustrated Marius Barbeau's "Kingdom of the Saguenay" (1936), and she illustrated the book "Habitant Merchant." Her painting and ceramics works are held at the National Gallery of Canada, National Gallery of South Africa, and the Art Gallery of Ontario among others.
- Médias
- Book illustration
- Mural painting and decoration
- Painting
- Pottery
- Etudes
- Royal College of Art, London, England (Sous la direction de Rothenstein; Tristram, Dora M. Billington)
- University of London
- Associations
- Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour
- Canadian Group of Painters
- Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Associate, 1948
- Ontario Society of Artists
- Canadian Guild of Potters, Honorary President
- Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
- Queen's University Archives, ON
- Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
- Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives, QC
- Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
- Edmonton Art Gallery, AB - Library
- London Public Library, ON
- Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
- National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
- Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery, ON
- Toronto Reference Library, ON
- University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
- University of Calgary Library, AB
- Vancouver Art Gallery, BC - Library
- Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library
- Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON
Documents sur l'artiste- Toronto Saturday Night (2 Apr. 1949).
- " ... Group Shows at Art Association." Gazette (Montreal) 5 Jan. 1946.
- "59 Paintings Auctioned for Refugees' Benefit Bring Total of $2459." Ottawa Citizen 4 Oct. 1940.
- "Art Exhibit Discussed: Private Showing Given Members of Windsor Association." Windsor Star 1 Dec. 1942.
- "Canadian Group Show at Art Association: Varied Offerings Occupy Two Main Galleries." Gazette (Montreal) 8 Jan. 1944.
- "Canadian Group Shows Nearly 100 Paintings." Gazette (Montreal) 10 Jan. 1948.
- "Femmes peintres canadiennes." Le Devoir (Montreal) 23 Mar. 1948: 6.
- "Le décor des pêcheries." La Presse (Montreal) 27 Mar. 1948.
- "N.Y. Art Show Features Works of Canadians." Montreal Daily Star 29 Apr. 1947: 9.
- "Oil Paintings Now on Display Here." Times-Globe (Saint John) 2 Nov. 1943: G1.
- "Oil Paintings On View Next Week." Times-Globe (Saint John) Oct - Nov.(?) 1943.
- "Painting Exhibit is Being Held Over." Times-Globe (Saint John) 6 Nov. 1943.
- ? The Journal, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (May 1927): 169.
- Aitken, Kate. "Montreal Women's Art Chosen for NY Exhibit." Standard (Montreal) 29 Mar. 1947: 12.
- Art Gallery of Ontario. Rody Kenny Courtice, B.Cogill Haworth, Yvonne McKague Housser, Isabel McLaughlin, November 15th-December 15, 1940 Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1940.
- Ayre, Robert. "Art News and Reviews: Canada's Art Exhibition At the World's Fair 'Credit to the Dominion'." Standard (Montreal) 8 May 1939: M7.
- Ayre, Robert. "Art Notes: Spring Show May Become A National Institution." Star (Montreal) 17 May 1952.
- Ayre, Robert. "Contemporary Painting: Art Surveys Canadian Scene." Montreal Star 11 Nov. 1963.
- Ayre, Robert. "Significant Exhibition at Toronto by Diligent Canadian Group of Painters 'Bristling With Signs of the Times'." Standard (Toronto) 18 Nov. 1939: M6.
- Boutilier, Alicia. 4 Women Who Painted in the 1930s and 1940s: Rody Kenny Courtice, Bobs Cogill Haworth, Yvonne McKague Housser and Isabel McLaughlin Ottawa: Carleton University Art Gallery, 1998.
- Brigden, F.H. "A Review of the Arts at the Canadian National Exhibition, 1932." Journal, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (Oct. 1932): 230-232.
- Canadian Group of Painters. Canadian Group of Painters, Exhibition 1942 Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1942.
- Canadian Group of Painters. Canadian Group of Painters, Exhibition 1955-1956 Montreal: 1956.
- Canadian Group of Painters. Canadian Group of Painters, Exhibition 1957 Montreal: 1957.
- Canadian Group of Painters. Canadian Group of Painters, Exhibition 1958 Vancouver: 1958.
- Canadian Group of Painters. Canadian Group of Painters, Exhibition 1959 Toronto: 1959.
- Canadian Group of Painters. Canadian Group of Painters, Exhibition 1960 Montreal: 1960.
- Canadian Group of Painters. Canadian Group of Painters, Exhibition 1961 Vancouver: 1961.
- Canadian Group of Painters. Canadian Group of Painters, Exhibition 1962 Toronto: 1962.
- Canadian Group of Painters. Canadian Group of Painters, Exhibition 1963-1964 Montreal: 1963.
- Canadian Group of Painters. Canadian Group of Painters, Exhibition 1965 Victoria: 1965.
- Canadian Group of Painters. Canadian Group of Painters, Exhibition 1966 Hamilton: 1966.
- Duval, Paul. Canadian Water Colour Painting Toronto: Burns & MacEachern, 1954.
- Farr, Dorothy and Luckyj, Natalie. From Women's Eyes: Women Painters in Canada Kingston: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 1975.
- Garnet, Dustin. "Zema and Peter Haworth: A Double-jointed Biography from the History of Art Education." International Journal of Education through Art 11.2 (2015): 277-300..
- Jackson, A.Y. A Painter's Country Toronto: Clarke Irwin, 1972.
- Jacob, Luis. Form follows Fiction: Art and Artists in Toronto London, England: Black Dog Press & Art Gallery University of Toronto, 2020.
- Jewell, Edward Alden. "Canadian Women Offer Art Display." New York Times 29 Apr. 1947: 33.
- Kritzwiser, Kay. "Housewife's prize means a larger studio." Globe & Mail (Toronto) 6 Oct. 1969: 15.
- Kritzwiser, Kay. "They Paint in Tandem, yet Miles Apart." Globe and Mail Apr. 1975.
- MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009.
- Mawr, David. "Canadian Group of Painters Exhibit Opens." Windsor Daily Star 14 May 1949.
- McCarthy, Pearl. "Art and Artists: Fine Show Home Again From N.Y." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 6 Sept. 1947: 8.
- McInnes, G. Campbell. Canadian Art Toronto: MacMillan, 1950.
- Museu nacional de belas artes. Pintura Canadense Contemporarnea Rio De Janeiro: Museu nacional de belas artes, 1944.
- National Council of Women of Canada. Canadian Women Artists' Exhibition, Sponsored by Local Council of Women of Kitchener Kitchener: Canadian Arts Council and Department of External Affairs, 1947.
- National Council of Women of Canada. Femmes peintres canadiennes: Expositions présentée par le conseil national des femmes canadiennes 1947.
- National Gallery of Canada. Exhibition of Contemporary Canadian Painting Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1936.
- Normand, Renee. "Les Arts: Ayant presente un forum..." Le Canada (Montreal) 18 Jan. 1949.
- Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Ninety-Seventh Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1969 London, Ontario: Unknown, 1969.
- Palette. "B.C. Coast at War Depicted by Noted Toronto Artists." Province (Vancouver) 20 Jan. 1944.
- Royal Canadian Academy. Royal Canadian Academy 87th Annual Exhibition 1966 Toronto: 1966.
- Royal Canadian Academy. Royal Canadian Academy 88th Annual Exhibition 1967 Montreal: 1967.
- Surrey, Philip. "Silk Screen Prints Enlist." Canadian Art 1.2 (Dec-Jan.) 1943-4.
- Tippett, Maria. By a Lady. Toronto: Viking, 1992..
- Vancouver Art Gallery. Do You Own a Contemporary Painting? Annual Exhibition Organized by the Women's Auxiliary to the Vancouver Art Gallery Vancouver: 1960.
Documents rédigés par l'artiste- Barbeau, Marius; Illustrated by Bobs Cohill & Peter Haworth. Kingdom of the Saguenay Toronto: MacMillan, 1936.
Texte intégral de compte rendu (pdf).- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 19, 1931) "Wide Range of Art In R.C.A. Exhibition." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 20, 1931. p.10. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mars 1932) Hector Charlesworth. "O.S.A's Sixtieth Show." Toronto Saturday Night mars 19, 1932. p.10. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mars 1934) Lucy Van Gogh. "Art World." Toronto Saturday Night mars 10, 1934. p.9. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Montreal, novembre 21, 1935) "The Fifty-Sixth Exhibition of the Canadian Academy." Montreal Star novembre 22, 1935. p.13. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Montreal, novembre 21, 1935) Reynald. "Le 56e Salon de l'Académie. A défaut de révéler des tendances neuves, le Salon garde une allure distinguée et une belle tenue d'ensemble. Plus de "bon ton" que de vitalité. Maints portraits." La Presse (Montreal) novembre 22, 1935. p.19. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Montreal, novembre 21, 1935) "Art Gallery Scene of R.C.A. Exhibition. Paintings and Other Works from Various Canadian Points Total 444. Much Good Portraiture." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 23, 1935. p.19. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, 1936) Fred H. Brigden. "The Fifty-Seventh Annual Exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts." Royal Architectural Institute of Canada décembre 1936. 13.12: pp.216-223. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 18, 1937) "Royal Canadian Academy Show is Opened at Art Association. Portraiture Represented by Good Examples and Landscapes as Usual Predominate." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 19, 1937. p.12. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, novembre 18, 1938) Graham McInnes. "But They Have Nice Frames!" Toronto Saturday Night novembre 26, 1938. p.22. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mars 03, 1939) Graham McInnes. "World of Art. Light-Hearted Seriousness." Toronto Saturday Night mars 11, 1939. p.22. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, novembre 16, 1939) "R.C.A. Exhibition Has Private View. Over 300 Works in Galleries of Art Association of Montreal. Standard Maintained." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 17, 1939. p.5. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, novembre 16, 1939) "Canadian Academy Opens Sixtieth Exhibition." Montreal Star novembre 17, 1939. p.11. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, octobre 11, 1940) Graham McInnes. "A Great Little Show." Toronto Saturday Night octobre 26, 1940. p.26. Comptes rendus intégraux