Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > BRITTON, Henrietta Hancock
Base de données d'artistes
BRITTON, Henrietta Hancock
- Naissance
- Ealing West, England, 1873
- Décès
- Toronto, Ontario, 1963
- Notice biographique
- Henrietta Hancock Britton, also known as Mrs. Harry Britton, was born in the Ealing West area of London in 1873. She immigrated to Canada with her parents in 1874, where she lived in both Brandon, Manitoba and Toronto, Ontario. Britton's art studies began in 1891 in the Ontario School of Art and Design, but she later studied privately with William Cruickshank. She was an active member of the Art Student's League in Toronto, for which she acted as Treasurer in 1896, and while she was an instructor at the Bishop Strachan School. Britton was the Director of Art at Brandon College from 1906 until 1911 and while living in Manitoba was a founding member of the Brandon Art Club. Harry Britton was another private instructor, whom she married while studying art with him in England. After settling in Cornwall for a number of years the couple returned to Canada, moving to Toronto in 1914. Britton is known for painting landscapes, portraits and seascapes. She was a member of the Baptist community, and acted as a student and teacher in that capacity, also becoming a member of the Mendelssohn Choir. Her commissions include a mural at the Ossington Avenue Church and one at Scott Mission, both in Toronto. Britton exhibited with the Royal Canadian Academy from 1905-1946 and the Art Association of Montreal in 1945 and 1946. The National Gallery of Canada and private collectors own her work.
- Médias
- Painting
- Pastels
- Watercolour
- Etudes
- Toronto Art School, 1891 - ?
- Private study (Sous la direction de William Cruickshank (1901), Harry Britton (1912))
- Associations
- Toronto Art Students League, 1887; Treasurer 1896
- Brandon Art Club, Founding member 1907
- Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
- National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
- Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
- Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
- Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
Documents sur l'artiste- Exhibition of Pictures: Oils and Watercolours by Harry Britton, A.R.C.A., Pastel Drawings by Henrietta Britton Toronto: T. Eaton, 1926.
- "Art Club Plans Splendid Program; Will Study British Art this Year; Special Musicales Being Arranged." Brandon Sun 27 Oct. 1922.
- "High Standard Set by R.C.A. Pictures. Forty-Fourth Exhibition Opened with Private View Last Night." Gazette (Montreal) 17 Nov. 1922: 9.
- "Mrs. Harry Britton." Canadian Baptist (Toronto) 1 Sept. 1963.
- ?, Diana. "The Sun Sisters' Page: An Hour and a Half in the Art World." The Farmers' Sun (Ontario) 10 Dec. 1919.
- Colgate, William. Canadian Art, its Origin and Development Toronto: Ryerson, 1943.
- Graham, Angela. "The Manitoba Historical Society: Henrietta Hancock Britton (1873-1963)." 2008.
- Harper, J. Russell. Early Painters and Engravers in Canada Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970.
- Hopkins, John Castell. The Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs Toronto: Canadian Review Co. Ltd, 1927.
- Hughes, Margaret E. A Guide to Canadian Painters Toronto: King's Printer, 1940.
- McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Formerly Art Association of Montreal: Spring Exhibitions, 1880-1970 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988.
- McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing. Royal Canadian Academy of Arts/Académie royale des arts du Canada: Exhibitions and Members 1880-1979 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981.
- National Gallery of Canada. National Gallery of Canada Catalogue of Canadian Art Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1967.
- Ontario Provincial Library Service. Ontario Library Review Toronto: Provincial Library Service, 1940.
- Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Forty-Ninth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1921 Toronto: Ontario Society of Artists, 1921.
- Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Sixty-Fourth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1936 Toronto: 1936.
- Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Sixty-Sixth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1938 Toronto: 1938.
- Petteys, Chris, et al. Dictionary of Women Artists: An International Dictionary of Women Artists Born Before 1900 Boston: G. K. Hall, 1985.
- Prakash, A. K. Independent Spirit: Early Canadian Women's Art Buffalo, New York: Firefly Books, 2008.
- Stewart, Herbert Leslie. The Dalhousie Review Halifax: Dalhousie University, 1930.
- Westbridge, Anthony R. The Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction Vancouver: Westbridge Publications, 2001.
Texte intégral de compte rendu (pdf).- Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mars 02, 1901) Lynn C. Doyle. "At the Art Gallery." Globe (Toronto) mars 09, 1901. p.26. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mars 11, 1916) M.L.A.F.. "Some Pictures at the Art Gallery." Toronto Star mars 11, 1916. p.5. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mars 11, 1916) Hector Charlesworth. "Pictures That Can be Heard. A Survey of the Ontario Society of Artists Exhibition." Toronto Saturday Night mars 18, 1916. p.5. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mars 11, 1916) "Toronto." American Art News avril 08, 1916. 14.27: p.7. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 16, 1916) "Art Works on View Set High Standard." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 17, 1916. p.7. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mars 01, 1917) "Many Fine Paintings at O.S.A. Exhibition." The Globe (Toronto) mars 10, 1917. p.21. Comptes rendus intégraux
- The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto; Montreal (Fall), avril 05, 1918) "Academy Opens in New Gallery. With O.S.A., Holds Notable Exhibition of Pictures and Sculpture." Globe (Toronto) avril 06, 1918. p.14. Comptes rendus intégraux
- The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto; Montreal (Fall), avril 05, 1918) "War-time Note in Academy Pictures. Camouflaged Shipping the Subject of Some Historically Interesting Works. Standard Maintained. Painters Producing Fewer Works Evidenced by Showing Pictures Exhibited Last Spring in Toronto." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 22, 1918. p.11. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mars 08, 1919) "O.S.A. Annual Exhibition. Colour, Vigour and Originality Chief Characteristics of the Works. Great War Records." Globe (Toronto) mars 08, 1919. p.8. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mars 08, 1919) M.L.A.F.. "Younger Artists Come to the Front. Fine Display of Newer Art at the Exhibition of Ontario Society of Artists." Toronto Star mars 08, 1919. p.29. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mars 08, 1919) "Art and Artists." Globe (Toronto) avril 05, 1919. p.10. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 18, 1920) "Art of Canadians Well Represented." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 19, 1920. p.9. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 16, 1922) "High Standard Set by R.C.A. Pictures. Forty-Fourth Exhibition Opened With Private View Last Night." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 17, 1922. p.9. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, novembre 22, 1923) A. S. Wrenshall. "Toronto" American Art News décembre 01, 1923. 22.8: p.9. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 24, 1927) J. Rene de Cotret. "Le salon annuel de l'A.R.C.A. Il est fort intéressant par le nombre et la variété des oeuvres exposées. L'hiver Canadien. Clarence Gagnon, F.S. Coburn et quelques autres le mettent fort en honneur." Le Canada (Montreal) novembre 25, 1927. p.4. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 24, 1927) "R.C.A. Exhibition Nearing Jubilee. Much Meritorious Work Shown, but Younger Painters Tend to Shallowness and Emptiness." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 25, 1927. p.7. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 24, 1927) Albert Laberge. "Appréciation de quelques toiles du Salon des artistes Canadiens." La Presse (Montreal) décembre 03, 1927. p.52. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 24, 1927) "The Royal Academy of Arts at Montreal. Stylists and Conventionalists Draw Contradictory Opinions." Canadian Homes and Gardens janvier 1928. 5:1: pp.64,66. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, novembre 29, 1928) Mary-Etta MacPherson. "Canadian Art in Review. Gleanings from the Fiftieth Exhibition of the Royal Canadian Academy, Held in Toronto Recently." Canadian Homes and Gardens février 1929. pp.20-21. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, novembre 1932) "New Names on Roster of Artists Whose Work Academy Has Accepted. Fifty-third Annual Exhibition Royal Canadian Academy Opened- Two Hundred Canvases." Evening Telegram (Toronto) novembre 05, 1932. p.14. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 1933) "Le 54e salon de l'Académie. Qualité des portraits." La Presse (Montreal) novembre 17, 1933. p.8. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 1933) "Governor-General Opens Annual Art Exhibition. His Excellency Recalls Tradition of Predecessors-Stresses Art's Part in Renaissance of National Taste." Montreal Star novembre 17, 1933. p.20. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 1933) "Royal Canadian Academy's 54th Exhibition." Montreal Star novembre 22, 1933. p.15. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 1933) "Art Gallery is Needed. Royal Canadian Academy for 1933 has Notable Pictures." Windsor Star décembre 14, 1933. p.18. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Montreal, novembre 21, 1935) Reynald. "Le 56e Salon de l'Académie. A défaut de révéler des tendances neuves, le Salon garde une allure distinguée et une belle tenue d'ensemble. Plus de "bon ton" que de vitalité. Maints portraits." La Presse (Montreal) novembre 22, 1935. p.19. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Montreal, novembre 21, 1935) "The Fifty-Sixth Exhibition of the Canadian Academy." Montreal Star novembre 22, 1935. p.13. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Montreal, novembre 21, 1935) "Art Gallery Scene of R.C.A. Exhibition. Paintings and Other Works from Various Canadian Points Total 444. Much Good Portraiture." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 23, 1935. p.19. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Montreal, novembre 21, 1935) H. Poynter Bell. "The Fifty-Sixth Annual Exhibition of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts." Royal Architectural Institute of Canada décembre 1935. pp.195-198, 202. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 18, 1937) "Royal Canadian Academy Show is Opened at Art Association. Portraiture Represented by Good Examples and Landscapes as Usual Predominate." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 19, 1937. p.12. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, novembre 16, 1939) Reynald. "Le 60e Salon de l'Académie." La Presse novembre 17, 1939. pp.9,16. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, novembre 16, 1939) "Canadian Academy Opens Sixtieth Exhibition." Montreal Star novembre 17, 1939. p.11. Comptes rendus intégraux
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, novembre 16, 1939) "R.C.A. Exhibition Has Private View. Over 300 Works in Galleries of Art Association of Montreal. Standard Maintained." Gazette (Montreal) novembre 17, 1939. p.5. Comptes rendus intégraux