
Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > MAYNARD, Hannah Hatherly

Base de données d'artistes

MAYNARD, Hannah Hatherly

Bude, England, 1834
Victoria, British Columbia, 1918
Notice biographique
Hannah Hatherly married Richard Maynard in 1852 and sailed with him to Canada, where they lived in the province of Ontario. They subsequently moved to the colony of Vancouver Island along with their four children in 1862. Maynard, having learned photography in Ontario, opened one of the city's first portrait studios, Mrs. R. Maynard's Photographic Gallery in Victoria. The Maynards traveled throughout the Pacific Northwest, creating an extensive collection of negatives. While both Hannah Maynard and her husband Richard practiced landscape photography, Maynard's most adventurous work had to do with with techniques such as photosculpture, multiple exposures, composite images, and cut-and-paste montage. Maynard's work in both landscape and portrait photography has made an important contribution to the documentation of British Columbia history. A likely influence on Maynard's experimentation with multiple exposures in the 1890s and their unique self reflection was her involvement with the spiritualist movement.
Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
University of Calgary Library, AB
Vancouver Art Gallery, BC - Library
Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
Vancouver Public Library, BC - Fine Arts and History Department
University of Victoria, BC - McPherson Library
British Columbia Archives

Documents sur l'artiste
"...among the collection..." St. Louis Photographer 12. 7 (Jul. 1894): 341.
"Mrs. Maynard is celebrated..." Practical Photographer (1 May 1894): 109-10.
"Notice of Removal." Colonist (Victoria) 23 Oct. 1874.
"Our Picture." St. Louis Photographer (1885): 297.
"Prominent among the leading...." New West (Winnipeg) (1888): 200.
"Through a Lens Darkly: Hannah Maynard lived in a era when." Times-Colonist (Victoria) 3 Jul. 1995: 1.
Allen, Mary. Situating Hannah Maynard: A Comparison with Hannah Hoch History of Photography 33.3 (Aug 2009): 237-48.
Bassnett, Sarah and S. Bassnett. Photography in Canada, 1839 to 1989 Toronto, ON: Art Canada Institute, 2023
Bellerby, George. The Photographs of Hannah Maynard: 19th Century Portraits Vancouver: Charles H. Scott Gallery, 1992.
Blackman, Margaret B. "Studio Indians: Cartes de visite of Native People in British Columbia, 1862-1872." Archivaria 21 (Winter 1985-1986): 68-86
Boutilier, Alicia & Tobi Bruce. The Artist Herself : Self-portraits by Canadian Historical Women Artists / L'artiste elle-meme : autoportraits de femmes artistes au Canada Kingston, ON: Agnes Etherinton Art Centre. Hamilton: Art Gallery Hamilton, 2015.
Bridge, Kathryn. "The Maynard Northwest Coast Photographs at the Southwest Museum: The History of a Collection." Masterkey 61.4 (1988): 3-10.
Cavell, Edward. Sometimes a Great Nation: A Photo Album of Canada, 1850-1925 Banff: Altitude Publications, 1984.
Close, Susan Michelle. Framing Identity: Mattie Gunterman, Geraldine Moodie and the Social Practice of Photography in Canada (1880 - 1920) Ottawa: Carleton University (M.A. thesis), 1995
Cobb, Myrna and Sher Morgan. Eight Women Photographers of British Columbia, 1860-1978 Victoria, British Columbia: Camosun College, 1978.
Coles, Martin. "Camera Angle: Photographer's images had viewers doing double takes." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 28 Sept. 1985: E18.
Converse, Cathy. Mainstays: Women Who Shaped B.C. Markham: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 2000.
Cronin, J. Keri. "Photographic Memory: Image, Identity, and the "Imaginary Indian" in Three Recent Canadian Exhibitions." Essays on Canadian Writing 80 (Fall 2003): 81-116.
Dammer, Anita. "Hannah Maynard (1834-1918)." Photo Life 29 (Nov. 2004): 82.
Finlay, K.A. and T. Shea. "A Woman's Place" Art and the Role of Women in the Cultural Formation of Victoria B.C. 1850s-1920s Victoria: Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery, University of Victoria, 2004.
Forster, Merna. 100 Canadian Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2004.
French, William. "Photo Genius Ahead of Her Time." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 20 Nov. 1980.
Green, Valerie. "Hannah Maynard: Rebel With a Camera." Focus on Women (Mar. 1992): 28-31.
Greenhill, Ralph and Andrew Birrell. Canadian Photography : 1839-1920 Toronto: The Coach House, 1979.
Hume, Stephen. "Pushing the Political and Artistic Envelope Series: frontier women in BC: portrait of a nation's soul." Vancouver Sun 19 Dec. 2002: A6.
Humphreys, Danda. "Faces and places from early BC." Times-Colonist (Victoria) 27 Sept. 1998: 3.
Jones, Laura. Rediscovery: Canadian Women Photographers 1841-1941, May 13th-June 27th, 1983 London, Ontario: London Regional Art Gallery, 1983.
Kuntz, Haley. On Their Own Terms : True Stories of Trailblazing Women of Vancouver Island Victoria, B.C: Heritage House Publishing, 2020.
Laurence, Robin. "The photographs of Hannah Maynard, Charles H. Scott Gallery, Vancouver - Review." Canadian Art 9.4 (Winter 1992): 70.
Lazebnik, Elizabeth. Hannah Maynard Toronto: Lumanity Productions, 2004.
Maltwood Museum and Gallery. A Woman's Place: Art and the Role of Women in the Cultural Formation of Victoria, B.C., 1850s-1920s Victoria: Maltwood Museum and Gallery, University of Victoria, 2004.
Mattison, David. "Richard Maynard: Photographer of Victoria, B.C." History of Photography 9 (Apr-Jun. 1985): 109-29.
Mattison, David. "The Multiple Self of Hannah Maynard." Vanguard 9 (8 Oct. 1980): 14-9.
Mattison, David. "The Victoria Theatre Photographic Gallery (and the Gallery Next Door)." British Columbia Historical News 14.2 (1980): 1-14.
Mattison, David. "What about Rappertie?" Times-Colonist (Victoria) 12 Jan. 2003.
Murphy, Patrick. "B.C.'s Overlooked Female Pioneers Forged New Roles." Times-Colonist (Victoria) 3 Oct. 1994: 1.
Murphy, Patrick. "Women's Contributions Touted." Times-Colonist (Victoria) 8 Oct. 1998: B7.
Neering, Rosemary. "An Eccentric Eye." B.C. Magazine 48.4 (Winter 2006): 50-8.
Rosenberg, Ann. "Art You Can Bank On." Vancouver Sun 25 Jul. 1992: D9.
Salahub, Jennifer. Hannah Maynard: Crafting Professional Identity Rethinking Professionalism. Ed. Kristina Huneault and Janice Anderson Montreal: McGill Queens Press, 2012:135-167.
Salahub, Jennifer E.. Hanna Maynard The Artist Herself: Self-portraits by Canadian Historical Women Artists / L'artiste elle-même : autoportraits de femmes artistes au Canada. Ed. Alicia Boutilier & Tobi Bruce. Kingston, Ont : Hamilton, Ont: Agnes Etherington Art Centre : Art Gallery of Hamilton, 2015. 60-63, 145.
Savard, Dan. Images from the Likeness House Victoria: Royal British Columbia Museum, 2010.
Schwartz, Joan. "Canada." The Oxford Companion to the Photograph Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Skidmore, Colleen. Rare Merit: Women in Photography in Canada, 1840-1940 Vancouver: UBC Press, 2022.
Thomas, Alan. "Photography of the Indians: Concept and Practice on the Northwest Coast." BC Studies 52 (Winter 1981-2): 61-85.
Watson, Petra Rigby. "Hannah Maynard's Multiple Exposures." History of Photography 20 (Summer 1996): 155-7.
Wilks, Claire Weissman. The Magic Box: The Eccentric Genius of Hannah Maynard Toronto: Exile Editions, 1980.
Wilks, Claire Weissman. "The Eccentric Genius of Hannah Maynard." Toronto Saturday Night 95.9 (Nov 1980): 35-40.
Williams, Carol. "Beyond Illustration: Illuminations of the Photographic "Frontier'." Journal of the West 46.2 (2007): 29-40.
Williams, Carol Jane. Framing the West: Race, Gender and the Photographic "Frontier" on the Northwest Coast, 1858-1912 Rutgers: State University of New Jersey, 1999.

Documents rédigés par l'artiste
Maynard, Hannah Hatherly. Richard and Hannah Maynard, Photographic Artists: Views of Victoria and Vicinity Victoria: Provincial Archives of British Columbia, 1980.

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