
Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > HEMMING, Edith Clara Sophia

Base de données d'artistes

HEMMING, Edith Clara Sophia

Kimbolton, Cambridgeshire, England, 1849
Dollar, Scotland, 1931
Notice biographique
Hemming moved to Canada in 1852 when her father Henry Hemming was employed as financial controller for the construction of the Victoria Bridge in Montreal. While in Canada Hemming lived in various cities in Ontario and Quebec. In 1869 she moved to Quebec City where she worked for the Livernois photographic studio where she hand-painted photographs with watercolours for twenty-five years. Examples of these can be found in the Livernois Collection at the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec. Hemming was also an accomplished miniaturist and also painted portraits when living in Toronto beginning in 1893. In Canada she exhibited with the Ontario Society of Artists, the Royal Canadian Academy and the Woman's Art Association of Canada. After moving back to Scotland around 1904 her works were exhibited with the Royal Academy of Arts (1904, 1910), the Royal Scottish Academy (1907-1909), and the Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts, among others.
Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec - Bibliothèque
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
McCord Museum Archives, QC
Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON

Documents sur l'artiste
"Art and Artists." Saturday Night 6.21 (22 Apr. 1893): 14.
"Art and Artists." Saturday Night 6.26 (20 May 1893): 14.
"Art Notes." Saturday Night 7.20 (7 Apr. 1894): 6.
"Art Notes." Saturday Night 7.21 (14 Apr. 1894): 6.
"Art Notes." Saturday Night 9.7 (4 Jan. 1896): 9.
"Art Notes." Saturday Night 9.3 (7 Dec. 1895): 9.
"Medical Items." The Canadian Practitioner 19.4 (Apr. 1894): 318.
"Weekly Retrospective." The Catholic Register 2.14 (Apr. 1894): 10.
American Federation of the Arts. American Art Annual, 1933 Washington, DC and New York: American Federation of the Arts, 1933.
Baillargeon, Christiane. "Femmes artistes connaitre l'art autre." Vie des Arts 215 (Summer 2009): 40-43
Béland, Mario. "Edith Hemming, au service des Livernois." Cap-aux-Diamants : La revue d'histoire du Québec 96 (2009): 51
Doyle, Lynn C. "Art Notes." Saturday Night 9.14 (22 Feb. 1896): 9.
Doyle, Lynn C. "Art." Saturday Night 9.21(11 Apr. 1896): 9.
Doyle, Lynn C.. "Art Notes." Saturday Night 9.2 (8 Feb. 1896): 9.
Doyle, Lynn C.. "Art." Saturday Night 9.34 (11 Jul. 1896): 9.
Doyle, Lynn C.. "Art." Saturday Night 9.43 (12 Sept. 1896): 9.
Doyle, Lynn C.. "Art." Saturday Night 10.5 (19 Dec. 1896): 9.
Foskett, Daphne. Miniatures: Dictionary and Guide Woodbridge, Suffolk: Antique Collectors' Club, 1987.
Graves, Algernon. The Royal Academy of Arts: A Complete Dictionary of Contributors and Their Works from its Foundations in 1769 to 1904 London: Henry Graves & Co. and George Bell & Sons, 1905.
Harper, J. Russell. Early Painters and Engravers in Canada Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970.
Johnson, Jane and A. Greutzer. Dictionary of British Artists, 1880-1940 Woodbridge: Antique Collectors' Club, 1976.
McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Formerly Art Association of Montreal: Spring Exhibitions, 1880-1970 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988.
McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing. Royal Canadian Academy of Arts/Académie royale des arts du Canada: Exhibitions and Members 1880-1979 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981.
Petteys, Chris, et al. Dictionary of Women Artists: An International Dictionary of Women Artists Born Before 1900 Boston: G. K. Hall, 1985.
Trepanier, Esther and Landry, Pierre. Femmes artistes du XXe siecle au Quebec: Oeuvres du Musee national des beaux-arts du Quebec Quebec, Quebec: Musee national des beaux-arts du Quebec, 2010..

Texte intégral de compte rendu (pdf).
Women's Art Association of Canada (Tor) - First Sketch Club Exhibition: (89 Canada Life Building, octobre 18, 1893) "Woman's Art Club. The Annual Exhibition now in Progress in the Canada Life Building-Some of the Paintings."  Globe and Mail (Toronto)  octobre 19, 1893.  p.6.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Women's Art Association of Canada (Tor) - Sixth Annual Spring Exhibition: (89 Canada Life Building, mars 29, 1894) "Art Notes"  Toronto Saturday Night  avril 07, 1894.  p.6.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Women's Art Association of Canada (Tor) - Sixth Annual Spring Exhibition: (89 Canada Life Building, mars 29, 1894) "The Woman's Art Association"  The Week (Toronto)  avril 13, 1894.  p.472.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Women's Art Association of Canada (Ham) - First Exhibition: (Y.M.C.A., février 18, 1896) "Art Notes"  Toronto Saturday Night  février 22, 1896.  p.9.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Women's Art Association of Canada (Tor) - 8th Annual Spring Exhibition: (Robert's Art Galleries, avril 04, 1896) "Women And Art. Annual Exhibition of the Woman's Art Association. Purely Canadian Exhibits. Great Discretion Exercised in the Selection of Paintings. Lieutenant-Governor Kirkpatrick and Party Present at the Opening-The Exhibit Open Till the 17."  Globe and Mail  avril 07, 1896.  p.8.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Women's Art Association of Canada (Tor) - 8th Annual Spring Exhibition: (Robert's Art Galleries, avril 04, 1896) "ART"  Toronto Saturday Night  avril 11, 1896.  p.9.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Women's Art Association of Canada (Tor) - 9th Annual Spring Exhibition: (Robert's Art Galleries, mars 01, 1897) "Woman's Art Association. Annual Exhibition of Paintings by Members of the Association-Other Cities Represented."  Globe and Mail (Toronto)  mars 02, 1897.  p.6.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Women's Art Association of Canada (Tor) - Annual Sketch Exhibition: (89 Canada Life Building, décembre 06, 1897) "Studio and Gallery"  Toronto Saturday Night  décembre 11, 1897.  p.15.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Women's Art Association of Canada (Tor) - Tenth Annual Spring Exhibition: (Robert's Art Galleries, avril 19, 1898) "Art and Artists. Tenth Annual Exhibition of the W.A.A. Water Colors the Feature. Some Noted Canvases by Distinguished Artists. Contributions from Montreal, Hamilton, Brockville and Kingston - Toronto Well Represented - The Trend of Art."  Globe and Mail (Toronto)  avril 19, 1898.  p.5.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mai 09, 1898) Jean Grant.  "Studio and Gallery"  Toronto Saturday Night  mai 14, 1898.  p.9.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mai 09, 1898) Lynn C. Doyle.  "Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists. Second Notice."  Globe (Toronto)  mai 21, 1898.  p.8.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mars 03, 1900) Lynn C. Doyle.  "Ontario Society of Artists."  Globe (Toronto)  mars 10, 1900.  p.28.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 1902) "Artists and Friends Thronged Gallery. Royal Canadian Academy's Exhibition a Pronounced Success. Many Attended Private View. An Improvement This Year in Number and Quality of Works Shown."  Montreal Star  mars 21, 1902.  p.10.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 1902) "Annual Exhibition of the Royal Canadian Academy."  Montreal Daily Herald  mars 22, 1902.  p.2.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 12, 1903) "The Spring Exhibition. A Good Average Showing of Pictures by Canadian Artists."  Daily Witness (Montreal)  mars 13, 1903.  p.6.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, mars 1936) Augustus Bridle.  "O.S.A's Exhibition Blazes High Color. Landscapes, Portraits, Figures, But No Action Pictures in Show."  Toronto Star  mars 07, 1936.  p.18.   Comptes rendus intégraux

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