
Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > CARON, Blossom

Base de données d'artistes

CARON, Blossom

Montreal, Quebec, 1905
Montreal, Quebec, 1999
Notice biographique
Born Brenda Beryl Harding, Blossom Caron was probably taught photography by both her father and her husband, who were amateur photographers. Blossom Caron was a member of the Montreal Camera Club, and wrote a short history of the club in 1981. The Carons helped organize both the Montreal International Salon, which ran annually from 1941 until 1969, and Expo '67's Woman's World Exhibition of Photography. Caron was most interested in photographing still-lifes. Her work won many awards and was included in magazines such as "Saturday Night." Examples of her work can be found in the collections of the McCord Museum, the National Archives of Canada, and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
Montreal Camera Club, Joined 1936
Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain
Photographic Society of America
Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
Toronto Reference Library, ON
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
McCord Museum Archives, QC

Documents sur l'artiste
"British Award for Toronto Woman." Ottawa Citizen 17 Jul. 1950: 9.
"Caron, Brenda 'Blossom' (nee Harding)." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 13 Oct. 1999: A20.
"Montreal Woman Wins International Honor." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 1 Oct. 1956: 18.
"Smithsonian Invites Prints by Montrealers: Six Examples by Raymond and Blossom Caron for Permanent Collection." Gazette (Montreal) 11 Oct. 1947: 17.
"Violon d'Ingres." La Patrie (Montreal) 27 Jan. 1945: 32.
Capreol, Joan. "Artist with a Camera." Westmount Examiner (Montreal) 20 Mar. 1980.
Charbonneau, Normand. La gestion des archives photographiques Quebec: Les Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2001.
Collard, Edgar Andrew. "Gardens, Residents Long Gone from Mountain St." Gazette (Montreal) 6 Aug. 2000: 9.
Deans, Barbara and Yseult Mounsey. Women's World Exhibition of Photography Montreal, Quebec: Montreal Camera Club, 1967.
Fidelman, Charlie. "Images in Time: Montreal's Camera Club Celebrates its Centennial." Gazette (Montreal) 17 Sept. 1992: 9.
Frost, Rex. "Taking Photographs." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 4 Oct. 1956: 21.
Frost, Rex. "Taking Photographs: Canadian Photographers Earn Honors Abroad." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 9 Oct. 1958: 19.
Lee, Jerry. "Photography is 'Art' with Light for Paint Claims Camerawoman." Montreal Star 25 Nov. 1961: 17.
Marcil, Madeleine. Femmes et photographie au Québec, 1839-1940 Montreal: Université du Québec à Montréal, 1990.
Peters, Diane E. Canadian Art & Architecture: An Annotated Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, Inc, 2003.
Tousignant, Zoë. "Leaping Forward: The Montreal Museum of Fine Art's New Photographic Collecting Practices/Un grand pas en avant: Une nouvelle approche de la photographie au Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal." Ciel variable (Montreal) 89 (2011): 51-56.

Documents rédigés par l'artiste
Caron, Blossom. History of the Montreal Camera Club, 1893-1981 Westmount, Quebec: Montreal Camera Club, 1981
Caron, Blossom. "History of our Salon." Cameragram (Montreal) 1969: 5-7.
Caron, Blossom Harding. "My Mountain St.: Memories Fade but Aura Lingers." Gazette (Montreal) 4 Apr. 1992: 10.
Caron, Brenda Beryl (Blossom) Harding. Historical Sketches of George and William Harding of Newburgh, N.Y. and Saint John, N.B. and Their Descendants, 1764-1964 Montreal: B. Caron, 1964.

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