
Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > CONSTANTINE, Henrietta

Base de données d'artistes


Ottawa, Ontario, 1857
Kingston, Ontario, 1936
Notice biographique
Henrietta Armstrong married Charles Constantine in 1872. As the wife of a Northwest Mounted Police officer, Constantine often moved throughout the 1890s and early 1910s around Canada's West, living in northern communities in Alberta and Saskatchewan. During these travels Constantine photographed the landscapes and also collected art produced by local First Nations peoples. In 1905 the Constantines were forced to move to California for health reasons. After the death of her husband in 1912, Henrietta Constantine moved back to Canada and lived in Kingston, Ontario for the rest of her life. Her photographs are held in private collections as well as the National Archives of Canada, and in 2011 an exhibition of her art collection, entitled "The Constantine Collection of Northern Indigenous Art," traveled to various museums and galleries in Ontario.
Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON

Documents sur l'artiste
"Constantine." Winnipeg Free Press. 17 Feb. 1934: 17.
"Mrs. H. Constantine, One of Prairie West's First Pioneer Women, Is Dead." Winnipeg Free Press 19 Feb. 1934: 3.
"Pioneer Women of the West." Winnipeg Evening Tribune 7 Nov. 1927.
"Women and their Work" Chatelaine 4 (Dec. 1931): 38.
Close, Susan. Framing Identity: Social Practices of Photography in Canada (1880-1920) Amsterdam: Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (PhD dissertation), 2005
Fleming, Patsy. "Saloons with Whisky at 50 Cents a Drink." Kingston Whig - Standard 27 Dec. 1996: 7.
Fleming, Patsy. "The Gold Excitement is at Fever Heat." Kingston Whig - Standard 28 Dec. 1996: 7.
Going, A. M. "A Pioneer Woman of the West." Willisons Monthly 3 (Oct. 1927): 176-177.
Koltun, Lilly, ed. Private Realms of Light: Amateur Photography in Canada 1839-1940 Markham, Ontario: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1984.
Parkinson, Kamille. "A Collection of Northern Culture." Kingston Whig - Standard 20 Aug. 2011.
Ruoff, A. LaVonne Brown. "Notes to Text." The Moccasin Maker by Emily Pauline Johnson Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987: 223-255.
Skidmore, Colleen. Rare Merit: Women in Photography in Canada, 1840-1940 Vancouver: UBC Press, 2022.

Texte intégral de compte rendu (pdf).
Women's Art Association of Canada (Tor) - 8th Annual Spring Exhibition: (Robert's Art Galleries, avril 04, 1896) "ART"  Toronto Saturday Night  avril 11, 1896.  p.9.   Comptes rendus intégraux

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