Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > FERRON, Marcelle
Base de données d'artistes
FERRON, Marcelle
- Naissance
- Louiseville, Quebec, 1924
- Décès
- Montreal, Quebec, 2001
- Notice biographique
- Marcelle Ferron Hamelin studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Quebec and Ecole du Meuble in Montreal. She was an early member of the Automatistes, participating in all their group exhibitions. She was a signatory to Refus Global (1948). She moved to Paris in 1953 and lived there for thirteen years. It was in Paris that she learned the art of stained glass from Michel Blum. While she was living in Paris she became one of the first women to win a silver medal at the Sao Paulo Biennial, Brazil (1961). She returned to Quebec in 1966 and began teaching at Laval University. In 1969, she founded, with Yves Trudeau, a group called Création, whose purpose was to unite artists and technicians and become a centre of information on the arts. She designed a number of stained glass windows for Montreal's metro system, in particular Champ-de-Mars Metro, where her piece was one of the first non-figurative works to be installed in the metro. Her work has been featured in more than thirty shows in Canada, and she has also shown in Paris, Brussels, and Munich. The Montreal Musée d'art contemporain staged a retrospective of her work in 1970 and her work was shown in Paris at the Canadian Cultural Centre in 1972.
- Médias
- Glass
- Glass painting and staining
- Painting
- Etudes
- Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Quebec (Sous la direction de Jean-Paul Lemieux; Simone Hudon)
- Ecole du Meuble de Montreal
- Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
- Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
- Hamilton Public Library, ON - Local History and Archives Department
- London Public Library, ON
- Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
- Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, QC - Media Centre
- National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
- Toronto Reference Library, ON
- University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
- University of Calgary Library, AB
- Vancouver Art Gallery, BC - Library
- Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library
- Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, QC
- Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
- Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
- Archives de Radio Canada
- Artexte Information Centre, QC - Documentation Centre
- Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON
- University of Ottawa, ON - Centre for Research on French Canadian Culture
- Canadian Centre for Architecture, QC - Library
- Museum of Modern Art, NY
Documents sur l'artiste- "Encounter La Ferron." Gazette (Montreal) 16 Oct. 1965.
- "Exposition de Marcelle Ferron." Le Devoir (Montreal) 13 Feb. 1960.
- "Huiles et aquarelles de Marcelle Ferron." La Presse (Montreal) 10 Apr. 1957.
- "Marcelle Ferron" La Presse Québec: 20 February, 1960..
- "Marcelle Ferron." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 13 Jun. 1959.
- "Oeuvres de Marcelle Ferron exposées." La Presse (Montreal) 1 Jun. 1959.
- "Tableaux de Marcelle Ferron et peintures d'enfants." La Presse (Montreal) 9 Jun. 1959.
- "Tableaux petits de format, mais grands par leur conception." La Presse (Montreal) 4 Mar. 1958.
- "Tableaux récents de Marcelle Ferron à la galérie Delrue." La Presse (Montreal) 7 Mar. 1958.
- "Une Canadienne aux portes du succès à Paris." Le Droit (Ottawa) 22 Feb. 1960.
- American Federation of the Arts. Who's Who in American Art, 1991-92 New York: R. R. Bowker, 1991.
- Antaki, Karen. Montreal Women Artists of the 1950's Montreal, QC: Concordia Art Gallery, 1988.
- Arbour, Rose Marie. "Art public et technologie: Micheline Beauchemin, Marcelle Ferron, Irène Chiasson." Technologies et art québécois, 1965-1970. Cahiers du Département d'histoire de l'art de l'Université du Québec à Montréal Montréal, QC: Université du Québec à Montréal, Spring 1988.
- Arbour, Rose Marie. "Arts visuels et espace public. L’apport de deux femmes artistes dans les années 60 au Québec, Micheline Beauchemin et Marcelle Ferron." Recherches féministes. 2.1(1989): 33–50 - Arbour, Rose-Marie. "L'art des femmes a-t-il une histoire?" Intervention (1980): 3.
- Ayre, Robert. "?" Montreal Star 16 Oct. 1965.
- Ayre, Robert. "Suzanne Bergeron and Marcelle Ferron at the Galérie Agnes Lefort, Montreal." Canadian Art 21 (Jan. 1964): 8.
- Bates, C. "Galérie de Montreal; exhibit." Artscanada 28 (Feb. 1971): 64.
- Boudreau, Pierre de Ligny. "Marcelle Ferron: A Young Painter." Canadian Art 12.4 (Summer 1955): 148-9.
- Bourbeau, Géraldine. "Les expositions Normand Hudon-Ferron-Mousseau." Liasion 4 (Mar. 1950): 178-9.
- Brulé, Michel. L'esquisse d'une mémoire Montreal, QC: Intouchables, 1996.
- Capreol, Joan. "Artist Home for Show." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 16 Oct. 1963.
- Couture, Francine, et al.. Les Arts visuels au Québec dans les années soixante: La Reconnaissance de la modernité Montréal, Quebec: VLB Éditeur, 1993.
- Daigneault, Gilles. "Marcelle Ferron: Le rythme de la sagesse." Vie des arts 22.89 (Winter 1977-1978): 30-32.
- Delloye, Charles. "Marcelle Ferron." Aujourd'hui 6 (Apr. 1962): 20-1.
- Desjardins, Marie-Paule. Dictionnaire biographique des femmes célèbres et rémarquables de notre histoire Montréal: Guérin, 2007.
- Enright, Robert. Marcelle Ferron : paperworks, 1945-2000 / Marcelle Ferron : papiers, 1945-2000 Montreal: Éditions S. Blais, 2011.
- Farr, Dorothy and Luckyj, Natalie. From Women's Eyes: Women Painters in Canada Kingston: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 1975.
- Gaston, Robert. Autour de Marcelle Ferron Quebec, QC: Loup de Gouttière, 1995.
- Heller, Jules and Nancy. North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century New York: Garland, 1995.
- Jasmin, C. "Marcelle Ferron à la galerie Agnes Lefort, Montreal." Canadian Art 19 (Mar. 1962): 101-2.
- Kranias, Kathy, et al. Marcelle Ferron: Verre Fusionné = Fused Glass Montreal, QC: Galerie Simon Blais, 2024.
- Lambton, Gunda. Stealing the Show: Seven Women Artists in Canadian Public Art. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1994..
- Lamy, Suzanne et Laurent. La Renaissance des métiers d'art au Canada français Montréal: Québec- Ministère des Affaires culturelles, 1967.
- Lévy, Bernard. "Création: opération 'pourquoi pas?'/Creation: Operation 'Why not?'." Vie des arts 62 (Spring 1971): 24-5, 78-9.
- L�ger, Raymond-Marie. "Exposition Ferron-Hamelin." Le Quartier Latin 28 Jan. 1949.
- Lussier, Réal. Marcelle Ferron Montreal, QC: Musée d'art contemporain, 2000.
- MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009.
- Millet, Robert. "Unve verrière de Marcelle Ferron." Macleans 8.6 (Jun. 1968): 12-3.
- Musée d'art contemporain. Marcelle Ferron de 1945 à 1970 Montreal, QC: Musée d'art contemporain, 1970.
- Nasgaard, Roald. Abstract Painting in Canada Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre, 2008.
- Paikowsky, Sandra. The Girls and The Grid: Montreal Women Abstract Painters in the 1950s and Early 1960s Rethinking Professionalism: Women and Art in Canada, 1850-1970. Ed. Kristina Huneault and Janice Anderson Montreal and Kingston:: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2012: 259-281.
- Prakash, A. K. Independent Spirit: Early Canadian Women's Art Buffalo, New York: Firefly Books, 2008.
- Reference Division, McPherson Library, compilers. Creative Canada: A Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Creative and Performing Arts Toronto: University of Toronto Press, University of Victoria, 1971.
- Robert, Guy. L'Art au Québec depuis 1940 Montreal: La Presse, 1973.
- Roussan, Jacques. "Femmes peintres du Quebec." Perspectives 27 Apr. 1975.
- Sarrazin, Jean. "Marcelle Ferron ou la quête joyeuse de la lumière/Marcelle Ferron or the Joyous Search for Light." Vie des arts 61 (Winter 1970-1971): 30-3, 81-2.
- Simpson, Kieran, ed. Canadian Who's Who, 1992 Toronto, ON: University of Toronto, 1992.
- Smart, Patricia. Les Femmes du Refus global Montreal: Boreal, 1998.
- Smart, Patricia. "Automatisme: un lieu d'égalite pour les femmes?" Vie des arts 42.170 (Spring 1998): 42-6.
- Steinbert-Kraut, E., et al. Actuelles I Montréal, Quebec: Air Canada, 1983.
- Trepanier, Esther and Landry, Pierre. Femmes artistes du XXe siecle au Quebec: Oeuvres du Musee national des beaux-arts du Quebec Quebec, Quebec: Musee national des beaux-arts du Quebec, 2010..
- Viau, G. "Marcelle Ferron." Aujourd'hui 5 (Dec. 1960): 59.
- Villeneuve, Paquerette. "Marcelle Ferron: telle qu'en elle-même." Vie des Arts 44.179 (Summer 2000): 47-50.
- Wescher, Herta. "Les secrets de Marcelle Ferron." Vie des arts 43 (Summer 1966): 68-9.
- Woods, Kay. "Gallery Moos, Ltd., Toronto; exhibit." Artscanada 37 (Dec-Jan. 1980-81): 43.
Documents rédigés par l'artiste- Ferron, Marcelle. Le droit d'etre rebelle: correspondance de Marcelle Ferron avec Jacque, Madeleine, Paul et Therese Ferron Montreal, QC: Boréal, 2016.