
Accueil > Sources historiques > Base de données bio-bibliographiques historiques sur les artistes canadiennes > CREVECOEUR, Jeanne de

Base de données d'artistes


Compton, Quebec, 1890
Montreal, Quebec, 1970
Notice biographique
Jeanne de Crevecoeur studied under William Brymner at the school of the Art Association of Montreal (1904-1908) She was one of the initial members of the Beaver Hall Group in Montreal and participated in the first exhibition of the group in 1921. She received the Wood Scholarship from the AAM which allowed her to pursue studies in Paris. Her work was included in the Art Association of Montreal Spring exhibitions from 1909-1925 as well as some of the shows of the Royal Canadian Academy between 1910-1915. In 1913, she exhibited at the Arts Club of Montreal and subsequently in 1927 and 1929 exhibited at the Eatons store art gallery. She was the president of the Society of Occupational Therapists in 1930 and became a puppeteer, producing puppet shows.
Art Association of Montreal (Sous la direction de William Brymner (1904-1908))
Beaver Hall Group
Lieux de conservation des dossiers et archives
Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC

Documents sur l'artiste
Arbour, Rose-Marie. Identification de l'avant-garde et identité de l'artiste: les femmes et le groupe automatiste du Québec (1941-1948) Montréal: Université du Québec a Montréal, 1994.
Butlin, Susan. A New Matrix of the Arts: A History of the Professionalization of Canadian Women Artists, 1880-1914 Ottawa: Carleton University, 2008.
Des Rochers Jacques, and Brian Foss, editors. 1920s Modernism in Montreal: The Beaver Hall Group. Une Modernite des Annees 1920 Montreal, Le Groupe de Beaver Hall Montreal, QC: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts ; Black Dog Publishing, 2015.
Levy, Bernard. "Urbain et Chic." Vie des Arts 20 Jan. 2016.
MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009.
Millar, Joyce. "The Beaver Hall Group: Painting in Montreal 1920-1940." Woman's Art Journal 13.1 (Spring-Summer 1992): 3-9.
Walters, Evelyn. The Beaver Hall Group and its Legacy Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2017.

Texte intégral de compte rendu (pdf).
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 02, 1909) "Exhibition of Art. High Water Mark Reached in This Year's Spring Showing in Art Galleries. Stricter Standard Set."  Gazette (Montreal)  avril 03, 1909.  p.9.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 02, 1909) "Exposition d'art Canadien. Oeuvres remarquables de MM. Cullen, Rosaire, Boyd, Clapp, Beau, Brymner, St. Charles, Béliveau, Lamarche, Morrice, Paradis, Laliberté."  La Presse (Montreal)  avril 10, 1909.  p.25.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 05, 1910) "Fine Collection of Pictures at Spring Exhibition in Art Gallery."  Montreal Star  avril 05, 1910.  p.15.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 05, 1910) St. G. B..  "Art and Artists."  Montreal Herald  avril 09, 1910.  p.9.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 05, 1910) William R. Watson.  "Notable Canvases in Art Exhibit. But Tone Would Have Been Improved by Elimination of Many Pictures. Review of Chief Features. What Morrice, Cullen, Brymner and Other Leaders in Canadian Art Offer This Year."  Gazette (Montreal)  avril 13, 1910.  p.4.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 05, 1910) "Montreal."  American Art News  avril 30, 1910.  8.29: p.2.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 24, 1910) "Exposition des oeuvres de nos artistes Canadiens."  La Presse  novembre 26, 1910.  p.23.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 09, 1911) William R. Watson.  "Artists' Work of High Order. Some Striking Canvases Hung in Montreal's Spring Exhibition."  Gazette (Montreal)  mars 10, 1911.  p.7.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 09, 1911) "Belle exposition de peintures à la Galerie des Arts."  La Patrie  mars 11, 1911.  p.1.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 09, 1911) "The Spring Exhibition."  Montreal Standard  mars 11, 1911.  p.11.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibtion: (Ottawa, novembre 29, 1912) "L'Académie Royale Canadienne."  Le Devoir (Montreal)  novembre 29, 1912.  p.2.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibtion: (Ottawa, novembre 29, 1912) "L'exposition de l'academie royale."  La Presse (Montreal)  novembre 29, 1912.  p.2.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 26, 1913) "Spring Exhibition at Art Gallery. Opened for Private View Last Night with Many Meritorious Works. Some Post Impressions."  Gazette (Montreal)  mars 26, 1913.  p.13.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 26, 1913) "Au salon de peinture à la galerie des arts."  La Presse (Montreal)  mars 29, 1913.  p.16.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 26, 1913) Leon Lorrain.  "Le salon."  Le Devoir (Montreal)  mars 31, 1913.  p.1.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 20, 1913) "Montreal Artists Are Well Represented at R.C.A.'s Annual Exhibit."  Montreal Herald  novembre 22, 1913.  p.11.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 20, 1913) Henri Fabien.  "L'Academie Royale. Les Portraitistes."  Le Devoir (Montreal)  décembre 09, 1913.  p.2.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 26, 1915) "Spring Art Show Has 478 Exhibits. Even Excellence Dominant Note at Art Association Which Opened Last Night. Nothing Very Daring."  Gazette (Montreal)  mars 26, 1915.  p.5.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 26, 1915) Fabien, Henri.  "Chronique d'art. Le salon du printemps. I."  Le Devoir (Montreal)  avril 10, 1915.  p.1.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, novembre 18, 1915) "Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Open Galleries. 288 Fine Pictures on Exhibition at 37th Annual Exhibition."  Montreal Herald  novembre 19, 1915.  p.5.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 24, 1916) "Younger Artists Well Represented. Some Leading Exhibitors Are Absent from Thirty-Third Spring Exhibition."  Gazette (Montreal)  mars 24, 1916.  p.6.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 04, 1918) "Spring Exhibition at Art Gallery. Returned Soldier Exhibits Two Works Sketched at the Front."  Gazette (Montreal)  avril 05, 1918.  p.5.   Comptes rendus intégraux
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto; Montreal (Fall), avril 05, 1918) "Spring Exhibit at Art Gallery. Returned Soldier Exhibits Two Works Sketched at the Front. Four Artists Overseas. Late Exhibition of R.C.A. Held Works that Usually Came to Montreal - Good Watercolors."  Gazette (Montreal)  avril 05, 1918.  p.7.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 16, 1923) "Montreal Artists Well Represented. High Standard Set at Spring Exhibition of Art Association."  Gazette (Montreal)  mars 16, 1923.  p.6.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 16, 1923) Albert Laberge.  "Causerie en marge du salon du printemps. Peintres qui font de la sculpture et sculpteurs qui font des tableaux. Les Paysagistes."  La Presse  avril 03, 1923.  p.10.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, mars 27, 1924) "Meritorious Work at Spring Exhibit. Mural Paintings in R.C.A. Competition Part of Entries at Art Gallery."  Gazette (Montreal)  mars 28, 1924.  p.15.   Comptes rendus intégraux
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, avril 26, 1925) "Art Association's Spring Exhibition."  Gazette (Montreal)  avril 03, 1925.  p.6.   Comptes rendus intégraux

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