Home > Artist Database > Bio-bibliographic Database > SCOTT, Marian Dale
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SCOTT, Marian Dale
- Born
- Montreal, Quebec, 1906
- Died
- Montreal, Quebec, 1993
- Biography synopsis
- A versatile painter, Marian Mildred Dale Scott experimented with a variety of styles and techniques during her career. Her training took place at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Montreal and later at the Slade School, London, England. During this period, her paintings were described as being similar in style to those of Amedeo Modigliani. She also produced a few social realist works, perhaps inspired by the events of the Depression. Between 1935 and 1938, Scott taught at the Children's Art Centre with fellow painter Fritz Brandtner, who introduced her to stylistic developments in recent French painting, such as surrealism. This interest was encouraged by her membership in John Lyman's Contemporary Art Society, with its modernist concerns. In 1944, she held her first solo show at the Grace Horne Gallery in Boston, Massachusetts (her first solo show in Canada would not take place until 1977). Scott continued to engage with surrealism, but also experimented with simplified realism, verging on precisionism, and with coloured abstractions. Only recently has her contribution to Canadian art begun to be recognized.
- Media used
- Painting
- Education
- Slade School of Art, London
- Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Montreal
- Memberships
- Contemporary Arts Society
- File & Archive locations
- Alberta Culture and Community Spirit - Arts Branch
- Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
- Edmonton Art Gallery, AB - Library
- London Public Library, ON
- Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
- Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, QC - Media Centre
- National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
- Toronto Reference Library, ON
- University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
- Vancouver Art Gallery, BC - Library
- Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library
- Artexte Information Centre, QC - Documentation Centre
- Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON
- Calgary Public Library, AB - Arts Department
- Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
- Hamilton Public Library, ON - Local History and Archives Department
Writings about- Who's Who in Art: Being a Series of Alphabetically Arranged Biographies of Leading Men and Women in the World of Art Today London: Art Trade Press, 1990
- "...Expositions." Le Clairon (St. Hyacinthe) 28 Jan. 1949
- "...Marian Scott's paintings have never flowed..." Toronto Saturday Night (11 Jan. 1941)
- "...Prize." Montreal Star Nov. 1964
- "59 Paintings Auctioned for Refugees' Benefit Bring Total of $2459." Ottawa Citizen 4 Oct. 1940
- "66ème Salon du printemps au Musée des Beaux-Arts du 20 avril au 15 mai." Le Devoir (Montreal) 15 Mar. 1949
- "?" Canadian Forum 15.177 (Aug. 1935): 323
- "Annual Professional Artist's Show." Westmount Examiner 31 Oct. 1968: 1
- "Art Association 48th Spring Show High in Interest." Gazette (Montreal) 21 Mar. 1931
- "Art Association's Spring Exhibition: Private View Ushered in Showing of Representative Assemblage of Work." Gazette (Montreal) 3 Apr. 1925
- "Art Contemporain Shows Selection From '66 Contest." Gazette (Montreal) 17 sept. 1966
- "Art Exhibit Discussed: Private Showing Given Members of Windsor Association." Windsor Star 1 Dec. 1942
- "Artist Marian Scott, 87, Was Widow of Poet." Gazette (Montreal) 29 Nov. 1993: E8
- "At Art Association: Lyman, Roberts, Muhlstock, Surrey and Beder Give Balance to Uneven Show." Gazette (Montreal) 2 Feb. 1946
- "Au Musée: Exposition - Vente." Le Devoir (Montreal) 23 Feb. 1960
- "Au Musée: Sculptures et Sarah Jackson et peintures de Marian Scott." Le Devoir (Montreal) 30 Mar. 1960
- "Brillante fête artistique à l'école des beaux-arts." Le Canada (Montreal) 24 May 1924: 10
- "Canadian Art to Be Shown At US Gallery." Standard (Montreal) 28 Oct. 1950
- "Canadian Artist Exhibits." Boston Sunday Post 1 Jun. 1941
- "Canadian Paintings Shown in New York." Gazette (Montreal) 2 Jun. 1945
- "Canadians' Work in Art Exhibition." Northern News (Kirkland Lake) 28-30 Oct. 1955
- "Chronique des Arts: Deux artistes très discutés." Art et Pensée 16 (Mar-Apr. 1954): 122
- "Coast to Coast in Art." Canadian Art 6.4 (1947): 178
- "Comment apprécier l'art." Le Devoir (Montreal) 19 Oct. 1949
- "Contest Winners listed." Gazette (Montreal) 11 May 1971
- "Exhibition of Art by Canadian Women." Canadian Art 4.2 (Feb-Mar. 1947): 80
- "Exhibition of the Canadian Group of Painters." Canadian Art (Jan-Feb. 1948): 142
- "Exhibitions To Open at Local Gallery." Standard (Montreal) 8 Jan. 1949: 14
- "Exposition à la Galérie nationale." Le Droit (Montreal) 24 Feb. 1951
- "Exposition artistique d'affiches: L'hon. Athanase David en fait l'ouverture officielle à la salle St-Sulpice." Le Canada 19 Jan. 1925
- "Facade No. 11." Gazette (Montreal) 29 Sept. 1956
- "Fine Arts ... Paintings Are Shown By Canadian Group." Gazette (Montreal) 6 Feb. 1943
- "For the third time the Produced in Canada Exhibition ..." Montrealer 1 Nov. 1937
- "Gallery Purchase." Standard (Montreal) 1 Aug. 1942
- "Good Pair Shows Art at Laing's." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 10 Dec. 1960
- "II - Marian Scott." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 25 Oct. 1947
- "Importante exposition Marian Scott en vue à la galérie Dominion." La Presse (Montreal) 26 Sept. 1956
- "Importante manifestation artistique organisée par les étudiants de Montreal." La Patrie (Montreal) 5 Dec. 1950
- "L'Hon. M. David ouvre cette exposition des affiches artistiques." La Presse 19 Jan. 1925
- "L'oeuvre sereine de Marian Scott." Le Soleil (Quebec) 21 Mar. 1972: 50
- "La peinture contemporaine du Canada à Andover: Révélation." Le Canada (Montreal) 13 Oct. 1942
- "Le 51e Salon du Printemps." La Presse (Montreal) 20 Apr. 1934
- "Le salon du printemps." Le Devoir (Montreal) 4 Apr. 1940: 4
- "Le Salon du Printemps." Le Devoir (Montreal) 2 Apr. 1946
- "Les Aquarelles d' A.C. Leighton." La Presse (Montreal) 4 Apr. 1936
- "Les Résultats de ce concours d'affiches." Le Canada 14 Jan. 1925
- "Mariam Scott: une audace qui cherche sa définition." La Presse (Montreal) 8 Apr. 1967
- "Marian Dale ..." Study Chronicle (Jun. 1927): 7
- "Marian Mildred Dale Scott, 1993." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 28 Nov. 2005: S11
- "Marian Scott uses these muted tones in her self-portrait." Standard (Montreal) 4 Feb. 1951
- "Marian Scott's Work at Dominion Gallery." Gazette (Montreal) 27 Feb. 1954: 24
- "Meritorious Work At Spring Exhibit: Mural Paintings in R.C.A. Competition Part of Entries at Art Gallery." Gazette (Montreal) 28 Mar. 1924
- "Mme Marian Scott et l'exposition-vente au Musée des Beauz Arts." Le Devoir (Montreal) 31 Jan. 1959
- "Montreal housewife wins award." Montreal Star 8 Oct. 1969: 24
- "Museum of Fine Arts has Three New Shows." Gazette (Montreal) 8 Dec. 1948
- "News of Old Girls." Study Chronicle (1930): 68
- "Nice change of pace." Gazette (Montreal) 2 Feb. 1980: 95
- "Nos femmes artistes admirées à Québec." La Presse (Montreal) 20 Mar. 1947
- "Nouvel encan au Club de Beaux-Arts." La Presse 12 Jan. 1959
- "Oil Paintings Now on Display Here." Times-Globe (Saint John) 2 Nov. 1943: G1
- "Pictures by Canadians at Eaton's Gallery." Montreal Star 18 Aug. 1938
- "Profuse Variety Marks Art Show: Third Exhibition of Works by Quebec Artists at Eaton Galleries." Montreal Star 13 May 1930
- "Prominent Painters Contribute to Show." Gazette (Montreal) 10 Dec. 1938
- "PVM to show new works." Montreal Star 27 Oct. 1972
- "Quebec artist known for adventurous style." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 1 Dec. 1993: A20
- "Quebec Artist's Exhibition Opens." Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph 20 Mar. 1970
- "Résultat du concours d'affiches organisé par les voyages Hone." La Patrie (Montreal) 15 Jan. 1925
- "Show of Paintings By Marian Scott." Gazette (Montreal) 29 Sept. 1956
- "Spring Exhibition of Art Association was Opened on Thursday." Toronto Star 12 Mar. 1933
- "Spring Exhibition of Art Was Opened on Thursday." Montreal Star 17 Mar. 1933: 19
- "The Week's Review: Some features of the Spring Exhibition." Star (Montreal) 26 Apr. 1934: 90
- "Thomas More Associates Present." Gazette (Montreal) 23 Oct. 1963
- "Two Artists At Horne's." Boston Herald 1 Jun. 1941
- "Two Exhibitions At Art Gallery." Toronto Star 11 Jan. 1948
- "Une exposition du plus grand intéret." La Presse (Montreal) 6 Dec. 1941
- "University Students Form an Alliance with Creative Artists in Canada." Canadian Art 14.3 (1957): 120-3
- "Variety in Offerings Marks CAS Exhibition." Gazette (Montreal) 07 Feb. 1948
- "Variety In Subjects at CAS Annual Show." Unknown (Montreal) 16 Nov. 1946
- "With Trilliums in Her Hair." Canadian Art 4.4 (Summer 1947): 147-8
- "Women's Works on Exhibit." Standard (Montreal) 2 Apr. 1949
- Adams, Annmarie. "Agency and Architecture in Medical Murals by Mary Filer and Marian Dale Scott." Design and Agency:Critical Perspectives on Identities, Perspectives and Practices. Edited by J. Potvin and Marie-Eve Marchand New York: Bloomsbury, 2020
http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Annmarie-Adams/publication/341092191_Agency_and_Architecture_in_Medical_Murals_by_Mary_Filer_and_Marian_Dale_Scott/links/6065fb42299bf1252e2122cc/Agency-and-Architecture-in-Medical-Murals-by-Mary-Filer-and-Marian - Addison Gallery of American Art. Contemporary Painting in Canada 1942
- Adlow, Dorothy. "Current Art Exhibition." Christian Science Monitor (3 Jun. 1941)
- All-India Fine Arts and Crafts Society. 3rd International Contemporary Art Exhibition 1957: Delhi, Ahmedebad, Hyderabad, Calcutta and Amritsar New Delhi: All-India Fine Arts and Crafts Society, 1957
- American Federation of Arts. Who's Who in American Art, 1993 New York: R.R. Bowker, 1993
- Anderson, Janice. Creating Room: Canadian Women Mural Painters and Rereadings of the Public and the Private Montreal: Concordia University, 2002
- Art Association of Montreal. Catalogue of the 48th Spring Exhibition Montreal: Art Association of Montreal, 1931
- Art Association of Montreal. Catalogue of the Annual Spring Exhibition of the Art Association of Montreal, 1925 Montreal: Art Association of Montreal, 1925
- Art Association of Montreal. Catalogue of the Fiftieth Annual Spring Exhibition, 1933 Montreal: Art Association of Montreal, 1933
- Art Association of Montreal. Catalogue of the Fifty-Fourth Annual Spring Exhibition of the Art Association of Montreal, 1937 Montreal: Art Association of Montreal, 1937
- Art Association of Montreal. Catalogue of the Fifty-Sixth Annual Spring Exhibition, 1939 Montreal: Art Association of Montreal, 1939
- Art Association of Montreal. Catalogue of the Fourty-First Annual Spring Exhibition of the Art Association of Montreal, 1924 Montreal: Art Association of Montreal, 1924
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- Art Association of Montreal. Catalogue of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Spring Exhibition of the Art Association of Montreal, 1918 Montreal: Art Association of Montreal, 1918
- Art Association of Montreal. Catalogue of the Thirty-Seventh Annual Spring Exhibition of the Art Association of Montreal, 1920 Montreal: Art Association of Montreal, 1920
- Art Gallery of Toronto. Fifty Years of Painting in Canada Toronto: Art Gallery of Toronto, 1949
- Art Gallery of Toronto. Mabel Lockerby, Pegi Nicol Macleod, Kathleen Morris, Marian Scott Toronto: Art Gallery of Toronto, 1941
- Art Gallery of Toronto. Two Canadian Painters: Marion [sic] Scott and Lionel Thomas, May 2-31, 1953 Toronto: Art Gallery of Toronto, 1953
- Art Gallery of Toronto, et al. Le développement de la peinture au Canada: 1665-1945 Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1945
- Asselin, Hedwidge, ed. Indédits de John Lyman Montreal: Ministère des Affaires culturelles, Biblio. nationale Québec, 1980
- Ayre, Robert. "Art News and Reviews: Evolution In Canadian Art Principal Message of Exhibition, 56th In Art Association's History." Standard (Montreal) 25 Mar. 1939: D14
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- Ayre, Robert. "Art Notes - The 67th Show: Varied Array is Presented." Montreal Daily Star 18 Mar. 1950
- Ayre, Robert. "Art Notes: Africa, Europe and Canada." Montreal Star ? 1958
- Ayre, Robert. "Art Notes: Canadian Group of Painters On Display at the Museum." Star (Montreal) 9 Nov. 1957
- Ayre, Robert. "Art Notes: Canadian Group of Painters Reveal a Disturbing Lack of Consistency." Unknown (Montreal Star?) 12 Nov. 1960: 29
- Ayre, Robert. "Art Notes: Federation Organizing Invitation Show." Montreal Daily Star 31 Mar. 1951: 10
- Ayre, Robert. "Art Notes: Figurative Painting Rooted Deep in Tradition - Mrs. Scott's Work." Montreal Star 29 Sept. 1956: 25
- Ayre, Robert. "Art Notes: Spring Show May Become A National Institution." Star (Montreal) 17 May 1952
- Ayre, Robert. "Art of Our Day in Canada." Toronto Saturday Night (25 Jan. 1941): 25
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- Ayre, Robert. "Insensitive the Best Word for Painters Eleven New Show." Montreal Star 16 Apr. 1960
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- Ayre, Robert. "Montreal Critics Choice." Montreal Star ? 1966
- Ayre, Robert. "New Paintings By Marian Scott." Montreal Star 3 Oct. 1964: 9
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- Bogardi, Georges. "Radical Blooms." Canadian Art 17.2 (Summer 2000): 82
- Boulanger, Roland. "Modernes et officiels au 66è salon." Le Canada (Montreal) 1 Mar. 1949
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- Bradfield, Helen Pepall. Art Gallery of Ontario: The Canadian Collection Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 1970
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- Carr, Angela, ed. Raven Papers: Remembering Natalie Luckyj (1945-2002) Newcastle, ON: Penumbra Press, 2010
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- Daoust. "Exposition de peintures: 'Femmes peintres canadiennes'." Le Devoir (Montreal) 23 Mar. 1948: 6
- de Repentigny. "A la Galérie Dominion: L'art de Marion Scott se deegage de la littérature." La Presse (Montreal) 4 Mar. 1954
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- de Repentigny. "L'art canadien sera bien representé à Jerusalem." La Presse (Montreal) 27 Feb. 1953
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- Doyon, Charles. "La peinture feminine." Le Clairon (Sainte-Hyacinthe) ?
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- Duval, Paul. "Montreal Artists Establishing New Landmarks in Canadian Art." Saturday Night (10 Nov. 1945)
- E. G. "Canadian Group Exhibit is Open." Standard (Montreal) 8 Jan. 1944
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- Galérie Agnès Lefort. Chronologie des expositions Montreal: Galérie Agnès Lefort, 1996
- Galérie L'Atelier Renée Le Sieur. Les peintures de Marian Scott Quebec: Galérie L'Atelier Renée Le Sieur, 1970
- Gauvreau, Claude. "Révolution à la société d'art contemporain." Le Quartier Latin (Québec) 5 Dec. 1946: 5
- Gladu, Paul. "Marian Scott, peintre complet." Notre Temps (6 Oct. 1956)
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- Graham, Ron. "All Passion Spent: A Memoir of Marian Scott, A Quiet Radical Whose Full Career still Awaits Discovery." Canadian Art 11.1 (Spring 1994): 50
- Grove-White, Elizabeth. F.R. Scott: A Portrait Montreal: CBC Enterprises, 1987
- Hambleton, Josephine. "Cell and Crystal in Modern Art." Ottawa Citizen 4 Oct. 1947
- Harper, J. Russell. Painting in Canada: A History Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1966, 2nd edition 1977
- Hughes, Margaret E. A Guide to Canadian Painters Toronto: King's Printer, 1940
- Huot, Maurice. "Peintres féminins." La Patrie (Montreal) 6 Apr. 1949: 16
- Jackson, A.Y. A Painter's Country Toronto: Clarke Irwin, 1972
- Jasmin, Claude. "Les Arts, Décoration: Maran Scott: Le géométrisme mou." Sept-Jours 15 Apr. 1967
- Karlinsky, Amy. "Pegi Nicol MacLeod." Border Crossings 24.3 (Aug. 2005): 93
- Kask, Janet. "Career Conflicts with Motherhood Says Artist." Brantford Expositor 11 Dec. 1963
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- Kritzwiser, Kay. "Housewife's prize means a larger studio." Globe & Mail (Toronto) 6 Oct. 1969: 15
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- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 25, 1920) "Artist's Efforts Reach High Level." Gazette (Montreal) March 26, 1920. p.6. Full-text pdf
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 27, 1924) "Meritorious Work at Spring Exhibit. Mural Paintings in R.C.A. Competition Part of Entries at Art Gallery." Gazette (Montreal) March 28, 1924. p.15. Full-text pdf
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 27, 1924) S. Morgan-Powell. "Spring Exhibition." Montreal Star April 16, 1924. p.6. Full-text pdf
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, April 26, 1925) "Art Association's Spring Exhibition." Gazette (Montreal) April 03, 1925. p.6. Full-text pdf
- Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, November 24, 1927) Albert Laberge. "Appréciation de quelques toiles du Salon des artistes Canadiens." La Presse (Montreal) December 03, 1927. p.52. Full-text pdf
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 21, 1929) "Spring Exhibition at Art Galleries. Jury Selection Sympathetic to Sincere and Normal Work - Promise Shown by New Exhibitors." Gazette (Montreal) March 22, 1929. p.12. Full-text pdf
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 16, 1933) "50th Spring Show Opened to Public. Jury Shows Open Mind. From Over 1,000 Entries, 543 Works Representative of Various Schools Have Been Selected." Gazette (Montreal) March 17, 1933. p.6. Full-text pdf
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 18, 1937) "Nearly 500 Works at Spring Exhibit. Art Association's 54th Annual Show Opens with Private Views. Judges Open-Minded." Gazette (Montreal) March 19, 1937. p.13,17. Full-text pdf
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 18, 1937) "The Spring Exhibition of the Art Association." Montreal Star March 19, 1937. p.17. Full-text pdf
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 18, 1937) McInnis, G. Campbell. "World of Art." Saturday Night March 27, 1937. p.27. Full-text pdf
- Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, 1939) Robert Ayre. "Evolution In Canadian Art Principle Message of Exhibition. 56th In Art Association's History." Standard (Montreal) March 18, 1939. p.20. Full-text pdf