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BUELL, Katrina

Brockville, Ontario, 1867
Brockville, Ontario, 1938
Biography synopsis
Katrina Buell was chiefly a painter of still life, portraits and flowers. She also worked in batik and owned a batik studio in Toronto with her friend and partner Mabel Davidson. She studied at the Brockville Art School with Percy Woodcock. She was elected into the Royal Canadian Academy in 1890 and exhibited there in 1890 and 1891. She taught at the Brockville Art School from 1890 to 1894. She studied in New York with Kenyon Cox, J. Alden Weir, Arthur Wesley Dow, with Frank Brangwyn in London, and with Alcide Le Beau in Paris, 1900-1914. She exhibited with the Ontario Society of Artists in 1926, the Autumn Paris Salon in 1911 and 1912. She moved back to Canada in the 1920s and settled in Toronto, where she became a significant figure in the Women's Art Association.
Media used
Art Students' League, New York (under Kenyon Cox and Arthur Wesley Dow)
Women's Art Association of Canada
Ontario Society of Artists
File & Archive locations
Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC

Writings about
"London Letter." Toronto Saturday Night (18 Nov. 1911)
Benezit, Emmanuel. Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs Paris: Librairie Grund, 1976
Harper, J. Russell. Early Painters and Engravers in Canada Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970
MacPherson, Ian. Matters of Loyalty : The Buells of Brockville 1830-1850 Belleville: Mika Publishing Company, 1981
McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing. Royal Canadian Academy of Arts/Académie royale des arts du Canada: Exhibitions and Members 1880-1979 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981
Petteys, Chris, et al. Dictionary of Women Artists: An International Dictionary of Women Artists Born Before 1900 Boston: G. K. Hall, 1985
Pringle, Gertrude E. S. "An Age-Old Craft is Brought to Dominion by Girl Artists of Canada and Scotland." MacLean's Magazine (15 Jul. 1923)
Public Archives of Canada. Image of Canada: Documentary Watercolours and Drawings from the Permanent Collection of the Public Archives of Canada Ottawa: Information Canada, 1972

Full text pdfs of exhibition reviews
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, April 25, 1890) Carl Fuller.  "Royal Canadian Academy. Impressions of the Spring Exhibition at the Art Gallery- Some Promising Students."  Gazette (Montreal)  May 02, 1890.  p.2.   Full-text pdf

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