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GADBOIS, Louise Landry

Montreal, Quebec, 1896
Montreal, Quebec, 1985
Biography synopsis
Marie Marguerite Louise Gadbois studied with Edwin Holgate in Montreal (1932-1934) and later with John Lyman at the Art Association of Montreal. At the Art Association, she won the K.R. MacPherson Prize. After 1940, she was best known for her portraiture. In 1944 she exhibited with her daughter, Denyse Gadbois, at the Royal Victoria College and also in 1944 she had a joint exhibition with Philip Surrey. Her work is owned by the National Gallery of Canada and the Musée du Québec.
Media used
Art Association of Montreal (under John Lyman)
Private study, 1932 - 1934 (under Edwin Holgate)
File & Archive locations
Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
London Public Library, ON
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
Artexte Information Centre, QC - Documentation Centre
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives, QC
Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON

Writings about
Gazette (Montreal) 26 Feb. 1944
Ottawa Journal 28 Dec. 1940
Quebec Chronicle Telegraph 18 Nov. 1941
" ... ? ... At Art Association." Gazette (Montreal) 5 Jan. 1946
"Art: Canadian Moderns At Fine Arts Museum." Gazette (Montreal) 8 Aug. 1953
"Aspects de la peinture canadienne au College St-Laurent; 50 tableaux." La Presse (Montreal) 8 Mar. 1953
"C.A.C. Holding Exhibit At Dominion Gallery." Gazette (Montreal) 11 Nov. 1944
"Coast to Coast in Art." Canadian Art 6.4 (1947): 178
"Contemporary Arts Society." Canadian Art 2.2 (Dec. 1944)
"Femmes peintres canadiennes." Le Devoir (Montreal) 23 Mar. 1948: 6
"Les vies tranquilles de Louise Gadbois." Parcours: L'informateur des Arts 8.3 (Autumn 1996)
"Montreal Painters Opening Show Here: Exhibit by Members of the Contemporary Arts Society In Morgan's Gallery." Gazette (Montreal) 29 Nov. 1941: 21
"Refreshing Art Exhibition On View at Gallery." Ottawa Evening Journal 19 Dec. 1942
Addison Gallery of American Art. Contemporary Painting in Canada 1942
Aitken, Kate. "Montreal Women's Art Chosen for NY Exhibit." Standard (Montreal) 29 Mar. 1947: 12
Art Association of Montreal. Catalogue of the Fifty-Third Spring Exhibition, March 19th to April 12th, 1936 Montreal: The Bentley Printing House, 1936
Ayre, Robert. "Art News and Reviews: Exhibition of 'Art of Our Day' By Contemporary Arts Society Found Haunting and Significant." Standard (Montreal) 12 Jul. 1940: 7
Ayre, Robert. "Art Notes: Two Displays Attractive." Montreal Star 1 Aug. 1953
Ayre, Robert. "Art of Our Day in Canada." Toronto Saturday Night (25 Jan. 1941): 25
Ayre, Robert. "Canadian Group of Painters' Exhibition is Small but Good." Standard (Montreal) 14 Mar. 1942: 29
Ayre, Robert. "The Canadian Group of Painters." Canadian Art 6.3 (Spring 1949): 98-102
Bertrand, Magdeleine. Les Femmes artistes du Québec de 1875 à 1925 Montreal: Université de Montréal, 1990
Bouchard, Mary S. "Mon Journal." Liaison 2.12 (Sept. 1948): 404-405
Bourbeau, Géraldine. "Expositions." Liaisons 1.3 (Mar 1947): 170-171
Bourbeau, Géraldine. "Louise Gadbois, Charles Daudelin, Pierre Normandeau." Liaison 3.3 (Mar. 1949): 171-172
Brunet, Monique. Le souffle et la flamme : Marie-Alain Couturier au Canada et ses lettres à Louise Gadbois Quebec, QC: Septentrion, 2016
Brunet-Weinmann, Monique. Simone Mary Bouchard et Louise Gadbois : l'art naïf dans la modernité Saint-Sauveur, Québec: M. Broquet, 2009
Brunet-Weinmann, Monique. "Connaitre et reconnaitre Louise Gadbois." Vie des arts 25.100 (Autumn 1980): 23-25
Canadian Group of Painters. Canadian Group of Painters, Exhibition 1942 Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1942
Centre Culturel Verdun Cultural Center. Louise Gadbois, Centre Culturel Verdun Cultural Center, 14 janvier to 31 janvier, 1969 1969
Concordia Art Gallery. Montreal Women Artists of the 1950's/Les femmes artistes de Montréal des années 50 Montreal: Concordia Art Gallery, 1988
Contemporary Arts Society. Contemporary Arts Society: Drawings, Prints, Sculpture, December 1st to 31st, 1941 1941
Daniel, Pierre. "De Borduas à M. Bouchard." La Presse (Montreal) 14 Nov. 1942
Daniel, Pierre. "Peintres canadiens." La Presse (Montreal) 14 Mar. 1942: 33
Delisle, Jacques. "À la Dominion Gallery of Fine Arts." Le Devoir (Montreal) 21 Nov. 1944: 3
Desjardins, Marie-Paule. Dictionnaire biographique des femmes célèbres et rémarquables de notre histoire Montréal: Guérin, 2007
Doyon, Charles. "C.A.S. (43)." Le Jour (Montreal) 27 Nov. 1943: 6
Doyon, Charles. "La peinture feminine." Le Clairon (Sainte-Hyacinthe) ?
Doyon, Charles. "Les Arts: les dessins de CAS." Le Jour (Montreal) 10 Jan. 1942: 7
Flammarion. Louise Gadbois: Peintures 1951
Forster, Michael. "Canadian Sees Mexico In Show by R.Y. Wilson." Standard (Montreal) 21 Apr. 1951
Fortin, Nathalie. La Place des Femmes dans la Société d'Art Contemporain: Montréal, 1939-1948 Montreal, QC: UQàM, M.A. thesis, 2007
Gagnon, François. "Beauté des visages et des visions de chaos." La Presse (Montreal) 16 Nov. 1946
Gagnon, François. "Toutes les tendances sont passées en revue." La Presse (Montreal) 7 Apr. 1949
Galerie UQAM. Louise Gadbois: Rétrospective 1932-1982 1983
Gauvreau, Claude. "Révolution à la société d'art contemporain." Le Quartier Latin (Québec) 5 Dec. 1946: 5
Girard, Henri. "Le Salon du Printemps." Le Canada (Montreal) 15 Mar. 1939: 2
Hambleton, Josephine. "Artists in the French Tradition." Ottawa Citizen 27 Mar. 1948
Hamel, Charles. "Les Arts: Grande variété de l'exposition de la S.A.C." Le Canada (Montreal) 21 Nov. 1946
Heller, Jules and Nancy. North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century New York: Garland, 1995
Huot, Maurice. "La Société d'art contemporain." Le Canada (Montreal) 11 Nov. 1944
Huot, Maurice. "Peintres féminins." La Patrie (Montreal) 6 Apr. 1949: 16
Joyal, Paul. "Salon de la Société d'art contemporain." La Presse (Montreal) 13 Nov. 1943: 28
Lecaisne, Jacques Plasse. "Louise Gadbois." Liaison 2.13 (Mar. 1948): 143-144
Lyman, John. "Canadian Art Show in U.S. Is Best Yet Sent Abroad." Standard (Montreal) 24 Oct. 1942
MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009
Moura Sorbal, Louis de. "Élégance et délicatesse de Louise Gadbois." Vie des Arts 28.111 (Jun-Aug. 1983): 51
Musée d'art contemporain. Portrait dans la peinture: Louise Gadbois 1936-1955 Montreal, QC: Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère des Affaires culturelles, 1979
Musée du Québec. Au féminin: choix d'oeuvres de la collection du Musée du Québec, 1920-1930 Québec: Musée du Québec, 1997
Museu nacional de belas artes. Pintura Canadense Contemporarnea Rio De Janeiro: Museu nacional de belas artes, 1944
National Council of Women of Canada. Canadian Women Artists' Exhibition, Sponsored by Local Council of Women of Kitchener Kitchener: Canadian Arts Council and Department of External Affairs, 1947
National Council of Women of Canada. Femmes peintres canadiennes: Expositions présentée par le conseil national des femmes canadiennes 1947
National Gallery of Canada. Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture: Canadian School Ottawa: Trustees of the National Gallery of Canada, 1957
Nixon, Virginia. "Gallery round-up: Humorous bronze sculptures and calm, alienated fantasy." Gazette (Montreal) 3 May 1975: 52
Normand, Renée. "Ainsi parle le lecteur: La Société d'Arts Contemporains." Le Devoir (Montreal) 11 Feb. 1948: 5
Panzeau, Marcel. "La vie artistique: Dessins." Le Canada (Montreal) 13 Dec. 1941: 2
Reynald. "Nos aspirants au modernisme résolu: La Société d'Art Contemporain expose aux nouvelles galeries Frank Stevens." La Presse (Montreal) 23 Dec. 1939: 43
Rochon, Paul. "L'Art vivant." La Patrie 13 Nov. 1944
Roussan, Jacques. "Femmes peintres du Quebec." Perspectives 27 Apr. 1975
Russell, Bruce. "Realism Features Contemporary Art Show: Exhibition Opens at Fine Arts Museum." Star (Montreal) 9 Dec. 1952
St. Philip, Elizabeth. "Honouring a new history." The Link (Montreal) 26 Jan. 1988: 6
Trepanier, Esther and Landry, Pierre. Femmes artistes du XXe siecle au Quebec: Oeuvres du Musee national des beaux-arts du Quebec Quebec, Quebec: Musee national des beaux-arts du Quebec, 2010.

Writings by
Gadbois, Louise. "Mary Bouchard: peintre." Liaisons 2.17 (Sept. 1948): 399-403
Gadbois, Louise. "Rigueur." Liaison 1.2 (Feb. 1947): 119

Full text pdfs of exhibition reviews
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 19, 1936) "Spring Exhibition on Generous Scale. Show at Art Gallery Opened Last Night Contains 621 Items."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 20, 1936.  p.2.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 19, 1936) "Annual Spring Exhibition at Art Association."  Montreal Star  March 20, 1936.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 18, 1937) "The Spring Exhibition of the Art Association."  Montreal Star  March 19, 1937.  p.17.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 18, 1937) "Nearly 500 Works at Spring Exhibit. Art Association's 54th Annual Show Opens with Private Views. Judges Open-Minded."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 19, 1937.  p.13,17.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, 1938) "Works in Art Exhibition Are of Unusual Merit. New Policy of Showing More Carefully Selected Pieces Followed by Association."  Montreal Star  March 18, 1938.  p.17.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, 1938) Henri Girard.  "La Salon du Printemps."  Le Canada (Montreal)  March 21, 1938.  p.2.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, 1939) Henri Girard..  "La vie artistique. Le salon du printemps."  Le Canada (Montreal)  March 15, 1939.  p.2.   Full-text pdf

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