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MACLEAN, Sarah Jean Munro

Pictou, Nova Scotia, 1873
Montreal, Quebec, 1952
Biography synopsis
An active participant in the Montreal art scene during the 1920s, Jean Munro Maclean was best known for her landscapes and portraits. Her early training took place in Boston, under E.M. Carpenter. She then moved to England to continue her studies at the Liverpool School of Art (under R. A. Bell, Frederick Burridge, and John Compton), and at the Heatherley School of Art in London. The artist graduated with honours, and was also awarded her teaching diploma. Upon her return to Canada, Maclean settled in Montreal and joined the Women's Art Association (1919), and the Art Association of Montreal (1925), organizing sketching and studio classes for the latter throughout 1927. She also became involved in church work following her marriage to Rev. Lachlan A. Maclean. Important exhibitions include the Art Association of Montreal Spring Show and a command exhibition for the Marquis of Lorne, then Governor-General of Canada. In 1921, her painting entitled "Old Courtyard, St. Vincent" was purchased by the National Gallery of Canada, and a copy made for the Montreal courthouse.
Media used
Private study (under E. M. Carpenter (Boston, Mass.))
Heatherley Art School, London
Liverpool School of Art (under R. A. Bell, Frederick Burridge, and John Compton)
Women's Art Society of Montreal, 1919
Art Association of Montreal, 1925
File & Archive locations
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives

Writings about
"Art Association's Spring Exhibition: Private View Ushered in Showing of Representative Assemblage of Work." Gazette (Montreal) 3 Apr. 1925
"Canadian Artist, Mrs. Maclean Dies." Gazette (Montreal) 23 Feb. 1952
"Distinguished Painter Laid to Rest at Pictou." News (New Glasgow, Nova Scotia) 27 Feb. 1952
"Fewer Paintings, Higher Standards: Thirty-Eighth Annual Exhibition of Art Association of Montreal." Gazette (Montreal) 1 Apr. 1921
"La Peinture Féminine Chez Morgan." La Patrie 15 Nov. 1925
"Le Salon du Printemps." La Patrie (Montreal) 26 Mar. 1928: 17
"Montreal Artists Well Represented: High Standard Set at Spring Exhibition of Art Association." Gazette (Montreal) 16 Mar. 1923: 6
"Spring Exhibition at Art Galleries: Younger Men and Women Encouraged by Jury of Selection." Gazette (Montreal) 23 Mar. 1928: 8
"Spring Exhibition Marked by Variety." Gazette (Montreal) 10 Mar. 1939
"Spring Exhibition of Art Was Opened on Thursday." Montreal Star 17 Mar. 1933: 19
"Spring Exhibition of the Art Association of Montreal." Toronto Star 22 Mar. 1933
Hubbard, R. H. National Gallery of Canada, Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture, Volume 3 Ottawa: Published for the Trustees by University of Toronto Press, 1960
Hughes, Margaret E. A Guide to Canadian Painters Toronto: King's Printer, 1940
MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009
McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Formerly Art Association of Montreal: Spring Exhibitions, 1880-1970 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988
McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing. Royal Canadian Academy of Arts/Académie royale des arts du Canada: Exhibitions and Members 1880-1979 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981
Morgan-Powell, S. "Museums - A Spring Exhibition." Montreal Star 22 Mar. 1929
Petteys, Chris, et al. Dictionary of Women Artists: An International Dictionary of Women Artists Born Before 1900 Boston: G. K. Hall, 1985
St. G. P. "Canadian Artists Showing Work In Eaton's Fine Galleries." Gazette (Montreal) 6 Aug. 1938
St. John Art School. 1912 Provincial Exhibition, St. John, N.B., Catalogue: Loan Exhibition of Oil and Watercolor Paintings. St. John (New Brunswick): St. John's Art Club, 1912

Full text pdfs of exhibition reviews
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 25, 1920) "Artist's Efforts Reach High Level."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 26, 1920.  p.6.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, April 01, 1921) "Fewer Paintings, Higher Standards. Thirty-Eighth Annual Exhibition of Art Association of Montreal. Private View Last Night."  Gazette (Montreal)  April 01, 1921.  p.11.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 21, 1922) "Exhibits Drawn From Wide Area. Growing Importance of Spring Art Exhibition More Generally Recognized."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 21, 1922.  p.5.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 16, 1923) "Montreal Artists Well Represented. High Standard Set at Spring Exhibition of Art Association."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 16, 1923.  p.6.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 27, 1924) "Meritorious Work at Spring Exhibit. Mural Paintings in R.C.A. Competition Part of Entries at Art Gallery."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 28, 1924.  p.15.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 24, 1927) "Over 300 Exhibits in Spring Art Show. Forty-fourth Exhibition Opened with Private View Last Night. Will Close April 18. Landscapes and Marines Predominate - Some Prominent Artists and Several of Younger Group Unrepresented."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 25, 1927.  p.6.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 21, 1929) "Spring Exhibition at Art Galleries. Jury Selection Sympathetic to Sincere and Normal Work - Promise Shown by New Exhibitors."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 22, 1929.  p.12.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 21, 1929) S. Morgan-Powell.  "The Spring Exhibition."  Star (Montreal)  March 22, 1929.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 21, 1929) Albert Laberge.  "Nouvelle visite au salon des peintres Canadiens. Intéressants tableaux par Alex Jackson, Rita Mount, Christina Harrington, George Fox, F.S. Coburn - De superbes lithographies par Gordon Lyman et de vigoureuses pointes-sèches par Kathleen Daly."  La Presse (Montreal)  March 28, 1929.  p.16.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 21, 1930) "Spring Exhibition Has Private View."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 22, 1930.  p.3.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, November 19, 1931) "Wide Range of Art In R.C.A. Exhibition."  Gazette (Montreal)  November 20, 1931.  p.10.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, November 19, 1931) "Landscapes, Portraits, Water Colors, Sculpture, Viewed at Exhibition of Royal Canadian Academy."  Montreal Star  November 25, 1931.  p.11.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, November 19, 1931) "Paintings Show Big Advance on Those of Last Exhibition.`"  Standard (Montreal)  December 05, 1931.  p.54.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 17, 1932) "Art Association's Spring Exhibition Is 49th of Series. Some Five Hundred Works Greet Invited Guests at Private View."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 18, 1932.  p.6.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 16, 1933) "Spring Exhibition of Art Association Was Opened on Thursday."  Montreal Star  March 17, 1933.  p.19.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 16, 1933) "50th Spring Show Opened to Public. Jury Shows Open Mind. From Over 1,000 Entries, 543 Works Representative of Various Schools Have Been Selected."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 17, 1933.  p.6.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 16, 1933) "Spring Exhibition of the Art Association of Montreal"  Montreal Star  March 22, 1933.  17.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, April 15, 1934) "Fifty-First Spring Exhibition of the Art Association."  Montreal Star  April 20, 1934.  p.15.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, April 15, 1934) "Art Association Spring Show Opens. Private View Inaugurates Exhibition Containing Over Five Hundred Works."  Gazette (Montreal)  April 20, 1934.  p.17.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 21, 1935) "Spring Exhibition of Art Association Opened on Thursday."  Montreal Star  March 22, 1935.  p.17.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 21, 1935) "Nearly 500 Works at Spring Exhibit. Variety in Show at Galleries of Art Association of Montreal. 1,080 Items Submitted. Judges Reveal Open Minds and 52nd Annual Contains Much to Meet Differing Tastes."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 22, 1935.  p.3.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 19, 1936) "Spring Exhibition on Generous Scale. Show at Art Gallery Opened Last Night Contains 621 Items."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 20, 1936.  p.2.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 19, 1936) "Annual Spring Exhibition at Art Association."  Montreal Star  March 20, 1936.  p.8.   Full-text pdf

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