Home > Artist Database > Bio-bibliographic Database > SCHREIBER, Charlotte

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SCHREIBER, Charlotte

Woodham Mortimer, Essex, England, 1834
Paignton, Devon, England, 1922
Biography synopsis
Charlotte Schreiber (née Charlotte Mount Brock Morrell) was one of four children, was artistically gifted, and was encouraged and supported by her father in her artistic endeavours. Her formal art education began in the early 1850s, consisting of attendance at Mr. Cary's School of Art, London, anatomy lessons from a former surgeon, and unofficial classical training from J.R. Herbert, RA (1810-1890). She was a painter of portraits, landscapes and genre scenes in oil and watercolour. Schreiber illustrated three books in England - Chaucer's "The Legende of the Knight of the Red Crosse," The First Book of Spenser's "Faerie Queene" (1871), and a posthumous publication of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "The Rhyme of the Duchess May" (1874). In 1875 at age forty-one, she married her cousin Weymouth Schreiber and moved to Toronto, Canada with him and his three children; she illustrated three children's books that were published in Toronto. She continued to paint in Canada and quickly became involved in, and played an important role in the Toronto art community. She was elected to the Ontario Society of Artists in 1876, was the first woman to teach at the newly formed Ontario College of Art in 1877, was appointed to the managing board in 1878 and ran the College with Lucius O'Brien and James Smith. She was elected a charter member of the Royal Canadian Academy in 1880 and remained the only female member of the RCA until the second woman, Marion Long, was elected in 1933. Schreiber exhibited her work at the annual exhibitions of the Ontario Society of Artists and the Royal Canadian Academy, the Art Association of Montreal, the Canadian Women's Art Association, the Toronto Industrial Exhibitions, the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibitions, the Paris Salon (1890) and the World Columbian Exhibition in Chicago (1893). When her husband died in 1898, Schreiber returned to England where she lived in Paignton, Devon, and continued to paint and sell her work until she died in 1922.
Media used
Book illustration
Private study, 1855 - 1857 (under John Rogers Herbert, RCA)
Cary's School of Art, London, England, 1852 - 1855
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, 1880
Ontario Society of Artists, 1876
File & Archive locations
University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library
University of Toronto Mississauga, ON - Blackwood Gallery
Hamilton Public Library, ON - Local History and Archives Department
Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON

Writings about
"?" Week 1 May 1884: 343-45
"Charlotte Schreiber Displays Her Art At Erindale College." Mississauga News 1 Nov. 1967
"Literary and Artistic." Canadian Illustrated News 8 Jan. 1881: 27
"One of Our Artists." Saturday Globe (Toronto) 2 Mar. 1895: 1-2
"Schreiber, Harbison: intense." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 22 Apr. 1967
"The Croppy Boy." Canadian Illustrated News 24 Apr. 1880: 257, 259
"The Glenbow Foundation." Canadian Art 74 (Jul-Aug. 1961): 270
"The Governor-General had an eye for art." Artnews 79.2 (Feb. 1980): 46-49
"The largest collection ever assembled of the oils and water colors of Charlotte M. B. Schreiber..." New Toronto ? 9 Nov. 1967
"The Royal Academy." Week 4 Jun. 1885: 420-22
Colgate, William. Canadian Art, its Origin and Development Toronto: Ryerson, 1943
Collard, Elizabeth. "Home-Thoughts, From Abroad: Early Canadian Christmas and New Years Cards." Country Life (1 Dec. 1983)
Dagg, Anne Innis. "What Happens to Women's Art?" Globe and Mail (Toronto) 4 Aug. 1984
Davies, Blodwen. "Canadian Women of Brush and Chisel." Chatelaine 3 (Jun. 1930): 9, 42
Dignam, Mary E. "Distinguished Professional Women." Women of Canada: Their Life and Work Toronto: National Council of Women of Canada, 1900
Doyle, Lynn C. "Art Notes." Saturday Night 9.14 (22 Feb. 1896): 9
Doyle, Lynn C. "Art." Saturday Night 9.21(11 Apr. 1896): 9
Duval, Paul. High Realism in Canada Toronto and Vancouver: Clark, Irwin & Co, 1974
Erindale Campus Art Gallery. Charlotte Schreiber, R.C.A.: A Retrospective Toronto: University of Toronto, 1985
Fallis, Margaret. Charlotte Schreiber R.C.A., 1834-1922 Ottawa: Carleton University, 1985
Farr, Dorothy and Luckyj, Natalie. From Women's Eyes: Women Painters in Canada Kingston: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 1975
Faught, Brad. "[Article taken from the University of Toronto magazine, Summer 2002]." University of Toronto Magazine (Summer 2002)
Fleisher, Pat. "Love or Art." Art Magazine 5.15 (Fall 1973): 19-20
Graves, Algernon. The Royal Academy of Arts: A Complete Dictionary of Contributors and Their Works from its Foundations in 1769 to 1904 London: Henry Graves & Co. and George Bell & Sons, 1905
Haggo, Regina. "On the Home Front." Hamilton Spectator 3 Mar. 2001
Hammond, M. O. "Painting and Sculpture in Canada." Dalhousie Review 10 (1930-31): 382-89
Harper, J. Russell. Early Painters and Engravers in Canada Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970
Harper, J. Russell. Painting in Canada: A History Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1966, 2nd edition 1977
Heller, Jules and Nancy. North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century New York: Garland, 1995
Johnston, E. F. B. "Painting and Sculpture in Canada." Canada and Its Provinces Toronto: Glasgow, Brook and Co, 1914
Jones, Hugh Griffith. History of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Montreal: T.A. Dickson, 1934
Kalbfleisch, John. "Her sketches of Canadian Life have Survived a Century" Gazette (Montreal) 20 Aug. 2009: A12
Keller, Betty. Black Wolf: The Life of Ernest Thompson Seton Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1984
Koteff, Will. "Lislehurst." Mississauga News ? 1981
Kritzwiser, Kay. "A tale of two women with power to communicate." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 22 Apr. 1967
Kritzwiser, Kay. "Schreiber art exhibited in Victorian setting." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 3 Nov. 1967: 10
Kritzwiser, Kay. "Total sculpture beneath a blue sky in Vancouver." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 3 Aug. 1968
MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009
MacTavish, Newton. Ars Longa Toronto: The Ontario Publishing Co., 1925
MacTavish, Newton. The Fine Arts in Canada Toronto: Macmillan, 1925
MacTavish, Newton. "Canadian Women Painters." The Fine Arts in Canada Toronto: MacMillan Company of Canada, 1925
Mallett, Daniel Trowbridge. Mallett's Index of Artists New York: R.R. Bowker, 1935
Marsh, James H, ed. Canadian Encyclopedia Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers, 1988
McKendry, Blake. A to Z of Canadian Art: Artists and Art Terms Kingston: B. McKendry, 1997
McKenzie, Ruth. "Fanny Amelia Bayfield (Wright)." Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online Ottawa: Libraries and Archives Canada, 2008
McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Formerly Art Association of Montreal: Spring Exhibitions, 1880-1970 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988
McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing. Royal Canadian Academy of Arts/Académie royale des arts du Canada: Exhibitions and Members 1880-1979 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981
Miner, Muriel Miller. G.A. Reid, Canadian Artist; Reprint: George Reid: A Biography Toronto: Ryerson Press and Summerhill Press, 1946; (reprint) 1987
Mississauga Heritage Foundation. "Charlotte Schreiber." http://www.heritagemississauga.com/profiles.htm Mississauga: Mississauga Heritage Foundation, 2003
Morgan, Henry James. The Canadian Men and Women of the Time: A Handbook of Canadian Biography Toronto: William Briggs, 1898
Murray, Joan. Ontario Society of Artists: 100 Years Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1972
National Gallery of Canada. Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture: Canadian School Ottawa: Trustees of the National Gallery of Canada, 1957
National Library of Canada. "Celebrating Women's Achievements... Women Artists in Canada: Charlotte Mount Brock Schreiber, RCA." http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/2/12/h12-520-e.html Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 2003
Newlands, Anne. Canadian Art: From its Beginnings to 2000 Richmond Hill: Firefly Books, 2000
Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Eleventh Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1883 Toronto: Ontario Society of Artists, 1883
Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Fifth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1877 Toronto: Ontario Society of Artists, 1877
Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Fourteenth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1886 Toronto: Ontario Society of Artists, 1886
Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Fourth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1876 Toronto: Ontario Society of Artists, 1876
Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Ninth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1881 Toronto: Ontario Society of Artists, 1881
Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Seventh Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1879 Toronto: Ontario Society of Artists, 1879
Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Sixth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1878 Toronto: Ontario Society of Artists, 1878
Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Tenth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1882 Toronto: Ontario Society of Artists, 1882
Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1885 Toronto: Ontario Society of Artists, 1885
Ontario Society of Artists. Catalogue of the Twelfth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists, 1884 Toronto: Ontario Society of Artists, 1884
Payne, Thomas. "Charlotte Mount Brock Morrell (1834-1922)." http://members.iglou.com/tpayne/Charlotte_Mount_Brock_Morrell.html 2003
Pecar. "Charlotte Schreiber's works at U of T's Erindale Gallery." Mississauga News 25 Sept. 1985: S16
Petteys, Chris, et al. Dictionary of Women Artists: An International Dictionary of Women Artists Born Before 1900 Boston: G. K. Hall, 1985
Reid, Dennis R. "Notre patrie le Canada": Mémoires sur les aspirations nationales des principaux paysagistes de Montréal et de Toronto, 1860-1890 Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1979
Robbins, John Everett, ed. Encyclopedia Canadiana Ottawa: Canadiana Company of Canada, Grolier Society of Canada, 1957
Robson, Albert Henry. Canadian Landscape Painters Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1932
Sartin, Stephen. A Dictionary of British Narrative Painters Leigh-on-Sea: F. Lewis, Publisher, Ltd, 1978
Sisler, Rebecca. Passionate Spirits: A History of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, 1880-1980 Toronto: Clarke, Irwin, 1980
Thieme, Ulrich and Felix Becker. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart Leipzig, Germany: E. A. Seamans, 1962
Tippett, Maria. By a Lady Toronto: Viking, 1992
Weaver, Emily P. "Pioneer Canadian Women." Canadian Magazine (May 1917): 32-6
Williamson, George C., ed. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers London, England: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd, 1919
Williamson, Moncrieff. Through Canadian Eyes: Trends and Influences in Canadian Art: 1815-1965 Calgary: Glenbow-Alberta Institute, 1976
Wood, Christopher. The Dictionary of Victorian Painters Woodbridge: Antique Collectors' Club, 1978

Writings by
Baring-Gould, Rev. S.; designs by Mrs. Schreiber. Now The Day Is Over Toronto: Hart and Rawlinson, 1881
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett; illus. by Charlotte M.B Morrell. The Rhyme of the Duchess May London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle, 1873
Spenser, Edmund; illus. by Charlotte M.B. Morrell. The Legend of the Knight of the Red Crosse or of Holinesse London: Sampson Low, Son and Marston, 1871

Full text pdfs of exhibition reviews
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, June 13, 1876) "The Art Exhibition."  Toronto Daily Mail  June 14, 1876.  p.2.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, June 13, 1876) "Ontario Society of Artists Exhibition. Second Notice."  Globe (Toronto)  June 17, 1876.  p. 7.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, June 13, 1876) "Ontario Society of Artists Exhibition."  Globe (Toronto)  June 19, 1876.  p. 4.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 14, 1877) "Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists"  Toronto Daily Mail  May 14, 1877.  p.2.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 14, 1877) "Ontario Society of Artists."  Globe (Toronto)  May 16, 1877.  p. 4.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 14, 1877) "The Ontario Society of Artists. Fifth Annual Exhibition."  Globe (Toronto)  May 24, 1877.  p. 4.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition.: (Toronto, May 20, 1878) "Society of Artists. Sixth Annual Exhibition. The Oil Paintings."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 20, 1878.  p.4.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition.: (Toronto, May 20, 1878) "Sixth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists."  Globe (Toronto)  May 21, 1878.  p. 2.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition.: (Toronto, May 20, 1878) "Ontario Society of Artists. Sixth Annual Exhibition. Opening by the Governor-General."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 21, 1878.  p.2.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition.: (Toronto, May 20, 1878) "Ontario Society of Artists. The Oil Paintings."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 22, 1878.  p.4.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition.: (Toronto, May 20, 1878) "Ontario Society of Artists. Sixth Annual Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings."  Globe (Toronto)  May 24, 1878.  p. 3.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 15, 1879) "The Art Exhibition. The Oil Paintings."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 16, 1879.  p.4.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, May 1879) "The Art Exhibition. The Paintings and the Painters."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 19, 1879.  p.4.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 15, 1879) "The Art Exhibition. The Paintings and the Painters."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 19, 1879.  p.4.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 15, 1879) "Ontario Society of Artists. Seventh Annual Exhibition."  Globe (Toronto)  May 20, 1879.  p. 3.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Ottawa, March 08, 1880) "Academy of Arts. All Ready for the Opening."  Free Press (Ottawa)  March 06, 1880.  p.2.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Ottawa, March 08, 1880) "Canadian Academy of Arts. The Formal Opening."  Ottawa Daily Citizen  March 07, 1880.  p.1.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Ottawa, March 08, 1880) "The Canadian Academy of Arts. The Opening Ceremonies."  Daily Witness (Montreal)  March 08, 1880.  p.2.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Ottawa, March 08, 1880) "Canadian Art. The Academy Exhibition."  Free Press (Ottawa)  March 08, 1880.  p.1-2.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Ottawa, March 08, 1880) "The Academy of Art. Brilliant Opening of the Exhibition on Saturday Evening."  Globe (Toronto)  March 08, 1880.  p.4.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Ottawa, March 08, 1880) "The Canadian Academy of Arts. The Opening Ceremonies."  Montreal Witness  March 08, 1880.  p.2.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Ottawa, March 08, 1880) "The Academy of Art. The Exhibition at Ottawa Fairly Under Way."  Toronto Daily Mail  March 09, 1880.  p.1.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Ottawa, March 08, 1880) "Academy of Arts. First Public Day of the Exhibition."  Globe (Toronto)  March 09, 1880.  p.3.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Ottawa, March 08, 1880) "The Canadian Academy of Arts. The Opening Ceremonies."  Montreal Witness  March 10, 1880.  p.1.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, April 14, 1880) "Art Association of Montreal. Exhibition of Works by Canadian Artists."  Gazette (Montreal)  April 14, 1880.  p.4.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, April 14, 1880) "Something To Be Proud Of."  Daily Witness (Montreal)  April 14, 1880.  p.4.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, April 14, 1880) "Toronto Artists Exhibiting."  Toronto Evening Telegram  April 14, 1880.  p.1.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, April 14, 1880) "The Canadian Arts Association. "Sold" - Other Noticeable Pictures in the Collection."  Daily Witness (Montreal)  April 23, 1880.  p.2.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Ottawa, March 08, 1880) "Exhibition of Canadian Art."  Canadian Spectator  May 01, 1880.  3.18: p.210.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 13, 1880) "Ontario Society of Artists. Eight Annual Exhibition - Preliminary Notice."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 14, 1880.  p.4.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 13, 1880) "Ontario Society of Artists. Opening of the Eighth Annual Exhibition. A Fair Attendance and an Excellent Display."  Globe (Toronto)  May 14, 1880.  p. 8.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 13, 1880) "Ontario Society of Artists. Eighth Annual Exhibition. Second Day. - Something More About the Paintings."  Globe (Toronto)  May 15, 1880.  p. 9.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 13, 1880) "Ontario Society of Artists. Continuation of the Eighth Annual Exhibition."  Globe (Toronto)  May 18, 1880.  p. 8.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 13, 1880) "Ontario Society of Artists. Continuation of the Eighth Annual Exhibition."  Globe (Toronto)  May 19, 1880.  p. 10.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 13, 1880) "The Art Exhibition"  Toronto Daily Mail  May 23, 1880.  p.4.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Ottawa, March 08, 1880) "Canadian Artists and Their Works."  Evening Telegram (Toronto)  June 01, 1880.  p.3.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 12, 1881) "Ontario Art and Artists. Ninth Exhibition of the Provincial Association"  Toronto Daily Mail  May 11, 1881.  p.9.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 12, 1881) "Ontario Society of Artists. Preparations for the Coming Exhibition and Art Union."  Globe  May 11, 1881.  p. 12.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 12, 1881) "Ontario Society of Artists. The Oil Paintings at the Ninth Annual Exhibition."  Globe (Toronto)  May 14, 1881.  p. 17.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Halifax, April 1882) "Royal Canadian Academy of Arts: Private view at the Art Gallery."  Gazette (Montreal)  April 10, 1882.  p. 5.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Halifax, April 1882) "Royal Canadian Academy. Preparations for Opening the Third Annual Exhibition."  Globe (Toronto)  April 10, 1882.  p.2.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 1882) "Art in Ontario. Tenth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society. The "Private View" Day. A Capital Display in Both Branches."  Globe (Toronto)  May 15, 1882.  p. 8.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 1882) "Canadian Art. The Tenth Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society. Other Oil Paintings Criticised."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 17, 1882.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 1882) "Art in Ontario. Tenth Annual Exhibition of the Provincial Society. The Public Opening. The Oil Paintings-An Excellent Display."  Globe (Toronto)  May 17, 1882.  p. 5.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 1882) "Canadian Art. The Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists. Studies in Oils and Watercolours."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 19, 1882.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, April 1883) "The Art Exhibition. The Oil Paintings - Portraits, Figures and Character Studies."  Gazette (Montreal)  April 16, 1883.  p.3.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "The Coming Art Exhibition. Work of Toronto Artists by Way of Preparation."  Globe (Toronto)  April 19, 1883.  p. 3.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "The Coming Art Exhibition. Work of Toronto Artists by Way of Preparation."  Globe (Toronto)  April 19, 1883.  p.3.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "Art Treasures. Display in the Extensive Saloons of the Educational Museum. Interesting and Instructive Collection."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 24, 1883.  p.4.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "Canadian Art. Exhibition of Academy of Arts and Ontario Society. Notes of the Leading Features. Marked Improvement In Quality of Pictures."  Globe (Toronto)  May 24, 1883.  p.6.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "Art Treasures. Display in the Extensive Saloons of the Educational Museum. Interesting and Instructive Collective."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 24, 1883.  p.4.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "Canadian Art. Exhibition of Academy of Arts and Ontario Society. Notes of the Leading Features. Marked Improvement In Quality of Pictures."  Globe (Toronto)  May 24, 1883.  p. 6.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "Triumphs of Art. Further Review of the Paintings, Critical and Descriptive. Amateur Critics Unfavourably Criticized."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 26, 1883.  p.3.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "Triumphs of Art. Further Review of the Paintings, Critical and Descriptive. Amateur Critics Unfavourably Criticized."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 26, 1883.  p.3.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "The Canadian Salon. Glimpses Among the Art Works at the Normal School. Hint in Regard to Diploma Pictures."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 28, 1883.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "The Canadian Salon. Glimpses Among the Art Works at the Normal School. Hint in Regard to Diploma Pictures."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 28, 1883.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "The Art Exhibition. Noteworthy Loan Pictures from European Studios. The Lady Artists."  Globe (Toronto)  May 28, 1883.  p. 6.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "Contributions to Art. Personal Co-Operation With the Academy. A Properly Constructed Gallery Wanted."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 29, 1883.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "Contributions to Art. Personal Co-Operation With the Academy. A Properly Constructed Gallery Wanted."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 29, 1883.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "The Review Continued. Concluding Words Regarding the Oil Paintings. General Satisfactory Work."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 31, 1883.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 23, 1883) "The Review Continued. Concluding Words Regarding the Oil Paintings. General Satisfactory Work."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 31, 1883.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Montreal, April 15, 1884) "Art Exhibition. Annual assembly of the R.C. Academy of Arts."  Gazette (Montreal)  April 15, 1884.  p.2.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Montreal, April 15, 1884) "Notes on the Montreal Art Exhibition."  The Week (Toronto)  May 01, 1884.  p.344,353.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 17, 1884) "Native Art. The Exhibition of the Society of Ontario Artists. Brief Notes of the Principal Paintings."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 16, 1884.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 17, 1884) "Ontario Society of Artists. Good Attendance on the Second Day. Something More About the Oil Paintings."  Globe (Toronto)  May 20, 1884.  p. 2.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 17, 1884) "Ontario Society of Artists. Fifth Day of the Exhibition of Paintings. Notes on Some of the Pictures"  Globe (Toronto)  May 23, 1884.  p. 6.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 14, 1885) "Canadian Art. The Royal Canadian Academy and the Ontario Society of Artists. Combined Exhibition. President Wilson and Hon. G.W. Ross Deliver Addresses. Private View."  Globe (Toronto)  May 15, 1885.  p. 6.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA.: (Toronto, May 14, 1885) "Canadian Art. The Royal Canadian Academy and the Ontario Society of Artists. Combined Exhibition. President Wilson and Hon. G.W. Ross Deliver Addresses. The Private View."  Globe (Toronto)  May 15, 1885.  p. 6.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 14, 1885) "Pencil and Palette. The Combined Exhibition of the Society and Academy. Further Notes on the Oil Paintings."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 25, 1885.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA.: (Toronto, May 14, 1885) "The Royal Academy."  The Week (Toronto)  June 04, 1885.  p.420-422.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 14, 1885) "The Royal Academy."  The Week  June 04, 1885.  p. 420-422.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Ottawa, February 1886) "Royal Academy. Additional Notes on the Exhibition."  Ottawa Daily Citizen  February 09, 1886.  p.3.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 13, 1886) "Ontario Society of Artists. Prospects for the Exhibition Which Opens Today."  Globe (Toronto)  May 15, 1886.  p. 16.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 13, 1886) "The Picture Gallery. Ontario Society of Artists Fifteenth Exhibition. What is to be Seen in the Oil Room-Some Young Men Coming to the Front-First Notice."  Toronto Daily Mail  May 18, 1886.  p.5.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, May 13, 1886) L.C..  "The Ontario Society of Artists. Annual Exhibition."  The Week  June 03, 1886.  p.435.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, June 14, 1887) "The Exhibit of the Ontario Society. I."  The Week  June 23, 1887.  p.486.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto, May 08, 1888) "The Art Exhibition. Second Review of the Pictures Displayed in the Granite Rink. Some Highly Commendable Work Done by Canadian Artists - All the Exhibits Discussed from an Artist's Point of View."  Globe (Toronto)  May 12, 1888.  p. 10.   Full-text pdf
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA.: (Toronto, May 07, 1888) "The Art Exhibition. Second Review of the Pictures Displayed in the Granite Rink. Some Highly Commendable Work Done by Canadian Artists - All the Exhibits Discussed from an Artist's Point of View."  Globe (Toronto)  May 12, 1888.  p. 10.   Full-text pdf
Women's Art Association of Canada (Tor) - 3rd Annual Sketch Club Exhibition: (89 Canada Life Building, December 02, 1895) "Untitled"  Toronto Saturday Night  December 07, 1895.  p.9.   Full-text pdf
Women's Art Association of Canada (Ham) - First Exhibition: (Y.M.C.A., February 18, 1896) "Art Notes"  Toronto Saturday Night  February 22, 1896.  p.9.   Full-text pdf
Women's Art Association of Canada (Tor) - 8th Annual Spring Exhibition: (Robert's Art Galleries, April 04, 1896) "Women And Art. Annual Exhibition of the Woman's Art Association. Purely Canadian Exhibits. Great Discretion Exercised in the Selection of Paintings. Lieutenant-Governor Kirkpatrick and Party Present at the Opening-The Exhibit Open Till the 17."  Globe and Mail  April 07, 1896.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
Women's Art Association of Canada (Tor) - 9th Annual Spring Exhibition: (Robert's Art Galleries, March 01, 1897) "Woman's Art Association. Annual Exhibition of Paintings by Members of the Association-Other Cities Represented."  Globe and Mail (Toronto)  March 02, 1897.  p.6.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (, 1898) Jean Grant.  "The Royal Canadian Academy Exhibition."  Saturday Night (Toronto)  March 12, 1898.  p.9.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition.: (Toronto, April 1908) R. Holmes.  "The Royal Canadian Academy. (A brief history)"  Saturday Night  April 18, 1908.  p.11.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, March 18, 1922) Hector Charlesworth.  "Past and Present Among the Painters. Retrospective and Fiftieth Anniversary Exhibitions of the O.S.A."  Toronto Saturday Night  April 01, 1922.  p.3.   Full-text pdf

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