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MULCASTER, Wynona Croft

Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, 1915
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, 2016
Biography synopsis
In 1935 Mulcaster studied education and fine arts at the University of Saskatchewan under Ernest Linder, earning a B.A. in 1945. Pursuing her interest in the arts, she also studied with Arthur Lismer at the Art Association of Montreal (1946), A.Y. Jackson at the Banff School of Fine Arts (1946) and attended the Emma Lake workshops for many years, working with Jack Shadbolt, Will Barnet, and Kenneth Noland. In 1976 Mulcaster earned a Masters in Fine Arts from the Institute Allende in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. She is known for her representations of woodland scenes and genre subjects. Her portraiture work often depicts highly stylized figures in solid forms of colour, outlined in black. In addition to her own practice Mulcaster was a renowned art teacher, working in public schools beginning in 1937 and was also Professor of Art Education at the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan from 1964 to 1977. She was later Director of Art Education at the Saskatchewan Teacher’s College. Throughout her career Mulcaster was very active in the arts community, serving as Vice-President at the Canadian Arts Council (1943), Chairman, Saskatchewan Branch of the Federation of Canadian Artists (1941), and was Vice-President of the Canadian Society for Education Through Art (1953-54). Mulcaster’s work can now be found in the collection of the Manitoba Art Gallery, the Southern Alberta Art Gallery, and the Edmonton Art Gallery.
Media used
University of Saskatchewan, 1935 - 1945 (under Ernest Lindner)
Banff School of Fine Arts, 1946 - ? (under A.Y. Jackson and H.G. Glyde)
Emma Lake - University of Saskatchewan Art School, 1956 - 1963 (under Jack Shadbolt (1956), Will Barnet (1957), Kenneth Noland (1963), Stanley Boxer and James Wolfe (1982))
Art Association of Montreal, 1947 - ? (under Arthur Lismer)
Institute Allende, San Miguel de Allende, 1976 - ?
File & Archive locations
Artexte Information Centre, QC - Documentation Centre
University of Calgary Library, AB
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
Archives of Ontario
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
Alberta Culture and Community Spirit - Arts Branch
Edmonton Art Gallery, AB - Library
University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
Vancouver Art Gallery, BC - Library
University of Manitoba - Architecture and Fine Arts Library
Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library
Hamilton Public Library, ON - Local History and Archives Department
London Public Library, ON
Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists

Writings about
Saskatoon--Thirteen Artists Regina: Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1969
The Private eye : Sandra Blow, Paul-Emile Borduas, Eli Bornstein, Jack Bush, Reta Cowley... Saskatoon: Saskatoon Gallery and Conservatory Corporation, 1979
"Local Artist Invited to be Guest Speaker at Conference on Art Education in New York." Star-Phoenix (Saskatoon) 11 Mar. 1950
"Mulcaster Paintings Exhibited." Regina Leader Post (Saskatchewan) 15 May, 1964
"Music Teachers Hear Talk on Creative Art and the Child." Star-Phoenix (Saskatoon) 27 Jan. 1951
"Personal Feelings Expressed in Art Show Coming to P.A." Prince Albert Herald (Saskatchewan) 27 Sept. 1962
"Saskatoon Paintings on Display." Star-Phoenix (Saskatchewan) 12 May, 1971
"Wynona Mulcaster's One-Man Show." Star-Phoenix (Saskatchewan) 25 Mar. 1954
Saskatchewan Artists: Wynona Mulcaster." Saskatchewan Network for Art Collecting 2012
Burnett, D. and M. Schiff. Contemporary Canadian Art Edmonton: Hurtig, 1983
Carpenter, Ken. "Wynona Mulcaster." Arts Magazine 10.40 (Sept-Oct 1978): 17-19
Christensen, Lisa. "Wynona Mulcaster: Art is a Dangerous Thing." Artichoke 15.1 (Spint 2003): 13-15
Deadman, Patricia. "MULCASTER, Wynona (1915-)." The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan: A Living Legacy Regina, Saskatchewan: Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Saskatchewan, 2006
Dillow, Nancy. Emma Lake Workshops, 1955-1973 Regina, Saskatchewan: Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1973
Donegan, Rosemary. Work, Weather and the Grid: Agriculture in Saskatchewan Regina: Dunlop Art Gallery, 1991
Heller, Jules and Nancy. North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century New York: Garland, 1995
Heron, Laura. German Expressionism and the Child Art Movement in the Career of Wynona Mulcaster Montreal, Quebec: Concordia University, 1995
Hudson, A.. "Nonie Mulcaster on the Western Canada Art Circuit." Canadian Art 19 (Nov 1962): 395
Kurz, Larissa. "New MJMAG Exhibition showcasing Female Prairie Artists from Gallery’s Permanent Collection." MooseJaw Today 12 Feb. 2021
MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009
MacPherson, Colleen. "Artists Finds Passion in Land." Star - Phoenix (Saskatoon) 22 Jun. 2005: D2
MacPherson, Colleen. "Kenderdine Campus Celebrates 70 Years of Art & Nature." University of Saskatchewan On Campus News 13.1 (July 2005)
Millard, Peter. "Painting in Saskatoon." Arts Manitoba 2.2 (Winter 1983): 26-32
Moppett, George. Wynona Mulcaster: A Survey 1973-1982 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: Mendel Art Gallery, 1984
Nasby, Judith M. University of Guelph Art Collection: A Catalogue of Paintings, Drawings, Prints and Sculpture Guelph: University of Guelph, 1980
Newman, Marketa. The Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Artists, Women Artists Saskatoon: Fifth House, 1990
O'Brian, John, et al. The Flat Side of the Landscape: The Emma Lake Artists' Workshops Saskatoon, Sask: Mendel Art Gallery, 1989., 1989
Pearse, Harold, ed. From Drawing to Visual Culture: A History of Art Education in Canada Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2007
Prakash, A. K. Independent Spirit: Early Canadian Women's Art Buffalo, New York: Firefly Books, 2008
Purdie, James. "Mulcaster Rejoices in Sky and Earth." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 14 Oct. 1978: 37
Rees, Ronald. Land of Earth and Sky: Landscape Painting of Western Canada Western Producer Prairie Books, 1984
Reichwein, P. and K. Wall. Uplift: Visual Culture at the Banff School of Fine Arts Banff: Banff School of Fine Arts, 2020
Robertson, Shelia. "Wynona Mulcaster, at 83, Continues to Share Her Love of the Land." Star - Phoenix (Saskatoon) 24 Oct 1998: C16
Schäffer, Timothy. "P.A.-born Artists Exhibits the Passage of Time." Daily Herald (Prince Albert) 03 Aug. 2005: 3
Simmins, Richard and W.G. Constable. Ten Artists of Saskatchewan, 1955 Regina, Saskatchewan: Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1955
Varley, Christopher. Winnipeg West: Painting and Sculpture in Western Canada, 1945-1970 Edmonton, Alberta: Edmonton Art Gallery, 1983
Webb, Marshal H.. "A Western Awareness in Toronto." Arts West 4.2 (Mar-Apr 1979): 30-31, 33
Westbridge, Anthony R. The Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction Vancouver: Westbridge Publications, 2001

Writings by
Mulcaster, Wynona. "Forgotten Bales - Reproduction." Artmagazine 11 (Feb 1980): 12
Mulcaster, Wynona. "Prarie No. 1." Canadian Art 22 (March 1965): 35
Mulcaster, Wynona. "Race Track - Reproduction." Canadian Art 21 (July 1964): 255
Mulcaster, Wynona. "Your Child - An Artist." Union Farmer (Saskatchewan) Dec. 1951
Mulcaster, Wynona. "Your Child is an Artist." Canadian Art 9.3 (1952): 95-98

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