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CLUFF, Pamela
- Born
- London, England, 1931
- Died
- Toronto, Ontario, 2023
- Biography synopsis
- A champion for the elderly and for people with disabilities, Cluff has been an innovator advocating accessibility through her designs and through committees, task groups and conferences in which she participated. Born in London, England, Cluff immigrated to Toronto in 1955. In business with her husband since 1957, she was principal design partner of A.W. Cluff & P.J. Cluff Architects, Toronto, and President of Associated Planning Consultants Inc. which she established in 1969. Cluff’s extensive committee and community contributions include: Toronto Mayor’s Task Force examining accessibility issues, consultant to CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation) and the Ontario Housing Corporation, committees of the National Building Code of Canada and the Ontario Building Code on Barrier Free Design, founding member and honorary architect for Cheshire Homes Foundation (Group Homes for Disabled Residents). Numerous projects, primarily in health facility design, have included clinics, hospitals, homes for the aged, special care units, nursing homes, and group homes. She has published in architectural, medical, and research publications. Cluff’s significant awards in recognition of her contributions to research and design include: Ontario Association of Architects Order of DaVinci Award (1993), Premiers Award (1985), Special Award (1983-Metropolitan Toronto District Health Council), Special Award (1982-Canadian Fire Safety Association), Civic Award (1978-City of Toronto), Design of Excellence (1969-Trillium Home, Orillia, Ontario). (I. Puchalski)
- Media used
- Architecture
- Education
- Polytechnic School of Architecture, Essex, England, 1947 - 1952
- Memberships
- Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC), Fellow 1982
- Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), Fellow
- Ontario Association of Architects (OAA)
- Gerontological Society of America
- Canadian Association on Gerontology
- Ontario Psychogeriatric Association
- Environmental Design Research Association
- Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of N.America
- National Fire Prevention Association
- Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario
- File & Archive locations
- Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
- Virginia Tech, VA - International Archive of Women in Architecture
Writings about- "Awards of Merit: Toronto Will Honor Swimmer, Four Others." Globe and Mail 31 Jan. 1978: 39
- "Education." Architecture Canada Newsmagazine 47.533 (16 March 1970): 2
- "More About the Canadian Architect's Desk File." Canadian Architect 5.7 (July 1960): 8
- "Odds & Ends." Canadian Architect 5.3 (March 1960): 6
- "Ontario Hydro Gold Medallion 'All-Electric Home' Competition: Report of the Jury." Journal, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada 38.10 (Oct. 1961): 69
- "Ontario Places." Perspectives: the Journal of the Ontario Association of Architects 1.2 (Summer 1993): 21
- "People." Canadian Architect 15.9 (Sept. 1970): 9
- "Report." Canadian Architect 31.10 (October 1986): 6
- "The Joint Convention, Chicago." (photo) Architecture Canada 46.7-8 (July/Aug. 1969): 10
- "Woman Architect Makes Life Easier for Handicapped." Toronto Daily Star 25 Aug. 1973: E1
- Adams, Annmarie. "Building Barriers: Images of Women in Canada's Architectural Press, 1924-73 (Journal of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada)." Resources for Feminist Research 23.3 (Fall 1994): 11-23
- Adams, Annmarie & Peta Tancred. 'Designing Women': Gender and the Architectural Profession Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000
- Boyle, Rosemarie. "Services 'Inadequate': Welfare Brief Seeks Wide Legal Changes." Globe and Mail 8 Oct. 1976: 5
- Cherry, Zena. "After a Fashion: Annual Potpourri at Geneva Park." Globe and Mail 3 Aug. 1977: 11
- Cherry, Zena. "Toronto Gives Merit Awards." Globe and Mail 6 March 1978: 29
- Contreras, Monica, Luigi Ferrara & Daniel Karpinski. "New Canadians." Perspectives: the Journal of the Ontario Association of Architects 2.2 (Spring 1994): 12-15
- Farkas, Suzanne. "Pam Cluff: Access by Design." WE International 46/47 (Winter 1999): 10-13
- Feutl, Rita. "Planning Seniors' Projects." Globe and Mail 29 Oct. 1983: H28
- Haworth, Eric. "The Bright Promise of the Professions." Globe and Mail 9 May 1963: 15
- Joynes, Jennifer R. "Women in the Architectural Profession." Habitat 2.4 (Jul/Aug 1959): 2-6
- Rex, Kathleen. "Woman Architects vs the Hard Hats." Globe & Mail 9 Aug. 1973: W1
- Ross, Barbara. "An Interview with Pamela Cluff." Perspectives: the Journal of the Ontario Association of Architects 12.1 (Spring 2004): 21-22
- Smith, Kenneth B. "Man in the News: Breaking Down of Building Barriers Urged." Globe and Mail 29 April 1969: B3
- Virginia Tech. "IAWA Database Information for Pamela Cluff." International Archive of Women in Architecture Nov. 2003
http://lumiere.lib.vt.edu/iawa_db/view_all.php3?person_pk=1219&table=all - Weiers, Margaret. "Architect is Involved with People." Toronto Daily Star 4 July 1970: 49
- Williams, Patricia. "Construction Slump Hurting Ontario Architects [Ontario Association of Architects 1996 Survey]." Daily Commercial News and Construction Record 70.76 (April 1997): A5
Writings by- Housing for Persons with Disabilities. Pamela Cluff and Jean-Rémi Champagne, Consultants in Barrier-free Environments Ottawa: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 1996
- Nursing Homes and Hostels with Care Services for the Elderly: Design Guidelines. Research and production conducted by Pamela Cluff, Architect Ottawa: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 1979
- Technical Workshops of International Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering: Toronto, June 16-20, 1980. Co-chairmen Pamela Cluff and Geoff Fernie Ottawa: Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society, 1980
- Bibeau, Brigitte, Sylvia Goldblatt, and Pamela Cluff. New Concepts of Housing for the Aged: Workshop Papers Presented at the Canadian Conference on Social Welfare, Laval University, Quebec City, June 18-22, 1972 Ottawa: [s.n.], 1972
- Campbell, W.H. and Pamela Cluff. Behavioural Evaluation at Lee Manor Home for the Aged: Paper Presented at Canadian Association on Gerontology, Winnipeg, October 1974 [S.l.]: [as.n.], 1974
- Cluff, A.W. and P.J. "Design for the Elderly." Canadian Architect 15.9 (Sept. 1970): 34-41
- Cluff, A.W. and P.J. Cluff. "Curtain Wall." Canadian Architect 5.3 (March 1960): 53-60
- Cluff, A.W. and P.J. Cluff, Architects. Ottawa General Hospital: Evaluation of Proposed Concepts [Toronto]: [s.n.], 1975
- Cluff, A.W. and P.J. Cluff, Architects. The Charlottetown Study of Best Buy Hospital Construction: New Referral Hospital, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Toronto: [s.n.], 1974
- Cluff, A.W. and P.J. Cluff, Architects, and the E.C.E. Group. Energy Conservation in Hospitals: Review of the Canadian and U.S. Studies, Surveys, Programs and Publications Ottawa: Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, [1980]
- Cluff, Pamela. Mayor's Task Force Report: Re: Disabled and Elderly Toronto: [The Task Force], 1987
- Cluff, Pamela. Universal Design & Flex Housing Ottawa: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 2000
- Cluff, Pamela. "Aiding the Physically Handicapped." Canadian Architect 24.7 (July 1979): 36-37
- Cluff, Pamela. "Aids to Independent Living: Planning for Independence." Aging into the Twenty-first Century. Ed. Christine Blais North York: Captus University Publications, 1991. 433-443
- Cluff, Pamela. "Architectural Considerations in Home and Public." Mobility for Spinal-cord-impaired People: Report of a Workshop February 22-24, 1974 held at the Rancho Los Amigos Hospital, Inc. Downey, California: National Academy of Sciences, 1975
- Cluff, Pamela. "Design-related Issues and Solutions for Meeting the Needs of the Very Old in Institutional Settings." Housing the Very Old. Ed. Gloria M. Gutman, and Norman K. Blackie Burnaby: Gerontology Research Institute, Simon Fraser University, 1988. 45-62
- Cluff, Pamela. "Two Lift Slab Schools." Canadian Architect 2.7 (July 1957): 47-49
- Cluff, Pamela and M. Powell Lawton. Physical Facilities for the Aged and Chronically Ill Toronto: Pamela Cluff and M. Powell Lawton, 1973
- Cluff, Pamela et al. "Environmental Design." Meeting the Challenge of the Mentally Impaired Elderly. Sound cassettes Burnaby, B.C.: SFU Publications, 1981
- Cluff, Pamela J. Accessibilité des installations et services communautaires: problèmes et solutions Ottawa: Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, 1983
- Cluff, Pamela J. Accessible Residential Communities: Issues and Solutions Ottawa: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 1982
- Cluff, Pamela J. "Alzheimer's Disease and the Institution: Issues in Environmental Design." American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias 5.3 (May/June 1990): 23-32
- Cluff, Pamela J. "Designing for the Elderly and the Disabled: the Canadian Approach." Life Care: a Long-Term Solution? Ed. Robert D. Chellis, and Paul John Grayson Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1990. 113-130
- Cluff, Pamela J. "Housing Concepts for the Elderly." Housing for an Aging Population: Alternatives: Proceedings of a Conference November 7-8, 1980, Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto. Ed. Blossom T. Wigdor, and Louise Ford Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981. 143-152
- Cluff, Pamela J.. "Housing and Architectural Barriers." Human Rights for the Physically Handicapped and Aged. Ed. Gustave Gingras, and E. David Sherman. [Montreal]: [Rehabilitation Institute of Montreal], [1977]. 130-163
- Cluff, Pamela J. and Jeanette Keenan. "The Living Environment." Management of Spinal Cord Injuries. Ed. Ralph F. Bloch, and Mel Basbaum Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1986. 367-386
- Cluff, Pamela J. and William H. Campbell. The Social Corridor, a Psycho-Sociological Analysis: Lee Manor Home for the Aged, Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada Toronto: A.W. Cluff and P.J. Cluff, Architects, 1975
- Cluff, Pamela J. and William H. Campbell. "The Social Corridor: An Environmental and Behavioral Evaluation." Gerontologist 15.6 (1975): 516-523