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ASHEVAK, Kenojuak

Baffin Island, 1927
Cape Dorset, 2013
Biography synopsis
Kenojuak Ashevak's imprint on the Canadian cultural landscape is indelible. Although best known for her drawing and printmaking, she was also gifted at sewing, sculpture, copperplate engraving and painting. She began her career as an artist after recovering from tuberculosis in Quebec City, where she learned to make dolls and do beadwork in a hospital crafts program. Her work caught the eye of James Houston, who taught printmaking to the Inuit after studying the technique in Japan, and was an instrumental figure in promoting Inuit art. Her first print, Rabbit Eating Seaweed, earned her widespread attention after it was published in the 1959 Cape Dorset print shop catalogue, where she was the only woman to become a member in the shop's artist cooperative. Her art has traveled all over Canada and the world, in exhibitions, books, catalogues, and films. Three of Ashevak's prints have circulated on Canadian stamps: Enchanted Owl in 1970; Return of the Sun in 1980; and The Owl in 1993. Her drawings feature animals, such as birds, drawn in vibrant colours with exaggerated features. Over her lifetime, Ashevak has garnered numerous achievements that honour her exuberant creative spirit. In 1967, she was honoured with the Order of Canada Medal of Service; In 1995, she received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the National Aboriginal Achievement Awards; in 2008, she was the first Inuit artist to win the Governor General's Award in Visual and Media Arts; and in 2012, she was awarded the Order of Nunavut.
Media used
File & Archive locations
Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
Artexte Information Centre, QC - Documentation Centre
Hamilton Public Library, ON - Local History and Archives Department
London Public Library, ON
McMichael Canadian Art Collection, ON - Library and Archives
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, QC - Media Centre
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, ON - Resource Centre
University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
University of Calgary Library, AB
Vancouver Art Gallery, BC - Library
Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library
Museum of Modern Art, NY

Writings about
Aboriginal Artists in Canada, Including Pitseolak Ashoona, Henrik Lund, Tagaq, Jessie Oonark, Kenojuak Ashevak, Simon Tookoome, Helen Kalvak, Irene Avaalaaqiaq Tiktaalaaq, Simeonie Keenainak, Peter Pi USA: Hephaestus Books, 2011
Art Canadien: Catalogue du Musée des Beaux-Arts Du Canada, Volume Deux (G-K) Ottawa: Musée des beaux-arts du Canada / National Gallery of Canada, 1994
Kenojuak Lithographs Montreal: Theo Waddington, 1980
Sculptures by Kenojuak & Johnniebo Mississauga: Canadian Arctic Producers, 1974
The Sculpture of Kenojuak Ashevak & Joanassie Igiu, 1978-1981 Toronto: Feheley Fine Arts, 1988
"A Tribute to Kenojuak Ashevak." Inuit Art Quarterly 19.1 (2004): 5
"Acquisitions Principales Des Galeries Et Musées Canadiens / Principal Acquisitions of Canadian Museums and Galleries 1982." RACAR: Revue d'Art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review 10.2 (1 Jan. 1983)
"Art." Beaver 85.5 (2005): 23-24
"Forty Years of Arctic: The Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America." Arctic 40.4, (1 Dec. 1987)
"Inuit Designs Mark Turning of Millenium." Inuit Art Quarterly 14.3 (1999): 46
"Inuk Artist Kenojuak Ashevak Dies at 85." Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 2013
"Inuk Artist Kenojuak Ashevak Passes On at 85." Indian Life 33.4 (2013)
"Kenojuak (Ashevak) Inuit Artist (1927-?)." firstnations.info ?
"Kenojuak Ashevak Prints Feature in New Cape Dorset Collection." Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) 2013
"Kenojuak Ashevak Receives Honorary Degree." Inuit Art Quarterly 6.3 (1991): 43
"People: Kenojuak Ashevak Presented with 1995 Lifetime Achievement Award." Inuit Art Quarterly 10.2 (1995): 48
"Raffle Money Donated to West Baffin Print Studios." Inuit Art Quarterly 18.4 (2003): 40
"The Recipients." Performing Arts & Entertainment in Canada 29.2 (1995): 26
Art Gallery of Ontario. Kenojuak; Salia; Pitaloosie, Lucy; Zepp, Norman Flights of Fancy Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1990
Ayre, John. "The Art that Came in from the Cold." Beaver 79.1 (1999): 8-15
Bagg, Shannon. Making Art Work in Cape Dorset Ottawa: Carleton University Art Gallery, 1997
Baldwin, Alex. "Nunavut." Canadian Parliamentary Review 35.3 (2012)
Beavon, Daniel J.K., Cora Jane Voyageur and David Newhouse. Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Canadian Identity and Culture Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005
Berlo, Janet. "The Power of the Pencil." Inuit Art Quarterly 5.1 (1990): 16-19, 22, 24, 26
Birchard, Karen. "Barbie of the North." Chronicle of Higher Education 50.49 (2004)
Blodgett, Jean. Grasp Tight the Old Ways: Selections From the Klamer Family Collection of Inuit Art Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1983
Blodgett, Jean. Kenojuak Toronto: Firefly Books, 1985
Blodgett, Jean. Kenojuak: A Retrospective Exhibition Kleinburg, ON: McMichael Collection of Canadian Art, 1986
Blodgett, Jean. Kenojuak: Graphic Masterworks of the Inuit. (Limited Edition) Toronto: Mintmark Press, 1981
Blodgett, Jean and Susan Gustavison. Strange Scenes: Early Cape Dorset Drawings Kleinburg, Ontario: McMichael Canadian Collection, 1993
Bouchard, Serge, Frederic Back, et al. Confessions Animales: Bestiaire II Montreal: Editions du passage, 2008
Boutilier, Alicia, and Tobi Bruce. The Artist Herself: Self-Portraits by Canadian Historical Women Artists/ L'Artiste Elle-même: Autoportraits De Femmes Artistes Au Canada Kingston; Hamilton: Agnes Etherington Art Centre; Art Gallery of Hamilton, 2015
Brand, Peg Zeglin. "The Role of Luck in Originality and Creativity." The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 73.1 (2015): 31-55
Broder, Patricia Janis. Arctic Imagery: Contemporary Inuit Drawings from a Private New Jersey Collection Montclair, NJ: Montclair Art Museum, 1992
Campbell, Nancy. Cracking the Glass Ceiling: Contemporary Inuit Drawing Toronto: York University, PhD Dissertation, 2017
Carter, David Giles and Leo Rosshandler. Cultures du Soleil et de la Neige: L'Art des Indiens et des Esquimaux du Continent Americain/Cultures of the Sun and the Snow: Indian and Eskimo Art of the Americas Montreal: Musée des beaux-arts de Montreal/Montreal Museum of Fine Art, 1973
Cartwright, Jennifer. The Arctic Lithograph: Inuit Prints from the Collection of Carleton University Art Gallery Ottawa: Carleton University Art Gallery, 1998
Centennial Gallery. Five Hundred Years of Graphic Art Oakville: Centennial Gallery, 1974
Chiarmonte, Paula L. "Women Artists: A Resource and Research Guide." Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 1.5 (October 1 1982)
Cook, Cynthia. "'Drawing is Totally the Reverse of the Process of Carving': Kenojuak Talks about Art-Making." Inuit Art Quarterly 4.2 (1989): 23-29
Daly, Tom, Dorothy Eber, John Feeney, Zina Heczko, Wolf Koen. In Celebration of Nunavut Inuit Arts, Volume 1 Montreal: National Film Board of Canada, 1999
DeGrow, Don. The Royal Canadian Academy of Arts: Prairie Region Exhibition Toronto: Académie royale des Arts du Canada Royal Canadian Academy o, 1997
Driscoll-Engelstad, Bernadette. Uumajut - Animal Imagery in Inuit Art Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1985
Duval, Paul. A Heritage of Canadian Art: The McMichael Collection Toronto: Clarke, Irwin, 1979
Eiserman, Jennifer. "They can Still Act Chinese and be Canadian at the Same Time: Reflections on Multiculturalism and the Alberta Art Curriculum." Canadian Review of Art Education: Research & Issues 36.1 (2009): 67-82
Enright, Robert. "A Sweeping Retrospective." Canadian Geographic 121.2 (2001): 84-85
Evans, Blythe. "Kenojuak Ashevak: A Celebrity Guest on an Arctic Adventure." First Nations Free Press 10.11 (2003): 11,15
Everett, Deborah & Zorn, Elayne. Encyclopedia of Native American Artists Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2008
Falconer, Shelley and Shawna White. Stones, Bones and Stitches: Storytelling through Inuit Art Toronto: Tundra Books, 2007
Feeney, John. Eskimo Artist: Kenojuak. Montreal, QC: National Film Board (Folkstreams), 2008
Feeney, John, edited by May, Derek; Heczcko, Bozenna. Art of the Inuit National Film Board of Canada, 16, 1974
Feeney, John, Francois Seguillon, et al. Eskimo Artist Kenojuak New York: Contemporary Films, 1963
Feheley, Patricia. "Commons on Kenojuak's Career and the Future of Inuit Art." Inuit Art Quarterly 23.2 (2008): 13-16
Franklin, Johnathan. "Documenting Inuit Prints from the Canadian Arctic." Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 24.2 (1 Oct. 2005)
Gascon, France and Pascale Champagne. The School of Women: 50 Canadian Artists at the Museum Joliette: Musée d'art de Joliette, 2003
Gillmor, Alison. "Sketches of a Small Town." Canadian Geographic 129.1 (2009): 17-18
Goo-Doyle, Ovilu. "Comments from Three Artist-Collaborators: Kenojuak Ashevak." Inuit Art Quarterly 15.4 (2000): 37
Grams, Nellie. "Looking Up to Inuit Women Artists." Herizons 9.1 (1995)
Grande, John K. "Kenjuak: Prints (Exhibition)." Vie Des Arts 47.188 (2002)
Grande, John K., Joceylne Belanger Aird, and Paul Bellard. Echanges Art/Art Exchanges, 1989-1995 Val David: Atelier de l'Ile, 1995
Grimes, John, et al. Our Land: Contemporary Art from the Arctic Salem, Mass: Peabody Essex Museum, 2004
Grussani, Linda. Flights of Fantasy: Kenojuak and Birds: Carleton University Art Gallery." Inuit Art Quarterly 16.2(2001): 36-38
Gustavison, Susan. Arctic Expressions: Inuit Art and the Canadian Eskimo Arts Council, 1961-1989 Kleinburg, Ontario: McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 1994
Hammadi, Nadia and Terry O'Grady. The Governor General's Awards in the Visual and Media Arts Ottawa: Conseil des arts du Canada, 2008
Hessel, Ingo. Cape Dorset Art: Tradition and Innovation: Arctic Art from the Albrecht Collection at the Heard Museum Phoenix, AZ: Heard Museum, 2008
Hessel, Ingo; Dyck, Sandra. Sanattiaqsimajut: Inuit Art from the Carleton University Art Gallery Collection Ottawa: Carleton University Art Gallery, 2009
Holmes, Willard, William Switzer, and Patrick Painter. Vancouver Collects Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery, 1992
Houpt, Simon. "Northern Lights, Southern Exposure: Exhibits at Two Prominent American Museums are Showcasing: Both Old Masters and Contemporary Stars of Native Canadian Art." Globe & Mail (Toronto) 4 Jan. 2005
Houston, James. "Northern Light: KENOJUAK ASHEVAK." Time Canada 162.22 (1 Dec. 2003)
Hunchuck, S. Holyck, et al. Patiently I Sing: Selections from the Tyler/Brooks Collection of Inuit Art Ottawa: Carleton University Art Gallery, 1994
Igloliorte, Heather. "Kenojuak Ashevak." The Artist Herself: Self-portraits by Canadian Historical Women Artists = L'artiste elle-meme : autoportraits de femmes artistes au Canada. Eds. Alicia Boutilier & Tobi Bruce Kingston: Agnes Etherington Art Centre; Art Gallery of Hamilton, 2015
Igloliorte, Heather, Veronica Passalacqua, Hulleah Tsinhnahj. Listening to the Stone: Inuit Art from the Bieri Family Collection University of California Davis: CN Gorman Museum, 2015
Jackson, Marion E. & Judith Nasby. Contemporary Inuit Drawings Guelph, Ontario: MacDonald Stewart Art Centre, 1987
Jimenez, Marina. "'Art is My Job And My Love': She's a Celebrity: Guest on Board an Arctic Cruise, but Nothing The Inuit Artist does Broadcasts Her Profession. When the Ship Pulls into Cape Dorset, however, it's as if Globe & Mail (Toronto) 20 Oct. 2003
Johnson, Mark M. "Inuit Art." Arts & Activities 115.1 (1994): 5-8
Katz, Jane B. This Song Remembers: Self-Portraits of Native Americans Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1980
Kelly, Patty A. "Narrative and Identity." Canadian Literature 195 (2007): 171-173
Kenojuak. A Decade of Drawings, May 6-27, 2000 Toronto: Feheley Fine Arts, 2000
Kenojuak. Kenojuak Ashevak Vancouver: Inuit Gallery of Vancouver, 1995
Kenojuak. Kenojuak Ashevak: A Celebration of Sculpture and Graphics Vancouver: Spirit Wrestler Gallery, 2005
Kilabuk, Malakie. Nunavut Inuit. Qinnaujuaq Ashevak Nunavut: Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, 2001
Krueger, Pamela. New Acquisitions Sudbury: Laurentian University Museum and Arts Centre/Le Musée et Ce, 1986
Kunard, Andrea; Thomas, Ann; Hill, Charles et al. Treasures of the National Gallery of Canada Ottawa: Musée des beaux-arts du Canada / National Gallery of Canada, 2003
Kunnuk, Simeonie. "Kenojuak Ashevak: 'I use Felt Pens, Crayons, Pencils and Erasers.'" Inuit Art Quarterly 12.3 (1997): 18-21
Kunnuk, Simeonie. "Kenojuak Ashevak: Cape Dorset." Inuit Art Quarterly 14.3 (1999): 24
LaBarge, Dorothy. From Drawing to Print; Perception and Process in Cape Dorset Art Calgary: Glenbow Museum, 1986
Lawson, Barbara, and Deborah Waite. "Collected Curios." Museum Anthropology 19.1 (Mar. 1995): 84-85
Leach, Kate. Kingait Currents: Leading Sculptors of Cape Dorset Vancouver: Inuit Gallery of Vancouver, 2002
Leroux, Odette, Marion E. Jackson and Minnie Aodla. Inuit Women Artists: Voices from Cape Dorset Vancouver, British Columbia: Douglas & McIntyre, 1994
Lewin, Michelle. Kenojuak and Onward Arnaqu Ashevak, Adamie Ashevak, Kenojuak Ashevak : November 6-23, 2004. Toronto: Feheley Fine Arts, 2004
Lipsett, Katherine. Spoken in Stone: An Exhibition of Inuit Art featuring the FitzGerald and Whyte Collections Banff, Alberta: Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies, 1989
Lipton, Barbara. Arctic Vision: Art of the Canadian Inuit: A Traveling Exhibition Canadian Arctic Producers, 1984
Lumsden, Ian G. Inuit Print Collection/Collection d'Estampes Inuit Fredericton: Beaverbrook Art Gallery, 1981
MacDonald, Colin S.. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009
Mangaard, Annette. Kinngait Riding Light into the World Toronto: Site Media Inc, 2010
Manning, Jimmy, and Terry Ryan. Cape Dorset Prints, 1959-2009: Celebrating 50 Montreal: Canadian Guild of Crafts, 2009
Maracle, Lee and Sandra Laronde, eds. "Kenojuak Ashevak." My Home as I Remember Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2000
Mastin, Catharine Margaret. Beyond "the Artist's Wife": Women, Artist-Couple Marriage and the Exhibition Experience in Postwar Canada Edmonton: University of Alberta, 2012
Matuz, Roger. St. James Guide to Native North American Artists Detroit: St. James Press, 1998
McDermott, Barb and Gail McKeown. All About ... Famous Canadians from Nunavut Edmonton: Reidmore Books, 1999
McGrath, Judy. Karoo Ashevak, 1940-1974: Sculpture Winnipeg: The Upstairs Gallery, 1977
McMaster, Gerald, et al. In the Shadow of the Sun: Perspectives on Contemporary Native Art Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1993
Meili, Dianne. "Draw, Draw, Draw and Keep on Drawing." Windspeaker 30.11 (2013): 22
Mellen, Peter. Landmarks of Canadian Art Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1978
Nanogak, Agnes & Kalvak, Helen et al. "Inuit Women Artists." Feminist Studies 10.1 (Spring 1984): 84-96
Neale, Gladys E. Voices 3 : Canadians Who made a Difference Saint John, N.B: Laubach Literacy of Canada, 1993
Ness, Kim G. The Art Collection of McMaster University: European, Canadian, American, Chinese and Japanese Paintings, Prints, Drawings, Sculpture and Ceramics Hamilton: McMaster University Art Gallery, 1990
Newlands, Anne. Canadian Art: From its Beginnings to 2000 Richmond Hill: Firefly Books, 2000
Newlands, Anne. Canadian Paintings, Prints and Drawings Buffalo, New York and Richmond Hill: Firefly Books, 2007
O'Hara, Jane. "Home is Where the Art is." Maclean's 94 (20 Apr. 1981)
Payne, Carol. "Lessons with Leah: Re-reading the Photographic Archive of Nation in the National Film Board of Canada's Still Photography Division." Visual Studies 21.1 (2006): 4-12
Peterson, Rayma. "Inuit-Style Animals." Arts & Activities 124.5 (1999): 43-44
Petten, Cheryl. "Book Examines Lives of Inuit People Through their Art." Windspeaker 25.9 (2007)
Ping, William. Stunningly beautiful': Exhibit of Kenojuak Ashevak's art opens in Newfoundland Outport Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) 2023
Rivera, Raquel. Arctic Adventures: Tales from the Lives of Inuit Artists Toronto: Groundwood Books and House of Anansi Press, 2007
Robertson, Kirsty, Stephanie G. Anderson, Elizabeth Diggon. "More a Diplomatic than an Esthetic Event." Journal of Canadian Studies 47.2 (2013): 60-88
Routledge, Marie. Thoughts of Birds Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1997
Routledge, Marie. "The Development of an Inuit Art Collection at the National Gallery of Canada." American Review of Canadian Studies 17.1 (March 1987): 73-78
Ryan, Terry. Kanojuak Lithographs Cape Dorset: West Baffin Co-operative, 1979
Saint Mary's University. Cape Dorset Sculpture Halifax: Saint Mary's University, 1971
Shumiatcher, Morris and Nelda Swinton. The Jacqui and Morris Shumiatcher Collection of Inuit Art Regina: Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1981
Siebelt, D. "Kenojuak - Biography of an Inuk Artist." Anthropos 98.2 (2003): 617-618
Sonneborn, Liz. A to Z of Native American Women New York: Facts on File, 1998
Speak, Dorothy. "Kenojuak Ashevak: On the Occasion of Kenojuak Ashevak's Receiving the Governor General's Award." Inuit Art Quarterly 23.2 (2008): 10-12
Steward, J.D.M.. "Honouring our Aboriginal Sons and Daughters." Globe & Mail (Toronto) 1 Jul. 2008
Swinton, Nelda. La déesse Inuite de la Mer/The Inuit Sea Goddess Montreal: Musée des beaux-arts de Montréall/The Montreal Museum of F, 1980
Tetreault, Pierre-Léon, Dana Alan Williams, Claire Gravel. New Territories: 350/500 Years After: An Exhibition of Contemporary Aboriginal Art of Canada Montreal: Ateliers vision planétaire, 1992
Townsend-Gault, Charlotte. "Master of Decoration and Delight: Inuit Artist Kenojuak's One-Woman show has been 20 Years Coming." Maclean's 94, (20 Apr. 1981)
Turner, Evan H., et al. Eskimo Graphic Art/L'art graphique des Esquimaux Ottawa: National Film Board of Canada, 1963
Turner, Hilary. "Nature, Wild and Tamed." Canadian Literature 195 (2007): 173-174
Valaskakis, Gail Guthrie. "Profile of Kenojuak Ashevak." Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Canadian Identity and Culture Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005
Van der Bellen, Liana. Made in Canada IV: Artists in Books made in Canada IV: Livres d'Artistes Ottawa: National Library of Canada/Bibliotheque nationale du Canada, 1984
Walk, Ansgar. Inuit-Kunstlerin Kenojuak : mit einem Essay zur Zeitgenessischen Kunst der Inuit Bielefeld: Walk, 2005
Walk, Ansgar. Kenojuak : the Life Story of an Inuit Artist Manitock: Penumbra Press, 1999
Walk, Ansger. "Kenojuak Ashevak: An Ambassador of Art." Inuit Art Quarterly 20.1 (Spring 2005): 20-23
Walker, Ruth. "Carving Out a Rewarding Career Near the Arctic Circle." Christian Science Monitor 92.144 (2000)
Watt, Virginia. Art Inuit: Un Patrimoine Pour Le Futur/Inuit Art : A Heritage for the Future Montreal: Guilde canadienne des métiers d'art Québec/Canadian Guild, 1999
Webb, Marshall. The Spirit of the Land North York, ON: Koffler Gallery, 1986
West-Baffin Eskimo Co-operative, et al. Qallunaaqtait Sikusilaarmit = Printed Textiles from Kinngait Studios Toronto: Textile Museum of Canada, 2020.
Wight, Darlene. Winnipeg Collects: Inuit Art from Private Collections Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1987
Wight, Darlene and George Swinton. The Swinton Collection of Inuit Art Winnipeg: The Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1987
Williamson, Robert G. and Norman Zepp. The Williamson Collection of Inuit Sculpture Regina: Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1987
Zavediuk, Melanie. Inuit Gallery of Vancouver: Horizons Vancouver: Inuit Gallery of Vancouver, 1999
Zuk, W. M.; Innukjuakjuk, Pudlat; Kenojuak, et al. Art First Nations: Tradition and Innovation Montreal; Champlain, NY: Art Image Productions, 1992

Writings by
Kenojuak. Kenojuak Lithographs Montreal: Theo Waddington, 1980

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