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Castor, Alberta, 1919
Edmonton, Alberta, 2012
Biography synopsis
Isabel Levesque began painting landscapes of her family’s farm at a young age. She studied painting at the Provincial Institute of Technology and Art (now Alberta College of Art & Design) from 1945 to 1947. A few years later she moved to Peace River where she continued to draw and paint while raising her family. From 1967 to 1969 Levesque studied painting at the Alberta College of Art, and in 1971 she graduated from the University of Calgary with a Bachelor of Education (major in art). She subsequently taught for a short time in Edmonton. During the course of her various studies, she was taught by Walter Phillips, A.Y. Jackson, H.G. Glyde, and Stanford Perrott. The subjects of her realistic paintings were rural Alberta landscapes. Her work is held in private collections as well as different corporate and public collections including the Alberta Provincial Art Collection.
Media used
Oil painting
Alberta College of Art, 1967 - 1969
Provincial Institute of Art and Technology, Calgary, Alberta, 1945 - 1947
University of Calgary
Banff School of Fine Arts
Alberta Society of Artists, 1978-80, 82-83
File & Archive locations
Alberta Culture and Community Spirit - Arts Branch
Calgary Public Library, AB - Arts Department
Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
Edmonton Art Gallery, AB - Library
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library
University of Calgary Library, AB

Writings about
Alberta Art Foundation. Spaces and Places: Eight Decades of Landscape Painting in Alberta Edmonton, Alberta: Alberta Art Foundation, 1986
Baker, Suzanne Devonshire. Artists of Alberta Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1980
McMullen, W.B. Alberta Art: Works from The Alberta Art Foundation Edmonton: Alberta Art Foundation, 1975
Schmidt, Lucille. Alberta Art Edmonton: Alberta Art Foundation, 1975
Simpson, Jim. "Variety in Form highlights Exhibition: Exhibition by Women Artists." Edmonton Journal 17 Jan. 1979
Townshend, Nancy. A History of Art in Alberta, 1905-1970 Calgary: Bayeux, 2005
Zimon, Kathy E. Alberta Society of Artists: The First Seventy Years Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2000

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