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KAUFMAN, Carolyn Reesor

Markham, Ontario, 1883
Edmonton, Alberta, 1968
Biography synopsis
Carolyn Kaufman (nee Reesor) moved to Alberta following her marriage to Stanley Kaufman in 1912. She began art studies in Alberta where she took courses with well-known artists including P.G. Mortimer, L. Petley-Jones, William Johnstone, and H.G. Glyde. She was active in a number of Edmonton art groups, including the Alberta Society of Artists and the Edmonton Art Club; she also served as President of the Edmonton branch of the Federation of Canadian Artists. She had several solo exhibitions and often showed her work in the annual Canadian Painter-Etchers Society exhibitions as well as a number of art venues in Western Canada. She produced a series of over 175 paintings of churches of Alberta, Yukon and Alaska, eighty of which appeared in a book that she wrote and illustrated entitled “Historic Churches of Alberta and the Canadian Northwest,” published in 1958. A number of the paintings were exhibited in February 1972 at the Provincial Museum and Archives in Edmonton.
Media used
Alberta Society of Artists
Edmonton Art Club
Federation of Canadian Artists
File & Archive locations
Calgary Public Library, AB - Arts Department
London Public Library, ON
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC

Writings about
"Kaufman Artwork Displayed." Edmonton Journal 20 Oct. 1972
"Museum Attendance." Edmonton Journal 4 Feb. 1972: 62
"Social Activites." Edmonton Journal 24 Feb.1951: 20
Alberta Society of Artists, Edmonton Art Gallery. Alberta Society of Artists. Edmonton Art Gallery, 1975
Cochran, Bente Roed. Printmaking in Alberta 1945-1985 Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1989
Griwkowsky, Fish. "Edmonton Art Club celebrates 100 Years at AGA, which it helped create." Edmonton Journal 11 Nov. 2021
Townshend, Nancy. A History of Art in Alberta, 1905-1970 Calgary, Alberta: Bayeux, 2005
Zimon, Kathy E. Alberta Society of Artists: The First Seventy Years Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2000

Writings by
Kaufman, Carolyn Reesor. Historic Churches of Alberta and the Canadian North West. Edmonton, Alberta: Hamly Press, 1958

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