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CARR, Emily

Victoria, British Columbia, 1871
Victoria, British Columbia, 1945
Biography synopsis
Emily Carr spent most of her life on Vancouver Island, but she also studied for three years at the California School of Design in San Francisco (1890-1893), for five years at the Westminster School of Art in London, England (1899-1904), where she also attended sketching classes at St. Ives in Cornwall, at the Meadows Studio, Bushey and at the Academie Colarossi in Paris for one year (1910). Her work was not well received and she had to supplement her income by farming, running a boarding house, and making pottery. In 1927 she met Lawren Harris, and the Group of Seven encouraged her return to painting. Her work was strongly influenced by an interest in Native Canadian culture. Carr was also known as a writer and published a number of volumes. She had solo exhibitions at the Art Gallery of Ontario (1937) and at the Vancouver Art Gallery (1938). She was a member of the Canadian Group of Painters (1933).
Media used
California School of Design, San Francisco, 1890 - 1893
Westminster School of Art, London, England, 1899 - ?
Académie Colarossi, Paris, 1910 - ?
Private study (under Julius Olsson (St. Ives))
Private study (under John Whitely (Meadows Studio, Bushey))
Private study (under Harry Gibb (Cressey-en-Bri and Brittany))
Canadian Group of Painters, 1933
File & Archive locations
Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON
Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
Edmonton Art Gallery, AB - Library
CBC Digital Archives
London Public Library, ON
McMichael Canadian Art Collection, ON - Library and Archives
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, QC - Media Centre
Hamilton Public Library, ON - Local History and Archives Department
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery, ON
University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
University of Calgary Library, AB
University of Manitoba - Architecture and Fine Arts Library
Vancouver Art Gallery, BC - Library
Vancouver Public Library, BC - Fine Arts and History Department
British Columbia Archives
Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, QC
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
Alberta Culture and Community Spirit - Arts Branch
Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives, QC
University of British Columbia - Rare Books and Special Collections
University of Victoria, BC - McPherson Library
Archives Society of Alberta
Simon Fraser University, BC - Special Collections and Rare Books
Glenbow Archives, AB - Main Catalogue
John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art Library, FL
Brooklyn Museum, NY
Cornell University, NY - Kroch Library Rare & Manuscripts
Frick Art Reference Library, NY
Bowling Green State University, OH - Center for Archival Collections
Smithsonian Institution, DC - Archives of American Art
University of New Brunswick - Archives and Special Collections Department
Trent University Archives, ON
Stanford University, CA - Libraries and Academic Information Resources
Museum of Modern Art, NY
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL - John M. Flaxman Library
Royal Ontario Museum
York University, ON - Clara Thomas Archives and Special Collections
University of Guelph, ON - Archival & Special Collections
Island Arts and Crafts Society

Writings about
Sky Paintings: Emily Carr Victoria, B.C.: Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 1982
To the totem forests : Emily Carr and contemporaries interpret coastal villages Victoria: Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 1999
"Beyond Recollection : The Early Art Education of Emily Carr" British Columbia Historical News: Journal of the British Columbia Historical Federation vol. 35, no. 4, Fall 2002: 4-6
"Femmes peintres canadiennes." Le Devoir (Montreal) 23 Mar. 1948: 6
Ayre, Robert. "Canada's Art Exhibition at the World's Fair "Credit to Dominion"." Standard (Montreal) 8 May 1939: 7
Ayre, Robert. "Significant Exhibition at Toronto by Diligent Canadian Group of Painters 'Bristling With Signs of the Times'." Standard (Toronto) 18 Nov. 1939: M6
Barton, John. West of Darkness: Emily Carr: A Self Portrait Vancouver: Porcepic Books, 1999
Bieler, Andre. "On the Canadian Group of Painters." Maritime Art 2.4 (Apr-May 1942): 118-123
Blanchard, Paula. Life of Emily Carr Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1987
Boutilier Alicia Anna et al.. Inspirational : The Collection of H.s. Southam. Hamilton, Ontario: Art Gallery of Hamilton, 2009
Boutilier, Alicia & Tobi Bruce. The Artist Herself : Self-portraits by Canadian Historical Women Artists / L'artiste elle-même : autoportraits de femmes artistes au Canada. Kingston, ONT.: Agnes Etherinton Art Centre. Hamilton: Art Gallery Hamilton, 2015
Boutilier, Alicia Anna, et al.. A Vital Force: The Canadian Group of Painters. Kingston, Ontario: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University, 2013., 2013
Braid, Kate. Emily Carr: Rebel Artist Montreal: XYZ Publishing, 2000
Carr, Angela, ed. Raven Papers: Remembering Natalie Luckyj (1945-2002) Newcastle, ON: Penumbra Press, 2010
Carr, Emily, illustrated by Emily Henrietta Woods. Wild Flowers. Victoria, B.C.: Royal B.C. Museum, 2006
Crean, Susan. Laughing One: A Journey to Emily Carr Toronto: Harper Collins Canada, 2001
Dagg, Anne Innis. "What Happens to Women's Art?" Globe and Mail (Toronto) 4 Aug. 1984
Dawn, Leslie. National Visions, National Blindness: Canadian Art and Identities in the 1920s. Vancouver, B.C.: UBC Press, 2006
de Repentigny. "L'art canadien sera bien representé à Jerusalem." La Presse (Montreal) 27 Feb. 1953
Doyon, Charles. "La peinture feminine." Le Clairon (Sainte-Hyacinthe) ?
Endicott, Marion. Emily Carr : the story of an artist Toronto: Women's Educational Press, 1982
Farr, Dorothy and Luckyj, Natalie. From Women's Eyes: Women Painters in Canada. Kingston: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 1975
Finlay, K.A. and Shea, T.. "A Woman's Place" Art and the Role of Women in the Cultural Formation of Victoria B.C. 1850s-1920s Victoria, B.C.: Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery, University of Victoria, 2004
Gowers, Ruth. Emily Carr New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987
Hembroff-Schleicher, Edyth. Portrayal of Emily Carr Vancouver: Clarke, Irwin and Co, 1969
Hembroff-Schleicher, Edythe. Emily Carr, The Untold Story. Seattle: Hancock House, 1978?
Huneault, Kristina. I'm Not Myself at All: Women, Art, and Subjectivity in Canada Montreal; Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2018
Laurence, Robin. Beloved Land: The World of Emily Carr Vancouver/Seattle: Douglas and McIntyre/University of Washington Press, 1996
Luckyj, Natalie. Visions and Victories: 10 Canadian Women Artists 1914-1945. London: London Regional Art Gallery, 1983
Mallory, Catherine. Victorian and Canadian Worlds of Emily Carr: Study of a Divided Imagination Halifax: Dalhousie University, 1979
Mason-Dodd, Kerry. Sunlight in the Shadows: The Landscape of Emily Carr Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984
McCarthy, Pearl. "Montreal Group Worth Seeing." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 27 Oct. 1945
McInnes, G. Campbell. “World of Art.” Saturday Night (18 Jan. 1936): 4
Milroy, Sarah, editor. Uninvited: Canadian Women Artists in the Modern Movement. Vancouver: Figure 1, 2021
Monaghan, Anne. Emily Carr: The Different Victorian Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 1981
Moray, Gerta. Northwest Coast Native Culture and the Early Indian Paitings of Emily Carr, 1899-1913 Toronto: University of Toronto, 1993
Moray, Gerta. Unsettling Encounters: First Nations Imagery in the Art of Emily Carr. Vancouver, B.C.: University of British Columbia, 2006
Moray, Gerta. "'T'Other Emily:' Emily Carr, the Modern Woman Artist and Dilmenas of Gender*" RACAR, revue d'art canadienne, Canadian art review vol. VVVI, no. 1-2, 1999: 73-90
Moray, Gerta. "Emily Carr and the Traffic in Native Images" Antimodernism and Artistic Experience Toronto. Ontario: University of Toronto Press, 2000
Moray, Gerta. “T’Other Emily:” Emily Carr, the Modern Woman Artist and Dilemmas of Gender.” RACAR : Revue d’Art Canadienne 26. 1-2 (2020): 73-90)
Morra, Linda, ed. Corresponding influence : selected letters of Emily Carr and Ira Dilworth Toronto: University of Toronto, 2006
Murray, Joan. The Birth of the Modern: Post-Impressionism in Canadian Art, c.1900-1920. Oshawa: The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 2001
National Gallery of Canada. Emily Carr: Her Paintings and Sketches Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1945
Neering, Rosemary. Emily Carr Don Mills: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1975
Newlands, Anne. Emily Carr: An Introduction to her Life and Art Willowdale: Firefly Books, 1996
Nurse, Andrew. Gendering the Artistic Field. Journal of Canadian Art History; 34.2 (2013): 24-47
Pearson, Carol. Emily Carr as I Knew Her Vancouver: Clarke, Irwin and Co, 1954
Ryley, Nancy. Emily Carr [Canada]: CBC, 1975
Shadbolt, Doris. Art of Emily Carr Toronto/Vancouver: Clarke, Irwin and Co/Douglas and McIntyre, 1979
Shadbolt, Doris. Emily Carr Toronto/Vancouver/Seattle: Douglas and McIntyre/University of Washington Press, 1990
Shadbolt, Doris. Emily Carr : a centennial exhibition celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of her birth Vancouver: J.J. Douglas, 1975
Shadbolt, Doris. Seven Journeys: The Sketchbooks of Emily Carr Toronto/Vancouver/Seattle: Douglas and McIntyre/University of Washington Press, 2002
Shea, Tusa. "Beyond Recollection: The Early Art Education of Emily Carr" British Columbia Historical News British Columbia: vol.35, no.4, Fall 2002: 1-6.
Thom, Ian. Emily Carr in France Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery, 1991
Tippett, Maria. Emily Carr: A Biography Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979
Turpin, Marguerite. The life and work of Emily Carr, 1871-1945 : a selected bibliography Vancouver: School of Librarianship, University of British Columbia, 1965
Udall, Sharyn. Carr, O'Keeffe, Kahlo: Places of Their Own. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000
Walker, Stephanie Kirkwood. This Woman in Particular: Contexts for the Biographical Image of Emily Carr Waterloo, Ont: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1996

Writings by
Carr, Emily. Beloved Land: The World of Emily Carr Vancouver/Toronto/Seattle: Douglas and McIntyre/University of Washington Press, 1996
Carr, Emily. Book of Small Toronto: Irwin Publishing, 1942
Carr, Emily. Complete Writings of Emily Carr. Introduction by Doris Shadbolt Toronto/Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 1997: 539-41
Carr, Emily. Dear Nan: Lettters of Emily Carr, Nan Cheney and Humphrey Toms Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1990
Carr, Emily. Flirt, Punk and Loo : my dogs and I Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 1997
Carr, Emily. Fresh Seeing: Two Addresses by Emily Carr Toronto: Irwin Publishing, 1972
Carr, Emily. Growing Pains. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1946
Carr, Emily. Growing Pains: The Autobiography of Emily Carr Toronto/Vancouver: Clarke, Irwin and Co, 1946
Carr, Emily. Heart of a Peacock Toronto: Irwin Publishing, 1986
Carr, Emily. House of All Sorts Toronto/Vancouver: Clarke, Irwin and Co, 1944
Carr, Emily. Hundreds and Thousands: The Journals of Emily Carr Toronto/Vancouver: Clarke, Irwin and Co, 1966
Carr, Emily. Klee Wyck Toronto/Vancouver: Clarke, Irwin and Co, 1941
Carr, Emily. Little Town and a Little Girl Toronto: Clarke Irwin, 1951
Carr, Emily. Opposite Contraries: The UnKnown Journals of Emily Carr and Other Writings; Susan Crean, ed Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 2003
Carr, Emily. Pause: a Sketch Book Toronto/Vancouver: Clarke, Irwin and Co, 1953; reprint: Toronto: Stoddart, 1995

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