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ODJIG, Daphne

Wikwemikong, Manitoulin Island, 1919
Kelowna, B.C., 2016
Biography synopsis
Daphne Odjig was born in the Wikwemikong Reservation on Manitoulin Island in 1919. A member of the Huron and the Odawa First Nations communities, Odjig began painting as a little girl with her father and grandfather. Describing herself as too 'impatient' for oils, Odjig works most often in acrylics where she can execute almost as quickly as she can envision. Odjig achieved recognition in the 1960s through her illustrations for "Tales from the Smokehouse" and a first solo exhibition in 1967. A member of the short-lived and so-called 'Indian' Group of Seven also in the 1960s, it became apparent that identity was a key issue for the artists as well as for the viewing public. Odjig is quoted: "Why through your art are you trying to convince other people who you are? Express yourself as a person!" Odjig's largest work, "The Indian in Transition," was commissioned by the Museum of Man, today the Canadian Museum of History, in Gatineau. The work ultimately measured twenty-seven feet long and was installed in the Museum in 1978 only after a wall was destroyed in Odjig's apartment in order to remove it. Odjig has been honoured internationally for her work. Notable achievements at home include the Canada Silver Jubilee Medal of 1977; an appointment to the Order of Canada in 1987; and election to the Royal Canadian Academy of Art in 1989. More recently, the first quarter of 2008 saw a major retrospective entitled "Daphne Odjig: Four Decades of Prints" which included ninety-five 'lyrical', 'vibrant' and 'spectacular' works, at the Museum of History.
Media used
Book illustration
Oil painting
Pen and Ink
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, 1989
Order of Canada, 1987
File & Archive locations
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, ON - Resource Centre
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, QC - Media Centre
University of Calgary Library, AB
Glenbow Archives, AB - Main Catalogue
Edmonton Art Gallery, AB - Library
University of British Columbia - Fine Arts Library
Vancouver Art Gallery, BC - Library
Winnipeg Art Gallery, MA - Clara Lander Library
McMichael Canadian Art Collection, ON - Library and Archives
London Public Library, ON
Artexte Information Centre, QC - Documentation Centre
Vancouver Public Library, BC - Fine Arts and History Department
Alberta Culture and Community Spirit - Arts Branch
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC
Algoma University, ON - Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre
Fort Lewis College, CO - Center of Southwest Studies
Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives, QC
Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, ON

Writings about
"B.C. Aboriginal Art Pioneer Honoured: Odjig one of Eight Artists to Receive $25,000 Prize." Province 21 Mar. 2007: B4
"Canadian Native Artists Are Featured in Los Angeles Show." Windspeaker 4.40 (12 Dec. 1986): 22
"Daphne Odjig's Hand an Extension of the Soul. Windspeaker 13.1 (May 1995): 8
"Manitoulin '78: The Art Conference." Native Perspective 3.2 (1978): 47-48
"New 'Group of Seven' Emerging in Art." Edmonton Journal (29 Dec. 1973): 24
"New Book Features Native Paintings by Daphne Odjig." Toronto Star 19 Nov. 1992: MS16
"Odjig, Daphne. Galeria Shayne." Gazette (Montreal) 19 Nov. 1983: A16
"Odjig, Daphne. Gallery Phillip." Globe and Mail 21 Nov. 1985: E8
"Retrospective Reveals Changing Expressions in Daphne Odjig's Art." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 13 Dec. 1985: D14
"The Bad Medicine Woman and Other Images of Womanhood in the Work of Daphne Odjig." Anima: The Journal of Human Experience 20.1 (Fall 1993): 21-23
"The Emergence of the Image Makers." Globe and Mail (18 Feb. 1984): E-13
Acland, John Reid. "Daphne Odjig." First Nations Artists in Canada: A Biographical/Bibliographical Guide, 1960-1999 Montreal: The Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowksy Institute, (2001): 232-239
Al-Solaylee, Kamal. "Cast Doesn't Do Artshow Justice." Globe and Mail 3 Mar. 2004: R4
Allen, Glen. "Dark Reflections: Native Artists Map the Legacy of Columbus." Maclean's 105.18 (4 May 1992): 52-53
Anderson, Janet & Podedworny, Carol. Manitoulin Island - The Third Layer Thunder Bay, Ontario: The Gallery, 1987
Barker, Stacey, et al. Outside the Lines : Women Artists and War Ottawa, ON.: Canadian War Museum. Musée canadien de la guerre, 2024
Beavon, Daniel J.K., Cora Jane Voyageur and David Newhouse. Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Canadian Identity and Culture Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005
Bick, John & Podedworny, Carol. Thunder Bay Art Gallery: The Permanent Collection Thunder Bay, Ontario: Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1986
Bouchard, Marie Ginette. "Les Prix du Gouverneur General 2007." Vie des Arts 51 (Spring 2007): 24
Boyer, Bob and Carol Podedworny. Odjig: The Art of Daphne Odjig, 1960-2000 Toronto: Key Porter Books, 2001
Calgary Herald. "Brush in Hand: Daphne Odjig is the Grand Lady of Native Art." Calgary Herald 21 Feb. 1993: C1
Canadian Press NewsWire. "Canada Post to Issue Christmas Stamp of Daphne Odjib Painting Genesis." Canadian Press NewsWire 6 Jun. 2001
Cardinal-Schubert, Joane. Time for Dialogue Calgary: Aboriginal Awareness Society, 1992
Christakos, Demtra. The Artist as Storyteller: Works in the Permanent Collection Sudbury, Ontario: Laurentian University Museum and Arts Centre, 1986
Cinader, Bernhard. Contemporary Native Art of Canada: The Woodland Indians London, England: Royal Ontario Museum, 1976
Cinader, Bernhard. Manitoulin Island - The Third Layer Thunder Bay: Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1987
Clark, Janet, ed., Susan Harrison and Richard Hill. The Helen E. Band Collection of First Nations Art: From the Permanent Collection of the Thunder Bay Art Gallery Thunder Bay, Ontario: Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1998
Dept. of Indian, Northern Affairs and Henning Jacobson Prod. Canadian Indian Canvas National Film Board of Canada, 1973
Devine, Bonnie, et al. The Drawings and Paintings of Daphne Odjig: A Retrospective Exhibition Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2007
Dewdney, Selwyn. "Birth of a Cree-Ojibway Style of Contemporary Art." One Century Later: Western Canadian Reserve Indians Since Treaty 7 Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1978
Dickason, Olive. Indian Arts in Canada Ottawa: 1972
Dolan, Marlena, ed. Just Talking About Ourselves: Voices of our Youth Penticton, British Columbia: Theytus Books, 1994
Edinborough, Arnold. "Painter's Lifework a Profound Synthesis." Financial Post 27 Apr. 1985: 26
Farr, Dorothy and Luckyj, Natalie. From Women's Eyes: Women Painters in Canada Kingston: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 1975
Finn, Chris, et al. The Grand Western Canadian Screen Shop, A Print Legend: A Fifteen Year Survey, 1968-1983 Winnipeg, Manitoba: The Grand Western Screen Shop., 1983
Fry, Jacqueline. "Treaty Numbers 23, 287, 1171." Artscanada 29.3: (Autumn 1972): 72-77
Fry, Philip. Manitoba Mainstream: People's Art/ Fine Art Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1972
Gale, Thomson. "Daphne Odjig: Potawatomi Artist." Native North American Almanac 1997
General, Dave. "Indian Artists or Artists Who Are Indian?" Native Perspective 3.2 (1978): 32-37
Gessell, Paul. "Odjig to Receive Governor General Award: Artist Mixes Aboriginal, Contemporary Style." Ottawa Citizen 17 Mar. 2007: F1
Gessell, Paul. "The Mother of Aboriginal Art: Daphne Odjig's 'Powerful, Popular' Art, on Display at the Museum of Civilization, is Impossible to Ignore." Ottawa Citizen 19 Jan. 2008: H1
Ghaznavi, Corinna. Through her Eyes: Works from Our Permanent Collection Kelowna, BC: Kelowna Art Gallery, 2019
Goddard, Peter. "Family Feeling." Toronto Star 15 Mar. 2008: E7
Heller, Jules and Nancy. North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century New York: Garland, 1995
Henning Jacobson Productions Limited. The Colours of Pride Ottawa: National Film Board and Henning Jacobson Productions Ltd, 1973
Hill, Tom. Canadian Art '74 Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1974
Hill, Tom. Indian Art '79 Brantford, Ontario: Woodland Cultural Centre, 1979
Hill, Tom. "Canadian Indian Art: Its Death and Rebirth." Art Magazine 5.18 (Summer 1974):10-13
Houle, Robert. "Odjig: An Artist's Transition." Native Perspective 3.2 (1978): 42-46
Hume, Christopher. "The New Age of Indian Art." Maclean's 92.4 (22 Jan. 1979): 24-28
Hume, Christopher. "The Thunderbird Inspired Artist." Toronto Star (19 Feb. 1964): H2
Hunter, Andrew. Home Base: Notes to an Installation Kamloops, British Columbia: Kamloops Art Gallery, 1998
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Ascending Culture: An Exhibition of Recent Acquisitions Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1986
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Contemporary Indian Art at Rideau Hall Hull, Quebec: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 1983
Kamloops Art Gallery. Daphne Odjig: Four Decades of Prints Kamloops: Kamloops Art Gallery, 2005
Keeptwo, Suzanne. "Odjig Exhibit a Statement of Identity." Wind Speaker 26.1 (Apr. 2008): 21
Kirby, William & Parent, Alain. Exchange/Échange: Grand Western Canadian Screen Shop, Winnipeg; Graff Centre de Conception Graphique, Montréal Montreal: Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, 1975
Kritzwiser, Kay. "The Pendulum and the Paintbrush." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 13 Dec. 1985: D14
Krueger, Pamela. Artists of Northeastern Ontario Sudbury, Ontario: Laurentian University Museum and Arts Centre, 1986
Krueger, Pamela. The Christmas Stocking Sudbury, Ontario: Laurentian University Museum and Arts Centre, 1988
Lazore, M. "Odjig's Paintings Unveiled at the National Arts Centre." Native Perspective 3.1 (1978): 42
Lederman, Marsha. "I Never Dreamed I Would Be in the National Gallery." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 17 Jul. 2008: R4
Logie, Pat Richardson. Chronicles of Pride Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1990
MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009
Martin, Lee-Ann. "Canadian Indian Art." The McMichael Canadian Art Collection Kleinburg, Ontario: McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 1989
Mattes, Catherine. Gatherings: Aboriginal Art from the Collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2002
McDougall, Anne. Canadian Encyclopedia Online Historical Foundation, 1998
McIntosh Art Gallery. Links to a Tradition: Symbolism in Contemporary Canadian Indian Art Indian and Northern Affairs; McIntosh Gallery, 1975
McKay, Raoul, APTN, NFB, et al. The Life and Work of the Woodland Artists Vancouver and Winnipeg: Moving Images Distribution and First Voice Multimedia, 2003
McLaughlin, Gord. "Playwright Creates a New Visual Feast: Native Artist's Works Inspire a Stage Tribute." National Post 21 Feb. 2004: TO 12
McLuhan, Elizabeth and R. M. Vanderburgh. Daphne Odjig: A Retrospective, 1946-1985 Thunder Bay, Ontario: Thunder Bay National Exhibition Centre, 1985
McLuhan, Elizabeth and Vanderburgh, R.M. Daphne Odjig: A Retrospective, 1946-1985 Thunder Bay, Ontario: 1985
McMaster, Gerald, et al. In the Shadow of the Sun: Perspectives on Contemporary Native Art Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1993
Menitove, Marcy and Danford, Joanne, eds. Woodlands: Contemporary Art of the Anishnabe Thunder Bay, Ontario: 1989
Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery & Carmen Robertson. From Wigwas to Canvas: Generations of Woodland Art: A Mackenzie Art Gallery Provincial Outreach Exhibition Regina: Mackenzie Art Gallery, 2002
Ojibwe Cultural Foundation. Anishnabe Mee-Kun: A Circulating Exhibition of Art by Anishnabe Artists of the Manitoulin Island Area Manitoulin Island, Ontario: Ojibwe Cultural Foundation, 1980
Patterson, Nancy-Lou. "Shaking Tents and Medicine Snakes: Traditional Elements in Contemporary Woodland Indian Art." Artmagazine (Summer 1976): 52-57
Perry, Richard. " 'A Painbrush in my Hand' by Daphne Odjig." Books in Canada 22.3 (Apr. 1993): 30-32
Phillips, Ruth B. Trading Identities: The Souvenir in Native North American Art from the Northeast, 1700-1900 Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1998
Phillips, Ruth B. "Art History and the Native-made Object: New Discourses, Old Differences?" Native American Art in the Twentieth Century New York: Routledge, 1999
Podedworny, Carol. Woodlands: Contemporary Art of the Anishnabe Thunder Bay: Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1989
Posner, Michael. "Eight Artists Prized for Their Work." Globe and Mail (Toronto) 21 Mar. 2007: R1
Poulos, Ted. New Prints from the Screen Shop Winnipeg, Manitoba: The Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1973
Pringle, Heather. "Spirits Journey: The Life and Art of Daphne Odjig." Equinox 5 (Jul./Aug. 1986): 50-59
Royal Ontario Museum. Contemporary Native Art of Canada - Manitoulin Island Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1978
Rushing, W. Jackson. Native American Art in the Twentieth Century London and New York: Routledge, 1999
Schwarz, Herbert. "Daphne Odjig." Arts West 2.2 (1977): 12-15
Schwarz, Herbert T. Contes Erotiques Indiens Montreal: Editions du Jours, 1974
Southcott, Mary E. The Sound of the Drum: The Sacred Art of the Anishnabec Erin, Ontario: Boston Mills Press, 1984
Stevens, Valerie. Treasures of Canada Toronto: Samuel-Stevens, 1981
Sydie, R.A. " 'A Paintbrush in my Hand', by Daphne Odjig." Canadian Ethnic Studies 27.1 (1995): 176-177
Syncrude Canada Ltd. Canada's First People: A Celebration of Contemporary Native Visual Arts Fort McMurray, Alberta: Syncrude Canada, 1992
Taylor-Garcia, Daphne. Cultural Grammars, Revitalist Identities, Indigenous Narratives Peterborough: The Author, 2000
Tippett, Maria. By a Lady. Toronto: Viking, 1992.
Vedan, Barbara. "Daphne Odjig: The Indian in Transition." Arts West 3.6 (Nov./Dec. 1978): 31-33
Warman, Christopher. "Art Broke a Taboo." Times 28 May 1982: 15
Warner, John Anson. "Contemporary Algonkian Legend Painting." American Indian Art Magazine 3.3 (Summer 1978)
Warner, John Anson. "New Visions in Canadian Plains Painting." American Indian Art Magazine 10 (Spring 1985): 46-53, 77
White, Laura. Winnipeg: Gallery 1CO3, 2013. Herstory: Art by Women in the University of Winnipeg Collection. Ed. Jennifer Gibson Winnipeg, Manitoba: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2013
Wigmore, Donnalu and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. "Spirit Speaking Through." Spectrum Toronto: National Film Board and CBC Toronto, 1982
Winnipeg Art Gallery. Treaty Numbers 23, 287, 1171: Three Indian Painters of the Prairies Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1972
Woodley, Barbara. Portraits of Canadian Women in Focus Toronto: Doubleday Canada Limited, 1993
Zepp, Norman. Two Worlds: Contemporary Canadian Indian Art From the Collection of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Regina, Saskatchewan: The Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1985
Zuk, W. M. Art First Nations: Tradition and Innovation, Eastern and Northern Woodlands Montreal and Champlain, NY: Art Image Productions, 1992

Writings by
Odjig, Daphne. Daphne Odjig Ottawa: Canadian Indian Marketing Services, 1977
Odjig, Daphne. Daphne Odjig Slide Collection Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, ?
Odjig, Daphne. Legends of Nanabush Boston: Ginn, 1971
Odjig, Daphne. Nanabush and the Chipmunk Toronto: Ginn, 1971
Odjig, Daphne. Nanabush and the Dancing Ducks Toronto: Ginn, 1971
Odjig, Daphne. Nanabush and the Rabbit Toronto: Ginn, 1971
Odjig, Daphne. Nanabush and the Spirit of Thunder Toronto: Ginn, 1971
Odjig, Daphne. Nanabush and the Spirit of Winter Toronto: Ginn, 1971
Odjig, Daphne. Nanabush and the Wild Geese Toronto: Ginn, 1971
Odjig, Daphne. Nanabush and the Wild Rosebushes Toronto: Ginn, 1971
Odjig, Daphne. Nanabush Loses His Eyeballs Toronto: Ginn, 1971
Odjig, Daphne. Nanabush Punishes the Raccoon Toronto: Ginn, 1971
Odjig, Daphne. Nanbush and Mandomin Toronto: Ginn, 1971
Odjig, Daphne. Odjig: The Art of Daphne Odjig, 1966 - 2000 Toronto: Key Porter Books, 2001
Odjig, Daphne and Indian Prints of Canada. Catalogue Winnipeg: Odjig Indian Prints of Canada, 197?
Odjig, Daphne, Rosamond M. Vanderburgh and Beth Southcott. A Paintbrush in My Hand Toronto: Natural Heritage/Natural History, 1992
Schwarz, Herbert T., Illustrated by Daphne Odjig. Tales from the Smokehouse Edmonton: Hurtig, 1974

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