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DONLY, Eva Brook

Simcoe, Ontario, 1867
Simcoe, Ontario, 1941
Biography synopsis
The life and work of Eva Brook Donly was marked by her many travels and artistic opportunities. After receiving her diploma in Fine Arts from Alma Ladies' College and a Grade A certificate from the Ontario School of Art (now the Ontario College of Art and Design University), she worked as head of the Art Department at Alma College from 1887-90, when she left for New York to pursue her studies at the Institute of Artist-Artisans. From New York she traveled to Mexico City, where she opened a book shop and met fellow Simcoe resident Augustine Donly, who was there to learn conversational Spanish. They were married in Simcoe in 1896. The couple was not to remain in Canada however, as Augustine was appointed Trade Commissioner to Mexico and they returned to Mexico City in 1905. After continuing her studies at the San Carlos Academy, Donly applied herself seriously to her artistic career and became known for her portraits and her landscapes of Mexico, Bermuda and views of the Laurentian Mountains and Simcoe. Her work was shown in various exhibitions both in Canada and abroad, and she held solo shows at the Hotel Colonial in Bermuda and the Frank Jarman Gallery in Ottawa. A member of several art clubs and associations in Simcoe and New York, Donly maintained residences in both these cities. Upon her death, she bequeathed her historic Simcoe home to be used as a museum of art and antiques. It is now known as the Eva Brook Donly Museum, and counts many of her paintings in its collection. Her work can also be found in the National Gallery of Canada and one painting of a u-boat, commissioned by the U.S. Victory Loan Campaign, is owned by the U.S. government.
Media used
Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas, ? - 1886 (under F.M. Bell-Smith)
New York Institute of Artist-Artisans, 1890 - 1891 (under John Ward Stinson)
Ontario College of Art & Design (formerly Ontario School of Art), 1886 - 1887
San Carlos Academy, Mexico City, Mexico (under José M. Pino)
Gamut Club, New York, 1918
National Arts Club, New York, 1919
New York Water Colour Club, 1919
Society of Independent Artists, New York, 1919
Arts Club, Washington, DC, 1919
Pen and Brush Club of New York, 1920
File & Archive locations
Art Gallery of Ontario - Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, QC
National Gallery of Canada, ON - Library and Archives
Eva Brook Donly Museum, ON
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Documentation Centre, QC

Writings about
"Aquarelles par Mme Brook Donly." La Patrie (Montreal) 12 Dec. 1916: 2
"Bermudian, Canadian and Mexican picture exhibition." Royal Gazette (Hamilton, Bermuda) 17 Feb. 1916
"Fine Work Marks R.C.A. Exhibition." Gazette (Montreal) 20 Nov. 1925
"Paintings by Late Eva Brook Donly Displayed at Alma." Simcoe Reformer (Ontario) 7 Aug. 1952
"Private View at Art Gallery." Daily Star (Montreal) 10 Mar. 1911: 2
"Toiles remarquables par les peintres de Toronto." La Presse (Montreal) 23 Nov. 1925
American Federation of the Arts. American Art Annual, 1933 Washington, DC and New York: American Federation of the Arts, 1933
American Federation of the Arts. Who's Who in American Art, 1940 Washington, DC: American Federation of the Arts, 1940
American Federation of the Arts. Who's Who in American Art, 1982 New York: R. R. Bowker, 1982
Eva Brook-Donly Memorial Art Gallery. The Eva Brook-Donly Memorial Gallery of Art Simcoe, ON: Eva Brook-Donly Memorial Art Gallery, ?
Fielding, Mantle. Dictionary of American Painters, Sculptors, and Engravers Poughkeepsie, New York: Apollo Books, 1986
Frank Jarman's Art Gallery. Catalogue of a special exhibition and sale of water-colors by Eva Brook Donly: a cordial invitation is extended to attend this exhibition Ottawa, ON: Frank Jarman's Art Gallery, 1916
Harper, J. Russell. Early Painters and Engravers in Canada Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970
Hill, C.C. and P.B. Landry, eds. National Gallery Catalogue, Canadian Art Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1988
Hubbard, R. H. The National Gallery of Canada Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture Ottawa: Published for the Trustees by University of Toronto Press, 1957
Hughes, Margaret E. A Guide to Canadian Painters Toronto: King's Printer, 1940
Hughes, Margaret E. "A Guide to Canadian Painters." Ontario Library Review 24.3 (May-Aug. 1940)
M., G. "Review." Reformer (Simcoe, Ontario) 2 Feb. 1950
M., G. "Unequalled Collection of Historical Paintings on Display at Museum Here." Simcoe Reformer (Ontario) 2 Feb. 1950
MacDonald, Colin S. The Dictionary of Canadian Artists. (Volumes 1-8 by Colin S. MacDonald, and volume 9 by Anne Newlands and Judith Parker) Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 2009
MacTavish, Newton. Ars Longa Toronto: The Ontario Publishing Co., 1925
MacTavish, Newton. The Fine Arts in Canada Toronto: Macmillan, 1925
Marlor, Clark S. Society of Independent Artists Exhibition Record 1917-1944 New Jersey: Noyes Press, 1984
McKendry, Blake. A to Z of Canadian Art: Artists and Art Terms Kingston: B. McKendry, 1997
McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Formerly Art Association of Montreal: Spring Exhibitions, 1880-1970 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988
McMann, Evelyn de Rostaing. Royal Canadian Academy of Arts/Académie royale des arts du Canada: Exhibitions and Members 1880-1979 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981
Morgan, Henry James. The Canadian Men and Women of the Time: A Handbook of Canadian Biography Toronto: William Briggs, 1898
National Gallery of Canada. Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture, Vol. 3: Canadian School Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1960
National Gallery of Canada. Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture: Canadian School Ottawa: Trustees of the National Gallery of Canada, 1957
Norfolk Historical Society. Catalogue of original Cantelon paintings of Norfolk historical scenes and pioneer citizens : owned by the Norfolk Historical Society Simcoe, ON: Eva Brook Donly Museum Commission, 2nd ed., 1967
Norfolk Historical Society. The centennial exhibit of the Eva Brook Donly Museum:depicting highlights in the history of Norfolk County Simcoe, ON: Norfolk Historical Society, 1967
Petteys, Chris, et al. Dictionary of Women Artists: An International Dictionary of Women Artists Born Before 1900 Boston: G. K. Hall, 1985
Reynolds, Marion R. "Eva Brook Donly, Canadian Artist of Merit." Antique Showcase (Jan. 1988)
Thieme, Ulrich and Felix Becker. Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart Leipzig, Germany: E. A. Seamans, 1962
Young, William, ed. Dictionary of American Artists, Sculptors and Engravers from the Beginnings through the Turn of the Twentieth Century Cambridge, Massachussetts: William Young & Co, 1968

Full text pdfs of exhibition reviews
The Joint Annual Exhibition of the RCA and the OSA: (Toronto; Montreal (Fall), April 05, 1918) "War-time Note in Academy Pictures. Camouflaged Shipping the Subject of Some Historically Interesting Works. Standard Maintained. Painters Producing Fewer Works Evidenced by Showing Pictures Exhibited Last Spring in Toronto."  Gazette (Montreal)  November 22, 1918.  p.11.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, March 08, 1919) "O.S.A. Annual Exhibition. Colour, Vigour and Originality Chief Characteristics of the Works. Great War Records."  Globe (Toronto)  March 08, 1919.  p.8.   Full-text pdf
Ontario Society of Artists Annual Exhibition: (Toronto, March 08, 1919) M.L.A.F..  "New Thoughts In Art Seen At Exhibition. Display of the Ontario Artists' Society Includes Many Outstanding Paintings."  Toronto Star  March 15, 1919.  p.11.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, November 18, 1920) "Art of Canadians Well Represented."  Gazette (Montreal)  November 19, 1920.  p.9.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, November 18, 1920) Ramsay Traquair.  "Royal Canadian Academy."  Canadian Forum  December 1920.  1.3: pp.83-85.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, November 19, 1925) "Fine Work Marks R.C.A. Exhibition. New Schools Offer Contrast to Solidly-Based Qualities of Older and Established Painters."  Gazette (Montreal)  November 20, 1925.  p.10.   Full-text pdf
Royal Canadian Academy Annual Exhibition: (Montreal, November 19, 1925) "Toiles remarquables par les peintres de Toronto."  La Presse (Montreal)  November 23, 1925.  p.5.   Full-text pdf
Art Association of Montreal Annual Spring Exhibition: (Montreal, March 26, 1926) "Private View Held at Art Exhibition. Committee of Selection Had to Perform Obviously Difficult Task. Many Omissions Noted."  Gazette (Montreal)  March 29, 1926.  p.6.   Full-text pdf

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